Our drive from Benson to Casa Grande was an easy one yesterday. Interstate travel is mostly boring, but this one was fairly interesting because of the terrain. Within a half hour or so we were in the Tucson City limits;
We drove straight through and arrived around noon at Sundance 1 RV Resort
www.sundance1rv.com. I'm not sure why the RV is in the name. There aren't that many RV's here, mostly park models. We're parked in what looks like a parking lot. But the weekly rate is a good one so we're here for a week.
As soon as possible I reheated the ribs and cooked some corn on the cob for our lunch which we ate around 1300. We were hungry!
We're parked next door to the Scott's and it didn't take long for us to set up and relax. I had mail waiting for us when we arrived and it was fun going through it.
While here we're visiting friends and seeing the sights. Anne and Scotty have a friend who winters here from Vermont. Larry stopped by to say hello. The afternoon temperature reached the low 90's but the AC kept the inside of our little home on wheels quite comfortable.
Early evening we headed over to visit with Larry and his wife Becky and this beautiful sunset delighted us. We sat outside and it was lovely.

We stayed until after dark visiting and enjoying ourselves. Once home we had a bite to eat and settled in to watch tv for the rest of the evening.
After getting up around 0630 this morning I was ready to tackle the day two hours later! Jim was up at 0800 and mostly we just putzed around. Jim did some chores outside. Anne and I went to town and went to the bank, post office and grocery store. Back home we had some lunch.
Then I settled in and watched my soaps. Jim went to the pool. While he was gone I showered and washed my hair because we were going out to dinner. Again the temperature went into the 90's.
Larry, Becky, Anne, Scotty and Jim and I went to a Chinese Buffet and had a nice dinner with good conversation.
Back home I watched Dancing with the Stars and now we're watching Dr Who. It's still 75 degrees outside and it's a quarter to ten.
"A hundred ten in the shade is sorta hot, but you don't have to shovel it off your driveway. ~ Author Unknown"