On Friday our friends Anne and Scotty drove in just before 1600 for a weeks stay. It's been a year since we've seen these wonderful friends and we waited at the driveway to see them drive in! After hugs and we let them get set up, barely because we wanted to chat and 'look' at one another!
Soon it was time for dinner and Jim grilled some pork chops and I fixed some roasted potatoes and a big salad. Anne had some moscato wine and our dinner was on. Just like old times we dined at their table and we talked and laughed and drank to much wine. We emptied her stash and Jim retrieved a big bottle which we half emptied!
It was so good to sit and enjoy their company but all to soon it was time to head home, after all we do need to get some rest!
On Saturday we went to Flagler Beach to enjoy the ocean and have a lunch. Thanks for picking up the tab Miss Anne!
Scotty and Anne basking in the Florida Sunshine!
My honey looking goooood!
The tides have been high depositing sand among the rocks and Anne was looking for treasure...
After lunch we drove north up A1A to St Augustine to visit Castillo de San Marcos, http://www.nps.gov/casa/index.htm
It was the first time Anne and Scotty have visited this area. Even though it was Saturday I didn't think the crowds were that thick. We strolled the ramparts and looked at cannon, the boats on the water and learned a little history. All in all a nice couple hours
Some re-enactors were showing their skills
Lighthouse on the island
Once we'd seen everything we left the fort and headed into the old town in search of a cold drink. The day was warming up and we were all thirsty. Stopped in a shop and Anne had iced coffee, I had an Italian lemon soda and Jim had lemoncello gelato. After that refreshment Anne and I wandered in and out of some shops while the guys waited patiently and smiling big
when we didn't purchase anything!
Behind one glass shop was a garden path with various hanging chimes and stained glass where I found this unusual hibiscus....just beautiful!
Shortly before 1600 we headed to the truck and started our journey home. I think we all were a wee bit tired and I think we all enjoyed the afternoon.
After a brief stay at home to feed Boo and enjoy a cup a coffee we headed over to have some chips, salsa, veggies and hummus. More talk and catching up then we walked to the dock with Boo. The river is lovely this time of day.
Yesterday we just did 'normal' things. Jim had to work a couple hours. Laundry, cleaning etc. In the afternoon the guys worked on our hot water tank and so far the thing is working! Then they started on the fireplace. The darned thing quit working and we think it's just a switch. While they putzed with that Anne and I went to lunch at Belle's Bistro in Crescent City before stopping at Winn-Dixie to pick up a few items.
We got home in time for my afternoon coffee and to feed Boo. The guys had finished with the water heater and started on the TV....We made a trade, our old TV for their Hammock. So now the Scotts have a project of their own! The guys pulled out the old anode TV that came with the rig and have a sleek, slim flat screen to replace it.
Once again we had dinner together at their place. Spaghetti with tomato sauce for the guys while Anne and I had pesto sauce. A salad, bread with garlic oil and watermelon for dessert....The guys had beer and we ladies had water.
After dinner we sat outside for awhile and then walked down to the dock with Boo.
So far today I'm doing the sheets, it's bed day! Jim is working this morning and with some luck Anne and I will get pedicures this afternoon.
Not sure what the rest of the day will be like. Started cloudy and the sun is just now trying to come out.
A true friend reaches for your hand and touches your heart. ~Attributed to Heather Pryor

With much anticipation we awaited the arrival of Sonsearae and Chris on Saturday. She had to work and then I don't know what they had to do but they finally got on the road and headed south. The weather wasn't all that great but the rain held off and they arrived around dinner time. We had the cabin all warm and cozy and the food was ready to cook. I think Chris was a wee bit upset that he couldn't eat right away! There was hummus and pita chips to tide us over
I got busy getting our dinner fixed while the guys laid a fire in the fireplace. Did I mention it was chilly? Soon we sat down to have Enchilada bake and a southwest chopped salad (thanks Happy Herbivore!). All very vegan and plant based so it was healthy for us!
We ended meal with a cherry pie.....not so healthy but oh so tasty...very sweet!
Jim and I left shortly after dessert so they could settle in, relax and get a good nights sleep. Big plans for Sunday!
Jim was very excited about our boat trip. He was up and out the door to pick the boat up down the street and bring it to the dock here at Welaka Lodge. Not sure, but I think we hurried our guests into getting ready for the boat trip down river to Corky Bell's. Chris forgot his jacket! the morning was cold and overcast and on the water it was even chillier
this picture was taken later in the day on our way home
We stopped by the springs to show them the manatees but none could be found. We did find this cute little house, I think I could live here.
Along the way we all looked for wildlife and we did see a lot of Osprey's nesting on the channel markers and getting agitated as we came to close
Not sure what this school house looking building is....maybe a boat house?
I was very pleased to find a Great Bald Eagle. I'm pretty sure we saw them flying around over the Ocala Forest. This big fella just posed for the longest time then flew in a circle around us as we passed below him
Our Captain was a happy one!
We finally pulled up to Corky Bell's dock and tied up. We had made the decision to eat inside because it was so chilly outside and we were chilled. But once we got inside, where it was colder we decided to sit outside.
There was a manatee munching her lunch
Everyone enjoyed lunch and Chris got some hot chocolate to fortify himself for the trip upriver and home. We made a brief pit stop and picked up a jacket for Chris. Another couple of hours floating through the National Forest where we saw more birds, boaters and fishermen.
Sunday evening Sonsearae and I made pico de gallo, guacamole and cooked up some turkey for the guys tacos. I had some black beans that she and I used for our tacos. Another fine meal that saw us eating more cherry pie for dessert. After we cleaned up the dishes Jim and I headed home...
It was a long day on the water and I know we were tired! We slept very well, thank you very much.
All to soon on Monday Sonsearae and Chris left, heading for Orlando. Despite the gloomy, cloudy weather the rain held off during the boat ride and I think we all enjoyed it. Jim had to work that morning and after they left I started doing laundry
Tuesday Boo got a much needed grooming and he looks ever so much better. If he co-operates I'll get a picture of him and post it. Usually when I get a camera out he walks towards me...
Tuesday night we had a going away party for Linda and Dan. They hosted it next door on their patio. It was fun getting together with the crew. I came home in time to shower before NCIS came on. Jim walked in just after it started. Looks like the next few weeks will be interesting on this show. I know it's being picked up for another season.....but I wonder what will happen with all the characters?
Today I got a much needed haircut. I'm not sure why I put it off so long. On the way home we stopped for a bite to eat at Corky Bell's! We both enjoy this restaurant and highly recommend it if you're in the area
There's no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing. ~Alfred Wainwright

I'm a happy camper! Last Friday, late we got the microwave back and installed. We were pleased that it didn't cost as much as we thought it would to repair it. Century Appliance Service in Palatka did the work.
This past week has been a blur, instead of our Thursday pot luck a group of us went out to Corky Bell's for some seafood and Jamaican Reggae...Fun sitting on the dock listening to so-so Reggae music. They had a saxophone....? not sure about that...
The weekend was rainy and on Jim's days off he raked and trimmed our yard, even decided to have a smudge pot by burning some leaves....cough cough :-)
Tuesday my, oops our wash machine arrived early afternoon and Jim did an excellent job of installing it. I think I've been doing laundry ever since!
Also Tuesday evening we had an anniversary party for Billy and Jim down on the dock. Kevin fried fish and Conch fritters while the rest of us brought side dishes. It was fun, so much so that my Jim imbibed a wee bit to much and had to take most of yesterday to recover! Me? I'm taking an antibiotic so I couldn't drink....LOL
And there you have it. Life sitting still can be boring.
Sonsearae and Chris are coming this weekend and we plan on eating and boating while they're here, can't wait!
May you have warm words on a cool evening, a full moon on a dark night, and a smooth road all the way to your door. ~Irish Toast
This past week has been pretty much the same as the week before! Jim worked a few days, we ate out a couple times and worked a bit inside and out.
A couple days ago Jim pressure washed the roof. We're under a oak tree, pin oak I believe, which means it's constantly dropping leaves. Even with the awning out we sweep the patio a couple times a day.
Yesterday I had a doctors appointment (VA) at 0730 and we got up at 10 minutes to 0700! Snatched some coffee and granola bars before we left and made it barely in time. This was my first time meeting with the nurse and doctor so it was a long visit. Jim waited patiently.
Afterwards we made a run to Home Depot to pick up some PVC pipe and fittings. I bought another window box and some seeds. Then on to Walmart for household items.
Finally, time for lunch! We stopped at Popeye's for some comfort food....LOL Jim had some chicken, biscuit, red beans and rice while I had red beans and rice and slaw. We shared a lemonade.
Back home we put items away and changed clothes, Jim took a nap. He was up to early!
Afternoon found us working outside. Jim took his PVC pipe and started making tiny work horses....for the slide toppers. It will hold them up and keep rain from pooling. We sure don't want to raise mosquitoes while we're here! And it should help with leaves piling up. I watered all my plants and potted up the window box with radish and scallions. I'll have to take pictures so you can see how the garden is growing!
In gardens, beauty is a by-product. The main business is sex and death. ~Sam Llewelyn
Monday we headed to Lowe's to order the Wash machine. Pretty simple process, we told them what we wanted and they ordered it, then we paid for it....really nice getting the 10% discount they offer for Military.
After that chore we headed to Chili's for lunch. We both had soup and half a sandwich with fries washed down with a draft beer. All to soon lunch was over and we headed into Walmart for tomato cages, vitamins, bird seed and solar lights.
The afternoon warmed up to the middle 80's and we both were ready for naps when we got home! I didn't nap but you can guess who did :-) We had our afternoon coffee outside and then we did yard work. Jim filled the feeders and I watered plants. I couldn't stay out any longer because of the no-see-ums. I need to find something that will keep them from biting me that doesn't involve chemicals!
Hard to see because I took this through the window but there is a hummingbird on the left hand side of this picture...can you see him?
On Tuesday Jim spent a lot of time outdoors fixing this, doing that and washing the truck! first time this year!!!
Wednesday we hung around the house all day waiting for a repairman to pick up the Microwave...if you recall he'd been out and 'fixed' it once...but it didn't take. We knew it might not. So a part was ordered and now the oven is in the shop, hopefully being repaired.
Off to the grocery store for a couple items because we expected some rain. Once home we had some coffee and indeed we had some rain. For most of the evening it was a steady rainfall and I know all my plants loved it. We never heard any thunder and right as we snuggled in for the night it started raining harder. I love the sound of rain on the roof and soon I was asleep
Today we're supposed to get more rain and the pot luck dinner has been postponed until tomorrow. So far it's just been overcast. Jim is working and I'm holding down the fort!