The first of the month always sends people traveling! Two of our neighbors left this morning and from what I understand we have at least 15 checking out today. I'm sure they're heading to points of the compass east, west or north of here. Can't get much farther south unless you head into Mexico
Woke up to cooler temperatures today. And no wind! I should have explained about the grit yesterday, it's from all the tracts of land that are being plowed and planted with all manner of crops. So when the wind blows we get grit! :)

While sunrise was pretty with no clouds it's not very interesting so I took a picture of the moon

you can see the moon in this shot along with some of the color from sunrise
Jim is off kayaking on the Rio Grande River and I'm listening to Big Band music thinking about traveling. I've wanted to travel since high school. Being the oldest of 6 children my first thought was to escape home and there wasn't money for a higher education and I wasn't interested anyway. The travel bug hit me early
I’ve had the travel bug since I was in my teens. Male cousins joined the Navy or Army and I wanted to go along once I heard about where they’d been stationed. How wonderful it would be to see the world!
Right after I graduated from high school I joined the Navy and at the time (1966) there was a monthly quota for females and I had to wait until November to go to boot camp in Bainbridge, Maryland (now closed). After boot camp I had orders for Jacksonville, Florida. I was stationed at NSA Jax. I traveled there from Detroit in a train down the east coast. When I got to Florida I didn’t have to check into the base for a few more days and decided to travel to Daytona to visit an Uncle who had a motel on the beach.
It was February and snowy and cold when I left Detroit but my destination of DAYTONA, FLORIDA was hot and balmy to me. I soaked up the heat and humidity and went swimming in the Atlantic Ocean. I loved every moment of being in charge of me for the first time.