
Monday, December 7, 2009

Where does the time go?

Our cold weather ended and we had a lovely sunshiny day yesterday. It was fun walking around the resort yesterday and seeing folks enjoying the sun and warmer temperatures. We went for a ride in Bentsen State Park. Not much to see as it was mid day and oddly enough it was quite empty. I guess there wasn't time to enjoy an outing, everyone was probably out shopping for the holidays. Jim, Anne and I just liked being out in the fresh air!

The frost we had the other night killed off the tomatoes and peppers. But I still have beets coming up in my garden plot. Anne has turnips! It's a good thing we don't have to rely on our gardening skills to survive! :)

Today started out foggy and chilly but the sun came out and it warmed up nicely. I saw my doctor at the VA Center and I guess I'll be around for a while longer. I need to work on lowering my cholesterol with exercise and diet. No meds yet.

When we got home I had a big package from Sonsearae to open! Mostly magazines and catalogs but she also included some coffee for Jim and cosmetics for me. Also a cute Yorkie key chain, it's already in my purse!

We spent some time over at Anne and Scotty's place. We shared a bottle of wine while Jim had beer. Again the weather cooperated and we enjoyed good conversation and shared some laughs. I wanted to check the mail box for mail (my birthday is tomorrow) so Anne and I rode down but no mail for me! then we stopped by the garden for a few laughs. On the way home we stopped and chatted with several people.

We've had dinner, just leftovers and now Jim is watching Alice on the syfy channel. Two parter that started last night.

The windows are open on this balmy night and I can hear the crickets. We also smelled a skunk not to long ago! I don't think it will be to cold tonight.

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