
Sunday, June 19, 2011

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

I hope all the dads out there had a great day. Jim finally got to open his gift from Sonsearae and he loves the water proof camera she sent. The card was nifty too!

I fixed grits for breakfast and fried rice for lunch. Around 1600 Jim decided he wanted to eat out. So we headed to Steamers, well actually we wanted to try the Pickled Pelican but they closed at 1600. Perhaps another time!

Because is Father's Day we each had a drink rather than a beer. Jim had some blue concoction that he said was tasty, I had a mojito. After we had ordered our dinner we checked our phones and I discovered some bad news. Our friends Marilyn and Ed Dray had left Hannibal this morning for the two day drive to Colorado Springs.

They had a terrible thing happen and I got this news second hand from Facebook. Apparently a tire was smoking and by the time they pulled over there was a fire. Ed did what he could to put it out but they had to disengage from their Mobile Suites and were able to save themselves and the truck. The rig caught fire and I can only assume all is lost.

Please say a prayer for these good people. Last I checked they were staying in St Joseph, Missouri. Marilyn and Ed if you're able to be online please know our thoughts and prayers are with you. If we can do anything let us know! Jim called but it went to voice mail. I know you're mad, sad, upset and dealing with a lot. Just hang in there. We thank God you're ok. God is good!

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