
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

I've been here...

Daily....just didn't feel like typing...Life goes on and we're enjoying it.

We are set up and the space is lovely...we have a big yard to call ours.  The property is fenced in, so it's private.  Just a few feet from our front door is their back door and it's almost always open.

Every few days we hear the makes me smile when I hear them (him?).  They are big!  In a tree out front there is a big nest and I wonder if it's theirs.   Do horned owls use nests?  or hollows in trees or boxes?  In any case I'll keep an eye on all the nests I've spotted around here.

We've spent some time driving around, getting our bearings and exploring the area.  We've been west to Lake Okeechobee and east to the ocean.  The last couple of days have been perfect.  Temperatures in the mid 70's during the day, dipping into the 40's at night.

Jim is getting stronger every day.  To look at him you wouldn't know he had surgery such a short time ago. But he did and still healing and there are a lot of things he still can't (shouldn't) do.  He tries to do to much and then suffers the next day.  

Sonsearae is back working at the Post Office so we don't see her as much as we did when we first arrived here.  Chris is busy settling in as Warden.  This young couple are hard working and we love them for putting up with us and letting us stay for awhile.

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