Happy Mother's Day to all the Mom's!
My daughter gave me two journals, one to record the wines we like and one to record the restaurants we like. Great ideas! Thanks Sonsearae, I love you!
Yesterday was a slow, relaxed day of seeing the sights. I was up around 0800 and spent time reading emails and catching up on internet reading. I cleaned out most of my emails. Remember we didn't have internet awhile back and my newsletters were piled up! After breakfast we headed out with Anne and Scotty to visit Caw Caw, a beautiful Nature Reserve. http://www.ccprc.com/index.aspx?nid=53 It has several miles of trails and various kinds of wildlife can be seen if you look hard enough. We to the trail through the swamp.
These pictures show the beauty of this area. Jim and I love exploring swamps and I think Anne has taken a liking to them also. Scotty loves being outside in the wilderness, anywhere.
We didn't see many birds or critters but we did enjoy being outside. Perhaps if we had gone earlier in the day we'd seen more. We headed back to the campground so we could have some lunch before we headed out again.
I bought a post card with the Angel Oak on it. So we looked it up, www.angeloaktree.org and got the directions. Scotty didn't want to go so we gathered up Anne and went on a quest to find it. It is awesome! When we lived in New Orleans we saw a lot of live oaks that were big, but this tree is the largest I've ever seen!
the play of light through the leaves is magical
We then headed to Stein Mart for a bit of shopping. Big sale going on. I found a purse I liked and only paid $5.13. Jim spent time at the new West Marine while we ladies shopped.
Back home Anne fixed dinner of meat loaf, potato salad and I brought some peas. It was a good dinner but a quick one. They were heading out to Rhonda's again.
Jim and I had a quiet evening at home watching the History Channel and playing games on our puters. We were in bed by 2300.
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