
Monday, May 30, 2011

Sunset last night

Our drive south from Tallahassee was uneventful. We took I-10 to begin but back roads after that. Along the way we passed a forest fire and I guess it was put out as we didn't see anything on the news about it. One of the highways closer to the coast was very narrow and winding. But we managed to find Cedar Key

This was our first glimpse of water and it sure looked inviting!

We had no problem finding Low Key Hide Away but checking in was interesting. We pulled off the highway as much as we could and Jim went in while I walked Boo. We left the emergency lights on. There was a computer problem so the work camper told us to drive into town and approach the campground from the south. Okey dokie....they stop traffic so you can back into the site! Only five sites, two 50 amps. Also 5 cabins all wedged between the water and the road.

We set up in the heat of the afternoon so as soon as we got the majority of it done we sat for a bit with a cold beer. As we sat looking out over the water we saw an Osprey, pelicans, fish jumping (maybe mullet) and a pair of dolphins! From the size of the fin I'd say mom and calf. Great for our first day here.

Dinner was spaghetti, Sonsearae had given us some leftover sauce and pasta and I cooked up a bit more pasta. Memorial Day is our Anniversary, it marks the day Jim moved in with me and we've been together ever since!

While I was doing dishes the sun started sinking in the west right behind our home...

We enjoyed our first sunset.

Back inside we lost our internet and never had tv reception. We did hook up with their cable so we did have tv for the evening. Jim said he'd move the rig and get a better signal but alas that didn't happen. Apparently there is something wrong with the dish. We moved 2-3 feet and tried and tried to get connected. By lunchtime today we were all set up once again.
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