After they left we did some chores and hung around the house. Boo was confused when I took him out, he ran to the site next door and Anne wasn't there! There was a threat of rain in the forecast so we decided to get fuel ($1.99) and pick up some groceries after lunch. Jim got the directions for the nearest Walmart online. We found it with no problem but the Murphy station was across the street from the store and wouldn't take our loaded walmart card. Come to find out they only accept them when the station is on walmart property....we still saved on the fuel.
On the drive home we had some sprinkles but we never did get the rain forecasted. Jim spent the remainder of the afternoon cleaning up the truck. He vacuumed it out and cleaned the outside with Dri Wash so it sparkles!
I watched all my soaps and I think I have all the story lines straight. For dinner I fixed Chicken stir fry with broccoli, onion, celery and garlic. Served over rice, yummy! After the dishes were done we settled in for an evening of TV. But not much of interest was on so we watched You only live Twice with Sean Connery. What fun to watch the gadgets in the old 007 movies!
We could have watched a Sinbad cartoon movie outside at the pavilion. Jim said they set up a screen so folks could watch it outside. There are quite a few more rigs here for the weekend, but it's far from full. We even have neighbors to confuse Boo!
I've seen a male ruby throat hummingbird at my window feeder. First hummer I've seen in awhile. Lovely little birds. I'm looking forward to the battles we'll see in Colorado Springs. Those hummers put on shows every day! My hanging feeder is still sitting on the table with no takers.
The sky is overcast this morning and thunderstorms are forecast all day so I'm not sure we'll do anything.....
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