At times this month has gone quickly but the last three days have gone very slowly! We've not done much in the last two days. Jim cleaned on the rig and made sure the truck was clean.
We've just been killing time until we leave in the morning for our summer home.
We had rain during the night and for some reason we both got up at 0600 this morning! Very unusual for Jim to get up at that hour. But because he did I managed to get the sheets washed and back on the bed before noon!
I watched all of my soaps today. Made some ribs in the crock pot for dinner. Made some cookies that didn't turn out as well as they should have. No matter I have more dough to bake up.
Tomorrow night on the USA channel there will be a show about Highway 50. That's the road we've been traveling on and I'm curious about the series.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Monday, June 29, 2009
Lamar, Colorado
We left Dodge City around 1000. Our drive wasn't that far so there was no need to leave early. We also knew we'd be getting into the Mountain time Zone. The drive was uneventful, the kind we like! Highway 50 is a good road and it really didn't have a lot of traffic.
We stopped for lunch at a roadside park with this Historical Marker.
We drove by quite a few feed lots, those poor cows all crammed inside small enclosures being fed corn to fatten them up for market. :( Also drove by a lot huge silos for holding grain. As we drove west we were steadily climbing and made it to around 3500 feet above sea level.
We arrived in Lamar, around 1300 local time. When you check in you get an ice cream sandwich. Jim ate both and thoroughly enjoyed them! It took us about 30 minutes to set up. Looking around I think there were about four rigs here. This campground is a former KOA. As the afternoon passed more and more rigs showed up and our ranks swelled to about a dozen! It was a quiet night.
Sometime after 0600 one of our neighbors decided to slam car door, which woke Boo, which woke us! I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. I got up around 0630.....grrrrr
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Getting Out of Dodge!
I also forgot to mention that I defrosted the freezer. It was way past being time to do it. Took most of the ice and watered the tree outside!
Yesterday we went into town to find the Farmer's Market running from 7-noon. After circling the downtown area for a bit we pulled into the parking lot and found a few tables set up under the cover of the porches of the shops. We didn't even get out because from what I could see all they had were potted plants, jams and jellies and craft items.
We drove around for a bit and then stopped for fuel and paid $2.53 for diesel. Since we'd done all we set out to do we headed home. As we entered the campground I saw what I thought was a leaf blowing in the wind, but it turned out to be this horned lizard in the picture below.

I hope the link works. I've lost my bookmark to the tiny url site!
After we got home and changed clothing we both got busy cleaning the drawers by the sink. Our friendly mouse had been in all so everything was washed and put back. Jim did most of the work.
Then it was time for lunch. Sandwich for Jim and I had leftover pasta. My friend Anne had Shrimp salad!!!
We spent the afternoon watching Wesley Snipe movies and our evening watching the BBCA shows, Primeval and Dr Who. With a dinner of beans and rice during that time.
Today we're getting out of Dodge! LOL Heading over to Lamar, Colorado. This will be a short stay and our final one before we get to Mountaindale for July and August.
Friday, June 26, 2009
Dodge City claims to be the windiest city in the USA....and it's quite breezy right now but the temperature is still 93 degrees outside at 1940. Not a cloud in the sky either. Dodge also has some very hard water. It leaves spots on glasses and pans. Even the counter tops get a gritty feeling if you don't keep them dried off. If water sits to long you can scrape it off with a fingernail. I can't imagine what the water might be doing with our fixtures and lines.
We've not done anything worthy of blogging. Just chores. We finally got the oil changed in the truck, it was making some odd noises. Jim has been cleaning the truck and rig. Working a little bit each day before it becomes to hot. We don't want Ed to think Jim is getting lazy!
I've been doing laundry and cooking. Had smoked pork chops for dinner tonight with some pasta and peas.
We've set a trap for our mouse. Last night he didn't take the bait. Boo hears him I'm sure. Something makes him bark and jump out of bed.
It's my understanding that the Gunsmoke Campground is for sale. If you're in the market this place might be worth a look. Constantly busy and a casino is being built just up the road.
We've not done anything worthy of blogging. Just chores. We finally got the oil changed in the truck, it was making some odd noises. Jim has been cleaning the truck and rig. Working a little bit each day before it becomes to hot. We don't want Ed to think Jim is getting lazy!
I've been doing laundry and cooking. Had smoked pork chops for dinner tonight with some pasta and peas.
We've set a trap for our mouse. Last night he didn't take the bait. Boo hears him I'm sure. Something makes him bark and jump out of bed.
It's my understanding that the Gunsmoke Campground is for sale. If you're in the market this place might be worth a look. Constantly busy and a casino is being built just up the road.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
One of the things I miss about not having a house with a yard is gardening. Not that I did it much in New Orleans, but I did grow tomatoes, herbs and other things in pots on my patio. Nothing tastes better than a tomato you've grown yourself. And I miss fresh tomatoes as we travel. We never seem to be where they're picking them. I do have some herbs that travel with me and a cactus pot....
I hope you enjoy this article and it inspires you to plan something!
Reprinted with permission....
Dear Kitchen Gardener,
If you could choose between a golden egg and golden goose, which would you choose? Unless you live in a small apartment or have a severe case of goosaphobia, you'd be birdbrained not to choose the bird. Not only would it provide you with golden eggs, but also a little "black gold" for your compost pile. This fairy-tale choice is so clear that you'd think it'd be easy for us to see similar real-world opportunities, but many of them literally slip right through our fingers each year in the form of seeds. When we plant seeds, most of us are thinking "eggs" when we should be thinking "geese" and I include myself in this group. I don't do nearly as much seedsaving as I could. I don't have just one excuse but a whole list of them which, conveniently for me, is the same list I use for not flossing my teeth. While I'm still a bit birdbrained about seedsaving, I can proudly say that my garden has become the golden goose of garlic production. Not only did it produce enough to meet my family’s needs for a whole year, but we grew enough bulbs that we didn't have to buy any seed garlic. The bulbs we harvested last summer and cloves we planted last fall are now producing a bountiful harvest of garlic scapes just as our storage bulbs are running out. And the next crop of fresh bulbs won't be far behind insuring the cycle continues.I realize that one suburban family's supply of garlic may seem like a small victory for global food security, but garlic's more of a bellwether crop than you might think. It can be successfully grown in diverse soils and climates, used in a wide variety of dishes and yet it’s a crop which curiously few home gardeners grow themselves. Why? I imagine that many take it for granted because garlic like so many other foods these days has been set "free" upon the world and is no longer bounded by the seasons and geography. It's available whenever, wherever, and however we want it, in bulbs, minced, and flaked. When we dig deeper, though, we learn that what appears to be the free market at work is not quite what it seems. China accounts for 78% of the world's garlic production while the US ranks fifth with 1.4%, the majority of that coming from a single county (Santa Clara) in California. So, technically-speaking, garlic shoppers at large US grocery stores do have a choice, Chinese or Californian, but it’s not nearly as big or diverse as they think.With July 4th and other independence day celebrations just around the corner, people will have other options to ponder as they plan their holiday meals. For too many in the US, the “choices” will be Bud or Miller or an industrially-produced hotdog or an industrially-produced hamburger. I don’t know about you, but I think our national holiday deserves better than barbecued mystery-meat and water-flavored beer. I am encouraging everyone I know (and 50 governors I don't know) to think outside the big box store mentality this July 4th by sourcing their holiday meals as locally, sustainably, and directly as they can. In doing so, we discover other ways of procuring good foods and eating that are better for us, our local farmers, our health and that of the planet.
Moving towards food independence doesn't mean having to do everything and grow everything on our own. It's about learning what we, our soils, climate, and local farmers can produce, effortlessly or with some coaxing, and committing to eat more of these things when nature offers them up to us. In doing so, we discover that we have more choices and freedom than we realized.
Plus, in striving for greater food independence for yourself, your family and community, you’ll be joining a revolutionary tradition that transcends time, cultures and borders. The battle for food independence is inextricably entwined with the history of political independence. Whether it’s the “Sons of Liberty” tossing crates of tea into Boston Harbor or hungry French peasants storming the Bastille armed only with farm tools and stale baguettes (a lethal weapon, if you've ever been on the business end of one), history offers inspiring examples of what small bands of people can achieve when they put their mind to something.
So, don’t just celebrate your independence this summer, savor it in all its freshness, localness, and drip-down-your-chin juiciness. We can’t know it for sure, but I suspect it’s what the “Founding Farmers” would want us to do.
Happy June,
Roger Doiron
PS: You're welcome to republish the text and images above on your website, blog or newsletter. If so, please include a link to and/or
PPS: Got any little gardeners in your family? Tell them about the "I'm a Victory Grower" contest.
I hope you enjoy this article and it inspires you to plan something!
Reprinted with permission....
Dear Kitchen Gardener,
If you could choose between a golden egg and golden goose, which would you choose? Unless you live in a small apartment or have a severe case of goosaphobia, you'd be birdbrained not to choose the bird. Not only would it provide you with golden eggs, but also a little "black gold" for your compost pile. This fairy-tale choice is so clear that you'd think it'd be easy for us to see similar real-world opportunities, but many of them literally slip right through our fingers each year in the form of seeds. When we plant seeds, most of us are thinking "eggs" when we should be thinking "geese" and I include myself in this group. I don't do nearly as much seedsaving as I could. I don't have just one excuse but a whole list of them which, conveniently for me, is the same list I use for not flossing my teeth. While I'm still a bit birdbrained about seedsaving, I can proudly say that my garden has become the golden goose of garlic production. Not only did it produce enough to meet my family’s needs for a whole year, but we grew enough bulbs that we didn't have to buy any seed garlic. The bulbs we harvested last summer and cloves we planted last fall are now producing a bountiful harvest of garlic scapes just as our storage bulbs are running out. And the next crop of fresh bulbs won't be far behind insuring the cycle continues.I realize that one suburban family's supply of garlic may seem like a small victory for global food security, but garlic's more of a bellwether crop than you might think. It can be successfully grown in diverse soils and climates, used in a wide variety of dishes and yet it’s a crop which curiously few home gardeners grow themselves. Why? I imagine that many take it for granted because garlic like so many other foods these days has been set "free" upon the world and is no longer bounded by the seasons and geography. It's available whenever, wherever, and however we want it, in bulbs, minced, and flaked. When we dig deeper, though, we learn that what appears to be the free market at work is not quite what it seems. China accounts for 78% of the world's garlic production while the US ranks fifth with 1.4%, the majority of that coming from a single county (Santa Clara) in California. So, technically-speaking, garlic shoppers at large US grocery stores do have a choice, Chinese or Californian, but it’s not nearly as big or diverse as they think.With July 4th and other independence day celebrations just around the corner, people will have other options to ponder as they plan their holiday meals. For too many in the US, the “choices” will be Bud or Miller or an industrially-produced hotdog or an industrially-produced hamburger. I don’t know about you, but I think our national holiday deserves better than barbecued mystery-meat and water-flavored beer. I am encouraging everyone I know (and 50 governors I don't know) to think outside the big box store mentality this July 4th by sourcing their holiday meals as locally, sustainably, and directly as they can. In doing so, we discover other ways of procuring good foods and eating that are better for us, our local farmers, our health and that of the planet.
Moving towards food independence doesn't mean having to do everything and grow everything on our own. It's about learning what we, our soils, climate, and local farmers can produce, effortlessly or with some coaxing, and committing to eat more of these things when nature offers them up to us. In doing so, we discover that we have more choices and freedom than we realized.
Plus, in striving for greater food independence for yourself, your family and community, you’ll be joining a revolutionary tradition that transcends time, cultures and borders. The battle for food independence is inextricably entwined with the history of political independence. Whether it’s the “Sons of Liberty” tossing crates of tea into Boston Harbor or hungry French peasants storming the Bastille armed only with farm tools and stale baguettes (a lethal weapon, if you've ever been on the business end of one), history offers inspiring examples of what small bands of people can achieve when they put their mind to something.
So, don’t just celebrate your independence this summer, savor it in all its freshness, localness, and drip-down-your-chin juiciness. We can’t know it for sure, but I suspect it’s what the “Founding Farmers” would want us to do.
Happy June,
Roger Doiron
PS: You're welcome to republish the text and images above on your website, blog or newsletter. If so, please include a link to and/or
PPS: Got any little gardeners in your family? Tell them about the "I'm a Victory Grower" contest.
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
It's hot here!
It's way to hot here to do anything. Jim was up at 0800 this morning and went into town to have the windshield replaced on the truck. They gave him a loan of a car! Can't remember when this last happened. He didn't even have to sign for it......
We cleaned out the cabinet under the sink. We've had visitors.....and they made a mess. As long as we had the vacuum out we moved furniture and cleaned up the downstairs.
After lunch Jim retrieved our truck but they didn't put the inspection stickers back on and it looks naked....
Yesterday we took Boo to Kayla's Happy Tails Grooming Salon and had him groomed. He looks a lot better! But we are still having a problem with fleas. He's due to see a vet next month and I think I'll ask about changing his flea prevention medication.
Our afternoons have been very hot, temperatures in the upper 90's. The humidity is low but it really doesn't make it less hot. Neither one of us wants to be out in it.
Had chicken enchiladas for dinner with a small salad. Jim found the movie, National Treasure with no commercials so we watched that and enjoyed some popcorn.
Monday, June 22, 2009
OK! I'm blogging....
Apparently some of you want me to blog. So here I am.
Truth is we haven't done much. We left Missouri last Thursday and drove to Wichita. The GPS took us to a cemetery and although I don't have a problem with spending a night in a graveyard I'm sure the good people of Wichita would object. We did manage to find the campground after we got the computer from the rig.
But! We could only stay one night because Blasi Campground was booked for the weekend. No matter, we're flexible and I did all my laundry because they charged us $29 for the night!
Friday we headed over to Dodge City and the Gunsmoke RV Park There is road construction downtown which makes getting around a wee bit exciting. But we've found some back roads and manage to avoid it. Except when you need groceries, both Walmart and Dillons are on the same road and yup, that one is getting some road work too. And Walmart is remodeling! Fun trying to find anything!!!
I got a haircut Saturday. Boo is getting a haircut today. We've had some rain since we arrived but it cleared off yesterday morning and the sun has been out all day today. I believe the guy on the radio said the for today will be 101. But it's a 'dry' heat. :)
Truth is we haven't done much. We left Missouri last Thursday and drove to Wichita. The GPS took us to a cemetery and although I don't have a problem with spending a night in a graveyard I'm sure the good people of Wichita would object. We did manage to find the campground after we got the computer from the rig.
But! We could only stay one night because Blasi Campground was booked for the weekend. No matter, we're flexible and I did all my laundry because they charged us $29 for the night!
Friday we headed over to Dodge City and the Gunsmoke RV Park There is road construction downtown which makes getting around a wee bit exciting. But we've found some back roads and manage to avoid it. Except when you need groceries, both Walmart and Dillons are on the same road and yup, that one is getting some road work too. And Walmart is remodeling! Fun trying to find anything!!!
I got a haircut Saturday. Boo is getting a haircut today. We've had some rain since we arrived but it cleared off yesterday morning and the sun has been out all day today. I believe the guy on the radio said the for today will be 101. But it's a 'dry' heat. :)
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
family, food and weather continued
Monday after breakfast we headed east and south to visit with Judy and Hugh in Bennett Springs, Missouri. We left around 0930 under very cloudy skies. I thought for sure we'd get some rain during the drive but we didn't. I think we arrived just before 1100. We noticed all the gas stations had diesel for $2.39 so we made a mental note to refuel on the trip home. The area of Bennett Springs is quite lovely and we know why Judy and Hugh decided to live there. Hugh is a fly fisherman and uses the state park quite often! If you've never been to the Ozarks you're missing out on a lot of natural beauty our country has to offer.
Judy fixed us a lunch of enchiladas with chips and all the fixins. It was delicious and I especially liked the cold beer served in a frosty mug! Jim and Hugh had one too so I wasn't drinking alone.... :) We also had a frozen dessert that I failed to get a name for. Made with raspberries and Jim had seconds! It was very good. The sun came out and warmed up the afternoon.
We took Boo with us and for the most part he was good. He didn't enjoy the drive and was glad to to get out of the truck.
We enjoyed our visit with Judy and Hugh, catching up and hearing stories. We left around 1600, again under cloudy skies. This part of the country sure is wet and doesn't need any more rain.
We did stop for fuel and Jim bought me a Dove candy bar. I've been wanting some good chocolate for quite some time, so that was thoughtful of him. We got home around 1800. I can't recall what we did. Probably TV and computers.
Before bed I checked the weather and we had storms heading our way so we brought the awning in. Boy howdy did we get storms! Lightening, thunder, heavy rain and some wicked wind! According to the owner 3 inches of rain fell and ten miles from here a tornado..... :( Needless to say we didn't get a lot of sleep. Poor Boo was startled by some of the thunder that was close.
Yesterday (Tuesday) we just relaxed around home. We did have some standing water so Jim couldn't do as much outside as he wanted. I watched my soaps and did some crocheting. I finished a yellow scarf. Poor Boo spent most of the day sleeping, I think he was stressed out with all the traveling.
The sun is out and its supposed to be a sunny day....
Judy fixed us a lunch of enchiladas with chips and all the fixins. It was delicious and I especially liked the cold beer served in a frosty mug! Jim and Hugh had one too so I wasn't drinking alone.... :) We also had a frozen dessert that I failed to get a name for. Made with raspberries and Jim had seconds! It was very good. The sun came out and warmed up the afternoon.
We took Boo with us and for the most part he was good. He didn't enjoy the drive and was glad to to get out of the truck.
We enjoyed our visit with Judy and Hugh, catching up and hearing stories. We left around 1600, again under cloudy skies. This part of the country sure is wet and doesn't need any more rain.
We did stop for fuel and Jim bought me a Dove candy bar. I've been wanting some good chocolate for quite some time, so that was thoughtful of him. We got home around 1800. I can't recall what we did. Probably TV and computers.
Before bed I checked the weather and we had storms heading our way so we brought the awning in. Boy howdy did we get storms! Lightening, thunder, heavy rain and some wicked wind! According to the owner 3 inches of rain fell and ten miles from here a tornado..... :( Needless to say we didn't get a lot of sleep. Poor Boo was startled by some of the thunder that was close.
Yesterday (Tuesday) we just relaxed around home. We did have some standing water so Jim couldn't do as much outside as he wanted. I watched my soaps and did some crocheting. I finished a yellow scarf. Poor Boo spent most of the day sleeping, I think he was stressed out with all the traveling.
The sun is out and its supposed to be a sunny day....
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
family, food and weather
Sunday we had breakfast and did a few chores around the house. Lunch was leftovers for both of us. After lunch we changed clothes and headed to Olathe, Kansas around 1240 to visit with John and Kathy. We made a stop in Peculiar, Mo and bought some fuel for $2.47. Seems gas prices are going up everywhere!
John was at work but Kathy was home and we had time to catch up and chat with her while she put the finishing touched on our dinner. Once John was home he fired up the grill and cooked pork chops and potato wedges (precooked sweet potatoes and russets), we also had a spinach salad, asiago bread and apple pie for dessert. We were blessed with a sunny afternoon to enjoy our meal outside on the deck!
We headed home around 2000. There is construction on hwy 71 and we wanted to get through it before sunset. Off and on after dark we had rain. Most of it was light showers but it was enough to slow us down a bit. Highway 54 from Eldorado Springs has been resurfaced and the combination of fresh asphalt, no center stripes and rain made this part of the trip difficult. Then we had foggy patches! We also got behind an idiot that was towing a trailer with no lights!
We were glad to get home shortly after 2200. Quick showers, a few chores and we hit the sack. Boo was glad to be home too, he still doesn't travel well staying awake all the time. He did rest some at John and Kathy's but mostly he sniffed his way around the house and was active all afternoon.
More later!
John was at work but Kathy was home and we had time to catch up and chat with her while she put the finishing touched on our dinner. Once John was home he fired up the grill and cooked pork chops and potato wedges (precooked sweet potatoes and russets), we also had a spinach salad, asiago bread and apple pie for dessert. We were blessed with a sunny afternoon to enjoy our meal outside on the deck!
We headed home around 2000. There is construction on hwy 71 and we wanted to get through it before sunset. Off and on after dark we had rain. Most of it was light showers but it was enough to slow us down a bit. Highway 54 from Eldorado Springs has been resurfaced and the combination of fresh asphalt, no center stripes and rain made this part of the trip difficult. Then we had foggy patches! We also got behind an idiot that was towing a trailer with no lights!
We were glad to get home shortly after 2200. Quick showers, a few chores and we hit the sack. Boo was glad to be home too, he still doesn't travel well staying awake all the time. He did rest some at John and Kathy's but mostly he sniffed his way around the house and was active all afternoon.
More later!
Sunday, June 14, 2009
doing nothing
That's what we've been doing....nothing. Jim seems to think I need to write every day, but some days are just boring....
I seem to be getting back to 'normal' with my early rising, yesterday it was 0538, today I slept until 0645...But the rain woke me and it was pleasant listening to it, which got my brain going so I got up.
We drove into El Dorado Springs yesterday mostly because I needed some groceries but we also went out to lunch. Rusty Jug Barbeque and Root Beer Saloon, Not the best we've had but it was tasty. Jim had ribs and I had pulled pork (in honor of Anne!) LOL
We have the bird feeders up and hummingbirds, American Gold Finches and purple finches are frequent visitors. The gold finches are gorgeous in their yellow plumage and black caps.
This campground is peaceful. Since it isn't a touristy area there isn't much to do so it doesn't attract families. There's a Good Sam rally of sorts. Just some friends from Forsyth, Mo. 8 or 10 rigs. There have been only a few overnighters.
Our friend Karen called yesterday, it was nice talking to her. She and Dave were concerned about the storms that have been going through the mid west. We have had some showers but nothing exciting and no storm conditions at all.
Today we're driving up to Olathe, Kansas to visit with John and Kathy.
I seem to be getting back to 'normal' with my early rising, yesterday it was 0538, today I slept until 0645...But the rain woke me and it was pleasant listening to it, which got my brain going so I got up.
We drove into El Dorado Springs yesterday mostly because I needed some groceries but we also went out to lunch. Rusty Jug Barbeque and Root Beer Saloon, Not the best we've had but it was tasty. Jim had ribs and I had pulled pork (in honor of Anne!) LOL
We have the bird feeders up and hummingbirds, American Gold Finches and purple finches are frequent visitors. The gold finches are gorgeous in their yellow plumage and black caps.
This campground is peaceful. Since it isn't a touristy area there isn't much to do so it doesn't attract families. There's a Good Sam rally of sorts. Just some friends from Forsyth, Mo. 8 or 10 rigs. There have been only a few overnighters.
Our friend Karen called yesterday, it was nice talking to her. She and Dave were concerned about the storms that have been going through the mid west. We have had some showers but nothing exciting and no storm conditions at all.
Today we're driving up to Olathe, Kansas to visit with John and Kathy.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Osceola, Missouri
Yesterday we were both up early! 0615 for me and Jim got up an hour later. We had breakfast and our coffee then got busy, packed up and left Lakeview, Arkansas at 0852! That has to be a record for us. The weather was calling for storms in both places so we thought we'd get an early start.
We took Highway 5 north into Missouri, then picked up highway 160 west. These highways were beautiful to travel with their winding twisty roads. The views were fantastic! Jim did an excellant job as we slowly drove up and down the Ozarks! At one point we were averaging about 32 miles an hour! We stopped for lunch in Forsyth just after 1100. Still no rain. Around 1145 I noticed the cloud cover was almost 100%, but still no rain. We picked up Highway 65 north just north of Forsyth.
One thing I'd like to mention, It's good to see all the flags that the folks in the mid west fly. It makes me swell with pride when I see so many homes and businesses flying our flag!
Just south of Springfield we ran into stop and go traffic because of construction at the intersection of highways 65 and 60. It took us almost an hour to get from there to our turnoff on highway 13 north. In no time at all we were heading west on highway 54 and we arrived at Arrowhead Point rv park and campground around 1400. We managed the whole trip with only a slight sprinkle of is good.
After we determined that we could use our satellite dish we set up and in about an hour we we're settled in. It was kinda early but it was hot and humid so we had an ice cold beer to cool us off.
We watched some shows on USA and went to bed shortly after 2200. I slept quite well and I was up at 0600 today. I can hear the birds chirping and I need to get my feeders out!
We took Highway 5 north into Missouri, then picked up highway 160 west. These highways were beautiful to travel with their winding twisty roads. The views were fantastic! Jim did an excellant job as we slowly drove up and down the Ozarks! At one point we were averaging about 32 miles an hour! We stopped for lunch in Forsyth just after 1100. Still no rain. Around 1145 I noticed the cloud cover was almost 100%, but still no rain. We picked up Highway 65 north just north of Forsyth.
One thing I'd like to mention, It's good to see all the flags that the folks in the mid west fly. It makes me swell with pride when I see so many homes and businesses flying our flag!
Just south of Springfield we ran into stop and go traffic because of construction at the intersection of highways 65 and 60. It took us almost an hour to get from there to our turnoff on highway 13 north. In no time at all we were heading west on highway 54 and we arrived at Arrowhead Point rv park and campground around 1400. We managed the whole trip with only a slight sprinkle of is good.
After we determined that we could use our satellite dish we set up and in about an hour we we're settled in. It was kinda early but it was hot and humid so we had an ice cold beer to cool us off.
We watched some shows on USA and went to bed shortly after 2200. I slept quite well and I was up at 0600 today. I can hear the birds chirping and I need to get my feeders out!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
While we were sitting on the deck doing our internet stuff we saw this truck restocking the river. I can't imagine how many they dump. According to the park superintendent they do it about twice a week.
After going to the state park to catch up on the internet we stopped by the visitor center to look around. A beautiful building! And the views of the dam and surrounding area are breathtaking. It would be wonderful to sit on the deck and just enjoy.
We signed up for a tour of the powerhouse. Then we headed home to eat lunch and chill. BLT’s for lunch….now the bacon is gone.
After lunch I watched one of my soaps and then we headed back to the Bull Shoals Dam for a tour. Quite interesting seeing the inner workings and learning how electricity is made. The tour was about an hour and we lucked out, the Park Superintendent was the guide….he’d never done one before!
We left the dam and then drove to Flippen, Arkansas just to check it out. It’s a small town but has some interesting sites. We stopped at the railroad station that’s been turned into a pharmacy with a soda fountain. I’m thinking we should have skipped this stop because we had dessert….Jim had a cappuccino and apple pie ala mode while I had two desserts! Peach cobbler and a concoction that was called mocha espresso something or other, all I know is it had a scoop of ice cream and was luscious. It was very filling! We got home in time to feed Boo his dinner, but we didn’t even want anything to eat.
We’ve been playing games on our computers and watching the History channel. Seven signs of the Apocalypse is the name of the show….I think. Very interesting how scientists and biblical experts discuss how the earth will end. Citing the book of Revelations and explaining why our disasters are happening just as it says in the Bible.
I cooked a pot of rice and we’ve each had a bowl for our dinner. Sure hope it soaks up all the calories I consumed earlier!
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Mountain Home, Arkansas
Yesterday we decided to go into town and check out the shopping. You see the forecast called for thunder storms and we thought spending time inside would be good. We stopped at the visitor center and browsed and talked to the nice lady manning the desk. Well we didn't find a mall, just strip centers. First up we stopped and go fuel, diesel was $2.39 a gallon! I guess summer is upon us and prices all across the board are going up. We stopped in a Dollar Tree and picked up a few items. Then we headed to the BBQ place using the GPS.....didn't happen. Where it told us to turn there wasn't a road! Never did find the place.
So we drove back the way we came and ended up downtown in the square. There were a couple of places to choose from so we went to the diner. Great prices and I had liver and onions, I know not the best thing for me but it sure tasted good! Jim had chicken fried steak. We both cleaned up our plates and skipped dessert. Our cost? Under twenty bucks!
Back home we closed up the house and waited for the rain which never came. Boy did it get hot! 90 degrees at one point, we could haved used some rain to cool us off. I watched one of my soaps then read a couple magazines all in the comfort of my home. Jim sat outside reading about fly fishing.
Around 1800 I decided to fix myself a salad for dinner and was eating this when Jim came in and helped himself to some potato salad. I was able to empty some containers from the fridge. Leftovers can be good when you work with them!
Can't remember what else we did. TV watching consisted of NCIS and Bones. We were in bed by 2200. Slept with just the quilt as it wasn't very cold when we went to bed.
So we drove back the way we came and ended up downtown in the square. There were a couple of places to choose from so we went to the diner. Great prices and I had liver and onions, I know not the best thing for me but it sure tasted good! Jim had chicken fried steak. We both cleaned up our plates and skipped dessert. Our cost? Under twenty bucks!
Back home we closed up the house and waited for the rain which never came. Boy did it get hot! 90 degrees at one point, we could haved used some rain to cool us off. I watched one of my soaps then read a couple magazines all in the comfort of my home. Jim sat outside reading about fly fishing.
Around 1800 I decided to fix myself a salad for dinner and was eating this when Jim came in and helped himself to some potato salad. I was able to empty some containers from the fridge. Leftovers can be good when you work with them!
Can't remember what else we did. TV watching consisted of NCIS and Bones. We were in bed by 2200. Slept with just the quilt as it wasn't very cold when we went to bed.
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Fly Fishing
I was up at 0700 and had a good wifi connection so I did some catching up with the blog and emails. Early morning seems to be the best time for this. I guess during the day and evening there’s too much demand and it comes and goes. There’s a male ruby throated hummingbird that keeps me company. I just love those little hummers! I can’t wait until we get to Mountaindale in Colorado Springs to see all the hummers there….
Jim rode his trike over to Bull Shoals state park to do his computer stuff. I watched the French Open and saw Roger Federer finally win! While Jim was gone I got dressed, did the dishes and started doing the laundry. I was fixing my lunch when he returned so we had lunch together!
We went fishing in the afternoon and boy was the water cold! Even wearing all the gear you can feel the cold seep through the waders. I caught a lot of seaweed and I think that’s about all Jim caught too. I did manage to put a couple knots in my line. Need to fish more often to stay proficient at casting! When we returned and I took off the waders my legs from my rear end down to my sock line was mottled red. Took about a half hour to get them back to normal. Really odd and I hope it was just a reaction to the cold water.
don't you just love this outfit?
Jim rode his trike over to Bull Shoals state park to do his computer stuff. I watched the French Open and saw Roger Federer finally win! While Jim was gone I got dressed, did the dishes and started doing the laundry. I was fixing my lunch when he returned so we had lunch together!
We went fishing in the afternoon and boy was the water cold! Even wearing all the gear you can feel the cold seep through the waders. I caught a lot of seaweed and I think that’s about all Jim caught too. I did manage to put a couple knots in my line. Need to fish more often to stay proficient at casting! When we returned and I took off the waders my legs from my rear end down to my sock line was mottled red. Took about a half hour to get them back to normal. Really odd and I hope it was just a reaction to the cold water.

After stripping down and changing into shorts we sat outside with a cold drink and then Jim started the charcoal so we could grill burgers. That’s what he had for dinner; I also had a salad with mine.
Dishes are done and we’ve been watching movies.
Dishes are done and we’ve been watching movies.

I was up at 0630, apparently Boo was disturbed by all the activity going on outside so he let me know. After breakfast Jim and I went over to the State park to do internet stuff. He’s finally got his vista updates completed. I took my computer, nail polish and a couple magazines to while away the time. They have a nice deck with tables and chairs to use and it overlooks the river.
It was lunchtime when we got home so we had a bite to eat then Jim went fishing. I took a nap. For some reason I got chilled this morning and could not warm up. I woke up when Jim returned. He didn’t bring the fish home but he says he caught two. We sat outside until 1600 just talking and enjoying the afternoon. Then we decided to make a run to get groceries. The town of Bull Shoals is just around the corner and that’s where we found a grocery store, Harps. Though it’s a small store, they had what we needed. I brought pizza home for out dinner.
I took Boo for a walk down to the river and I sat and watched the buzzards and herons while he sniffed around. Very pleasant with few people around. I think I saw a beaver, we both saw each other at the same time and he quickly ducked down behind the grass. After I took Boo home I went back and watched the water and some folks fishing. Jim joined me and we just sat and enjoyed the view until I got chilled enough to leave.
We watched PBS, a lot of British comedies! Great way to spend the evening, these shows make me laugh.
I wasn’t able to do anything online the connection kept coming and going. Only downloaded two emails.
Friday, June 5, 2009
White River
June 5, 2009 continued:
We went over to Bull Shoals State Park to use the wifi, but we could not connect at the visitor center. They pointed us towards the boat ramp. After talking with Karen Sweat for a bit (good to hear from her!) we headed over to the campground and the boat ramp. Success! Not sure how long we stayed there but Jim was able to get some downloads done and I went through some of my emails and updated the blog.
The river is gorgeous and it was pleasant sitting at the picnic table with my computer. I saw herons, swifts, purple martins and cardinals. I also heard crows! Noisy birds…. Over head I saw 10-12 turkey buzzards. Blue skies, little or no wind and life is good…
We found out that from noon today until midnight Sunday we can fish for free….we’ll see if we do and if we can catch anything.
We came home and had blt’s for lunch. Now I’m watching a soap and Jim is cleaning the outside of the rig. I’ve put out two window feeders for the hummingbirds, so far not one has showed up. Jim also hung one seed feeder and I’ve seen a chickadee!
I love hearing from my readers and Larry and Cindy said Bull Shoals State Park is beautiful and they saw deer during their visit. I have to agree, the park is beautiful! But we’re not staying there; we’re just down the road at Copper John’s RV resort.
I have seen two deer since arriving in the area. One crossed the road in front of us as we were towing the rig and the other dashed into the woods as we approached.
I watched my soaps while Jim read up about fly fishing. He also got out the gear and actually did something with it. He went to the office and got some needed lures. He’s put our rods together and who knows, maybe we’ll go fishing!
We’ve had at least one hummer show up….
Anne and I did some texting today. I sure miss her and Scotty. Happy hour is just not the same! Jim and I enjoyed the 80+ weather with a beer.
For dinner we grilled chicken, zucchini and onions. It was very tasty! I had lemoncello in my tea and thought of Scotty….After dinner we had a glass of wine with chocolate cake. Good way to end the meal.
Bull Shoals State Park
Has a wifi connection....
June 5, 2009
We watched the USA channel last night, Jim likes Burn Notice and a new show Royal Pains came on afterwards. We were in bed by 2330. It was getting chilly and the expected low was 52, so we slept with the comforter.
I was up at 0620 and I tried, but could not get back to sleep. So I got up and fixed my coffee and listened to the birds. I could hear woodpeckers and I saw cardinals and sparrows. A squirrel was scampering about under a feeder. I saw all this from inside because it was only 51 outside! J The sun is out and I’m sure it will warm up soon; meanwhile I have the fireplace going to take the chill out.
For awhile last night I had a good wifi connection and was able to post my blog and I’ll do my best to keep ya’ll updated. It just depends on finding a connection.
to be continued!
Jim got up at 0715! I didn’t wake him; he got up all on his own. He made his coffee and left the building. I made biscuits for breakfast and he arrived home in time to enjoy them while hot. He said he was down by the river, enjoying the sights and sounds.
June 5, 2009
We watched the USA channel last night, Jim likes Burn Notice and a new show Royal Pains came on afterwards. We were in bed by 2330. It was getting chilly and the expected low was 52, so we slept with the comforter.
I was up at 0620 and I tried, but could not get back to sleep. So I got up and fixed my coffee and listened to the birds. I could hear woodpeckers and I saw cardinals and sparrows. A squirrel was scampering about under a feeder. I saw all this from inside because it was only 51 outside! J The sun is out and I’m sure it will warm up soon; meanwhile I have the fireplace going to take the chill out.
For awhile last night I had a good wifi connection and was able to post my blog and I’ll do my best to keep ya’ll updated. It just depends on finding a connection.
to be continued!
Jim got up at 0715! I didn’t wake him; he got up all on his own. He made his coffee and left the building. I made biscuits for breakfast and he arrived home in time to enjoy them while hot. He said he was down by the river, enjoying the sights and sounds.
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Lakeview, Arkansas
Wednesday I stripped the bed so I could wash the sheets. But I needed some detergent. We drove out to Millington NSA to see if they had diesel and we stopped in the commissary. Picked up a few things including the detergent. But no diesel! These bases never have diesel. We stopped at a BP Station and paid $2.29 for diesel.
We headed home and stopped at Wendy’s for lunch, burgers, chili and fries. Back home I continued with the laundry and watched my soaps. Jim washed the truck and cleaned some of the rig. During the evening the rain started, not real heavy but annoying. Especially since Jim washed the truck!
Got a note from Jesse saying they stayed at Tom Sawyer Park in March, it’s a small world. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that this campground had flooded earlier this spring. They are working on getting it all opened, but it’s a mess and they sure didn’t need more rain.
Watched some TV, NCIS reruns on USA. We were in bed by 2200.
June 4, 2009
When I got up at 0710 it was foggy outside, couldn’t even see the other side of the river. I checked the weather reports for Memphis and Lakeview and saw rain everywhere! I woke Jim at 0745 and we both got busy. We had some breakfast then packed up and were on the road by 0915 and it was raining when we left.
The farther west we went the less rain. Around 1030 we noticed it had stopped raining and we looked for a place to pull over to make a pit stop. The area we were driving through in Arkansas has had a lot of rain. Fields were inundated and water was standing everywhere. All ditches, streams and rivers that I could see from my window were running fast.
The rain was back around 1100 and shortly after that we stopped for lunch. It wasn’t raining anymore. After we got back on the road we could see blue skies and I guess we just drove out of the rain and overcast skies.
We arrived around 1400 at Copper John’s, it’s a pretty campground but jam packed. And we can’t get our Internet, to many trees. Hopefully I’ll be able to find a hot spot and post this to my blog.
We went out to dinner in Mountain Home. Skippers restaurant isn’t much to look at but they had fried catfish dinners and we both enjoyed our fish.
sure hope this works!
We headed home and stopped at Wendy’s for lunch, burgers, chili and fries. Back home I continued with the laundry and watched my soaps. Jim washed the truck and cleaned some of the rig. During the evening the rain started, not real heavy but annoying. Especially since Jim washed the truck!
Got a note from Jesse saying they stayed at Tom Sawyer Park in March, it’s a small world. I think I mentioned in an earlier post that this campground had flooded earlier this spring. They are working on getting it all opened, but it’s a mess and they sure didn’t need more rain.
Watched some TV, NCIS reruns on USA. We were in bed by 2200.
June 4, 2009
When I got up at 0710 it was foggy outside, couldn’t even see the other side of the river. I checked the weather reports for Memphis and Lakeview and saw rain everywhere! I woke Jim at 0745 and we both got busy. We had some breakfast then packed up and were on the road by 0915 and it was raining when we left.
The farther west we went the less rain. Around 1030 we noticed it had stopped raining and we looked for a place to pull over to make a pit stop. The area we were driving through in Arkansas has had a lot of rain. Fields were inundated and water was standing everywhere. All ditches, streams and rivers that I could see from my window were running fast.
The rain was back around 1100 and shortly after that we stopped for lunch. It wasn’t raining anymore. After we got back on the road we could see blue skies and I guess we just drove out of the rain and overcast skies.
We arrived around 1400 at Copper John’s, it’s a pretty campground but jam packed. And we can’t get our Internet, to many trees. Hopefully I’ll be able to find a hot spot and post this to my blog.
We went out to dinner in Mountain Home. Skippers restaurant isn’t much to look at but they had fried catfish dinners and we both enjoyed our fish.
sure hope this works!
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
On our drive over we hit some bumps and my cactus pot toppled over and broke. We cut off the injured piece and we'll see what happens.
More than half of the taller cactus broke!
Yesterday we went to Beale Street in Memphis. Apparently B. B. King performed last night and will again tonight. We found the street blocked off and preparations being made.
Beale Street is much like Bourbon Street in the French Quarter. Bars, live music, eateries, etc. We walked down one side and up the other. Didn't stay long.

Yesterday we went to Beale Street in Memphis. Apparently B. B. King performed last night and will again tonight. We found the street blocked off and preparations being made.

Then it was off to find Corky's for lunch. Jim got out his handy dandy GPS and we were off on an adventure! It was not down town but out in the suburbs. By the time we got there we were hungry! I had pulled pork, slaw and beans with a Sam Adams draft and Jim had pulled pork slaw, beans and spaghetti. He had a Barqs for his drink. All of it was yummy!
While driving there I spotted a Whole Foods Store and Jim stopped there on the way back. I love this store and he knows it. I didn't need anything but I had fun strolling the aisles of this small grocery store. I bought lemons, radishes and some key lime Steaz tea.
After we got home it looked like we might get some rain. We put up the awning, protected the plants, put the chairs away and then nothing. Just had some wind. By 1700 all was well, the sun came out and it was cooler.
After our big lunch I skipped dinner, just a bowl of noodles for me and Jim had hot dogs and chips. We watched tv and headed to bed shortly after 2200.
Monday, June 1, 2009
We're in Arkansas
Today I was up at 0535! Why? I have no idea. Slept badly, it was to warm. So I should have slept later.....but I didn't... Jim was up at 0800 and after we both had breakfast we packed up and left the Nashville area.
Driving the interstate is not our favorite way to travel but we were on the road by 0930 and I-40 was the route we traveled to Memphis...actually West Memphis, Arkansas. We made two stops, the last one was for lunch. Boy does the interstate have a lot of 18 wheelers! :) We arrived at Tom Sawyer RV Park, , around 1400. There's a tree on the site and we had to take the time to set up the satellite dish before we set up the rig. Success! we have Internet and TV.
I took this picture of the Mississippi River with my phone while waiting for the dish to find the satellite. We are a stones throw from the Big Muddy!
We're only here for three nights. Apparently the river flooded earlier this year and the campground was flooded. They're cleaning up as fast as they can, but it's noisy and dusty. I also think it costs to much.
We had sausage, potatoes and onions for dinner.
Driving the interstate is not our favorite way to travel but we were on the road by 0930 and I-40 was the route we traveled to Memphis...actually West Memphis, Arkansas. We made two stops, the last one was for lunch. Boy does the interstate have a lot of 18 wheelers! :) We arrived at Tom Sawyer RV Park, , around 1400. There's a tree on the site and we had to take the time to set up the satellite dish before we set up the rig. Success! we have Internet and TV.
We're only here for three nights. Apparently the river flooded earlier this year and the campground was flooded. They're cleaning up as fast as they can, but it's noisy and dusty. I also think it costs to much.
We had sausage, potatoes and onions for dinner.
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