The first part of this Riverwalk is part of the city water plant and power plant. So there are falls and dams involved.
As we walked along the path we could see white flowers in the river. These are spider lily's and they can only be found in Georgia, Alabama and South Carolina! none of us could get a decent picture of one.
Jim took the following pictures, he and Scotty walked a few miles further than Anne and I.
a view of the river from the pathway
Anne and I figured we did 3 miles round trip with our walk. It was lovely but hot and humid. We sat in the truck with the ac running to cool off. Jim and Scotty showed up about an hour later exhausted from their hike. We all agreed a cold beer would have been welcomed but we didn't have any with us! So we just headed home.
I'd love to do the whole trail but on my bike. Maybe next time we're in the area!
Once home it was time for dinner. Anne had a pork roast in the crock pot and she started pulling the meat and cooked some corn on the cob. I made a cole slaw and before you know it we had dinner on the table. We had to eat inside because our tables outside were in full sun. Where is a cloud when you need one? Our last meal together was a good one. We all love Anne's pulled pork!
After dinner we slowly did dishes, then it was time for pina coladas.....we've come to love them at happy hour but we all agree we should have fewer of them. Can't imagine how many calories they have but they sure are yummy.
Next up Anne and I walked Boo, we didn't want our time together to end. Back home it was time for the guys to have dessert, ice cream and cake. No pictures of this event! Just looked like a repeat of last night....
At dusk we were chased in by the mosquitoes, thus ended our last day with the Scott's. We'll miss traveling with them, it's been fun sharing our travels and meals.
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