Monday, November 30, 2009
Rainy, chilly day
We pretty much stayed indoors today. Reading, watching TV, playing games on the computer and I stripped the bed and washed sheets. Jim did venture out to get the mail and take out the trash. He put on shoes and wore a jacket.
For dinner we had cod steaks, sweet potatoes and steamed broccoli. We've showered and are waiting patiently for the Saints/Pats game to start! GEAUX SAINTS!
Into each life some rain must fall, we've had ours for the month! I hope it clears up soon.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
I don't like spiders!
We went for a ride tonight and when Jim took the cover off of my bike out crawled this tarantula! In an effort to shoo him out of our site I think Jim killed it (can I hear an awwww?). I took this picture through a hurricane fence and I estimate it to be 3-4 inches long. I told Jim not to put the cover on my bike....

We had a beautiful day today but I understand a cold front is coming....
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Our Thanksgiving
Anne and I walked down to the garden to see if the rain made anything pop up. Still not much growing down there. More beets and beans have popped up. Our tomatoes are doing well and that's good to see!
Back home Jim was watching a Bond movie and when that ended he turned on the Packer/Lion football game.....not much fun watching Detroit play...
The resort provided turkey for today's dinner at the clubhouse, with residents bringing side dishes, but Anne can't eat chicken or turkey so we had dinner for the four of us on the patio. Steak and scallops, garlic mashed potatoes, acorn squash, stuffing, roasted cauliflower and broccoli, cranberry sauce, relishes and pumpkin pie with whipped cream. Oh we had wine also!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I am thankful to be loved by a wonderful man.
I am thankful for my health.
I am thankful to have plenty of food to eat and a roof over my head.
I am thankful to have good friends who enrich our lives
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Shopping and Rain
On the same block as the fabric store is a furniture store so we headed there to look a Lazy Boy recliners that would work in Anne's rig. She did find one but in the end it cost more than she wants to pay.
Then we headed to Sam's Club to pick up some items for Thanksgiving and life in general. Boy was that place packed! A lot of children were there and we wondered if school was out for the area. We stuck to the meat and veggie area as we didn't need dry goods. We sampled a few things and managed to get out without spending an arm and a leg. Anne also fueled up while there.
Next stop was HEB to check on scallops for our Thanksgiving dinner. I ended up buying frozen ones. We're all set for our surf and turf dinner tomorrow! We only needed a few items so we thought we'd be in and out quickly. But this store was crowded with shoppers also. By the time we got out the door it was almost 1600! We were out all afternoon!
Once home we went into dinner mode, neither one of us had lunch. Anne bought a spiral ham and she fixed some mashed potatoes and gravy. I brought over some corn bread and beans and viola! dinner....
These are some of the pictures I've taken lately

Sunday, November 22, 2009
Foggy, chilly and the flea market
One of the things I did this morning was check on the garden. I think the irrigation system is turned least I hope so. Anne joined me at the garden and we walked back to rigs after I bought a newspaper. I wanted to eat out so I mentioned it to her and she was all for it if we could convince Scotty. Back home Jim had no problem talking Scotty into going to Olive Garden.
So we left around noon and had a lovely soup and salad lunch. Afterwards we headed to the Don-Wes flea market. We spent a couple hours looking around and all we bought was pineapple and cucumbers. There wasn't a crowd of people so I guess all the Winter Texans haven't arrived yet. We did notice some empty spots so all the vendors aren't here either.
Once home I checked emails and then made some coffee and sat outside reading my book, An Echo in the Bone. Very pleasant! Jim also had some coffee and finished off a magazine then played some golf on the Wii. Speaking of the Wii, Jim has constructed a mount for the TV that he uses outside to play the Wii
Using a piano hinge, some plywood and a mounting bracket he can now fold the TV up against the roof of the compartment. He still needs to figure out how to secure it for travel.
The following pictures are the ones I promised.
Time flies when you're having fun!
Rest assured, we are enjoying our days! Each day we have chores, as any home owner has. Dishes, bed making, laundry for me and outside Jim takes care of cleaning the rig and maintaining it and the truck.
Yesterday while Jim was putting new tires on his trike this lovely butterfly came along and took a break. I guess he was warming his toes on the rim. Jim also had tires and tubes on the driveway and several butterflies were enjoying the warmth. It was neat to see

Thursday, November 19, 2009
How Lucky Am I?
This morning I was up just after 7 and started my day the way I usually do with a cup of coffee and my computer. At 8 I woke Jim and made some blueberry muffins for our breakfast. I had a couple loads of laundry to do so I started that, made the bed and dressed for the day.
Jim and I went schlepping this morning. First the post office to mail a book. Then we stopped at Target so I could get some Steaz Tea, thanks Sonsearae for telling me they sell it there. I would never have even looked. Then Home Depot so Jim could pick up some supplies for a project he's working on. I managed to find some plants that wanted to come home with me. :) Then HEB for a few groceries.
Back home we put our purchases away and fixed some lunch. I was getting cranky from lack of food! I turned on my soaps and did some email reading. Jim needed a piano hinge for this project so he and Scotty went to Tractor Supply. Anne popped over and asked if I'd like to have coffee with her and I said sure! We sat on her patio talking and enjoying coffee until the buys returned. It was a lot of fun just chatting with a good friend.
Anne took these two pictures of a Great Purple Hairstreak Butterfly. I found him across the street but didn't have a camera with me. This lovely creature was new to both of us!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
1st official Margarita hour
I woke Jim at 0800, I had a bowl of cereal with blueberries and my trail mix for breakfast. I think Jim had cereal too. Today was strip the bed day so that's what I started on after breakfast. Jim headed outside to do the black tank.
Since Fred stopped by and cancelled Jim's help on the truck, some sort of speaker problem. Anyway Jim wandered next door and helped Scotty and Vern work on Anne's refrigerator. Not exactly sure what the problem was, but apparently the fridge part wasn't cooling enough.
Anne and I walked down to the garden looking for butterflies to take pictures of. My camera was dead so no pictures to share with you. Our gardens are still lacking in plants. But we gave them a soaking and we're hoping for the best.
I stayed home and worked on laundry this afternoon. I also baked an Apple Cider pound cake for Margarita Hour. Watched all my soaps and read some of my book.
Jim came home long enough to make a sandwich for his lunch which is what I had also.
Around 1645 we headed to the clubhouse for Margarita Hour. Every Wednesday this event happens. Margaritas are only a dollar and everyone is supposed to bring a dish to share. Deviled eggs, chips and salsa, some sort of pizza like thing, meatballs, shrimp cocktail, smokies in BBQ sauce, smokies with a bacon wrap, and other goodies I can't remember. Announcements are made and there is a 50-50 raffle. Today's winner took home $53!
We were home by 1830 and the sunset was real pretty.
Despite the cold start to the day it turned out nice, blue skies with bright sunshine and not to hot.
Hope your day was a good one!
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Not so hot today
Last night we went out for dinner with Anne and Scotty. Logan's Roadhouse, they have a meal deal, two entrees, plus two sides each, for $13.99, Monday and Tuesday. They had water, I had beer. They had beef, I had salmon. They had potatoes in one form or another and I had mushrooms (I did want a sweet potato, but they were out). Anne and I had salads, Scotty had grilled veggies and Jim had macaroni and cheese. Logan's also have 3 cute little dessert served in tiny buckets for $5 so we ordered them. We had a good time!
I made some chicken and dumplings for our lunch today, it tasted so good we finished it off for dinner.
We got a big box of magazines and catalogs from Sonsearae today. I love getting mail. When we had a sticks and bricks I looked forward to mail everyday and was disappointed on occasion when I didn't get any. Now days and days go by with no mail :(
We joined Anne and Scotty for Greek pizza and wine tonight. Of course we had fun, that goes without saying. We really enjoy spending time with them.
Did you see Dancing with the Stars? I'm so glad Kelly didn't go home. I guess Donnie has a large fan base because I don't think he should have stayed. Next week should be very interesting!
Looks like it will be a great night for sleeping. It's already 53 outside!
Monday, November 16, 2009
Lunch with My Honey
Back home I had some breakfast and then threw a load of laundry in the wash machine. Jim skipped breakfast but he did some work on the street side of the rig before it got to hot. when he came in he asked if I'd like to have lunch out and go to Barnes and Nobles. Sure! He shaved and dressed then I did.
Soon we were on our way, but first we had to make a stop at Wal*Mart for a mounting bracket for the TV. He wants to mount the TV in the compartment. I'll have more on that when the job continues.
Then we went to Palms Crossing to have lunch at Kumori, They brought soup right after we sat down, then the waiter took our drink order of hot green tea. We enjoyed this while we read the menu. We started with an order of gyoza, delicious!

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Shopping with Anne

falling behind
We did go to Mexico for another dentist visit this past Thursday. I think Jim is through with that. We picked up a bottle of rum. I think they've changed the rules on buying booze. No matter we can always go to Feldmans! Tequila is much cheaper in Mexico!
Let's see, what else have we done? Jim repaired the hinge on the compartment. He played some golf. I've tended our garden.
Last night we had to go to happy hour at Pat and Vern's! They bought a new blender with a spigot and we tested it by making margaritas, works pretty good!
It looks like it will be another sunny day in Mission, Texas. Hope your day is a good one!
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Veteran's Day
Anne was cooking a pot roast for our dinner so I decided to bake bread. The first loaf didn't turn out well and I ended making another one and hot out of the oven in time for dinner!
Most of the afternoon I was watching my soaps, watching the clock and reading. Jim did some vacuuming and between him and Scotty they figured out what was wrong with our overhead lights. Apparently that wore Jim out and he had to take a nap!
We had dinner on our patio, the pot roast was delicious! Didn't have a big dessert, just cookies. More importantly we enjoyed time with our friends Anne and Scotty.
I'm watching the Country Music Awards and it sure is nice to hear them honor our vets!
Do you know the history of this day? Do you know why we set this day aside to honor Veterans? Please check out this link: World War I was the war to end all wars..... that didn't happen, did it?
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Boo Gets a hair cut!
Back home from my walk and Jim is up! So I took a quick shower and put some clothes in the wash machine. Boo had an appointment for grooming at 1000, so i made the bed and did the dishes and soon it was time to leave.
I always like getting my Boo baby back all clean and pretty but I hate leaving him at the groomers! We didn't have any other places to go so we just came home and waited for the call to pick him up.
I did some ironing and while I was doing this chore Ed Dray called! We chatted a few minutes as I walked outside to hand the phone off to Jim, he was cleaning the truck off. I then had a salad for lunch. Jim had a sandwich. I started watching my soaps but we soon got the call to pick up Boo. We got in the truck and Jim asks me if I want to visit Marilyn and Ed. Sure! So he gave them a call to let them know and we drove to Mercedes. We haven't seen our friends since we left Colorado Springs.
We had a nice visit sitting outside in the shade (for me) chatting and enjoying a cold drink. Since we read each others blogs we didn't learn anything new. They brought us some stain for the rig, Thanks! We got to see the improvements they made to their rig. We also got to see the cleaning crew wash their rig! It never occurred to me to take pictures....
We didn't stay long but we sure enjoyed our visit, it will be the first of many!
Back home I did some work on the computer (yes I do constructive things on my computer!) and watched some of my soaps.
For dinner we had some brisket, beans and a cucumber salad. I'm watching Dancing with the Stars and I wonder who's going home tonight?
Monday, November 9, 2009
What can I say?
After I had my coffee I went for a walk. Two days in a row.....When I got back I had breakfast and had time to make the bed before I left with Anne to get some groceries. We stopped by Michael's first to pick up some shirts, more on that when they're finished.
Then we stopped at the Family Christian Store where Anne bought an advent calendar for the grandchildren and I found a couple of gift items. Then we hit HEB. Have I ever mentioned that I love that store? It's almost as good as a Whole Foods Store! We made our purchases and got home after 1400! Where does the time go?
I settled in to watch my soaps and to work on the computer. Jim played some golf then he came inside to play games on his computer. You see Scotty was helping Vern with a slide problem. Anne needed my input on the shirt design so I went next door and Jim decided to join Scotty an Vern.
While I was next door Dan stopped by and a party was started! Well we three said it would be a good thing! He and Amy would bring the tequila and mix for margaritas. I went home and had something to eat. Jim called me and asked 'was there a party'? Could he and Scotty come? And by the way they'd bring Pat and Vern! Thus a party was born! We all brought something to snack on and we had a good time. We all headed home around 1930
WHAT? I missed some of Dancing with the Stars! That's what I'm watching right now. Jim has showered and he's playing games after posting on Facebook, h says he's going to keep checking on it. We'll see.
As each day passes, more and more Winter Texans can be seen here at Bentsen Palms. Soon the RGV will be filled with folks fleeing cold weather! We even got our Activity Calender today.
I hope Ida remains a tropical storm! A lot of rain can be a good thing but it can also be messy. Our weather today was overcast and rain threatened all day but we never got any.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Lazy Sunday
I woke Jim at 0800 and mixed up some pancake batter. I had the dishes done and my pancakes consumed before he got up! I then dressed and went for a walk. my clothes are getting tighter and something has to go! I stopped by the fitness center and weighed myself and I was right, I've gained a couple pounds. yuck.
Back home I made the bed and did a load of laundry. Jim worked on the flag lights but I don't think he did anything else. I rode down to guest services to pick up a package and on the way back I stopped and chatted with Carol and Fred.
We both just sat around and watched tv this afternoon. I also spent to much time on this computer! I read some of my book and marinated some shrimp for happy hour. Jim played some golf after he shaved.
We went next door for happy hour. Anne and Scotty, Pat and Vern and Jim and I. It was fun. Besides the shrimp we had cheese (three kind) and crackers and some pico de gallo with chips. And wine! Peach Chardonnay and Moscat D'asti. I think we killed both bottles!
We've showered and the dishes are done. We also had some popcorn!
Geaux Saints! They won again and are now 8-0
Saturday, November 7, 2009
NABA International Butterfly Park
I woke Jim at 0800 and he crawled out of bed around 0830. We both had some breakfast and I started on laundry. Anne asked if I wanted to go for a bike ride after we watered the garden and I suggested we go to the Butterfly Garden. So we watered our plants and then stopped by and asked Amy if she wanted to go see the butterflies. She even knows the names of them!
The day was warming up! And the mosquitoes were out in force. Anne and I took a lot of pictures but these are the only two I could post.

Friday, November 6, 2009
Nuevo Progresso, Mexico
It was foggy and humid again...I kind of like it, reminds me of New Orleans. Once the sun burns off the fog it begins to heat up. That part isn't so nice....I don't like high temperatures. I woke Jim at 0800 but he didn't get up immediately. I had breakfast, did the dishes then went and got dressed. He still didn't get up. Why is it he manages to sleep in when I need to strip the bed and wash the sheets?
No matter I had a couple things to do outside, water my plants and pot a plumeria. Oh, I planted some marjoram seeds too. I wanted to plant some tomato seeds but I've misplaced them.....I'm sure they'll show up.
When Jim got up I stripped the bed and started doing the laundry. He had some breakfast and enjoyed his coffee while reading blogs. In between loads I managed to get my fingernails polished.
We had a slow easy morning. We were going to Mexico again to visit the dentist again. Anne had a noon appointment as did Jim so we left around 1100. It takes about 45 minutes to get there. I took some magazines to read and Scotty brought a book.
We didn't linger in Mexico and we didn't stop for lunch. Anne was doing ok but she still had some numbness. We just came home. I turned on my soaps and had a grilled cheese sandwich. Jim also had a sandwich but had his lunch outside. He's not a big fan of my soaps :)
For dinner tonight Anne baked some macaroni and cheese, we both had ham that she heated in the microwave oven and I steamed some green beans. I also baked some scones for our dessert. We had dinner inside at the Scotts. Good food with good friends, what could be better?
We came home around 1930 and I showered, then Jim showered and I did the dishes. Right now we're watching Numbers and we watched How it's Made.
I'm sure the temperature was in the upper 80's this afternoon. We had some wispy clouds and a nice breeze, another beautiful day in the RGV
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Another gorgeous Day
After breakfast, dishes and bed making I dressed to head to Sun Harvest ( Once Jim finished cleaning the grill and wiping down the truck we headed out. I picked up what I needed at Sun Harvest and then we went a few blocks up the road to Harbor Freight ( Fun store to browse and we both found something to buy.
Jim then headed towards the south on 10th and since I didn't know our destination I couldn't help with directions. We got near the mall then he made a left down a deadend street and went around the block and returned to 10th heading in the same direction. Then he found our destination! Logans Roadhouse, where we had a very nice lunch. jim had a steak, macaroni and cheese and a ceasar salad. I had grilled salmon, sauteed mushrooms and a ceasar salad. We cleaned up our plates and enjoyed a draft beer wiht our meal.
We then drove the short distance to the mall and walked around for a bit. We didn't buy anything but I did see some items I could have bought! :)
When we left the mall we headed to the post office so I could mail a book then we went to the bank to get some cash. Whew! Time to go home....all this running around tires a body out.
Once we got to Bentsen Palms we saw a couple new rigs and one of them was our friends Carol and Fred! Their trip from Michigan wasn't uneventful and they were glad to be here. We sat and talked for a bit but left so they could get set up. After all we'll all be here for awhile!
We finally made it home and I checked with Anne about our garden plot. I didn't get to water this morning so we headed over to plant more seeds and water everything. We picked some citrus fruit and headed home.
I showered when I got home then fixed us some soup and bruschetta for dinner. I still have to do the dishes! We watched CSI and now the Mentalist is on.
It was a wee bit warmer today, I think the upper 80's but the sky was clear and blue...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
It’s Jim’s Turn
Linda has been hinting that I should do a blog entry every now and then, just to give her a break. Of course, anyone who knows me also knows that I don’t take hints very well, so it’s only been about a year since she first suggested it!
As Linda mentioned in her blog yesterday we went to Progresso to see the dentist. The main reason for the visit was to have my lower denture repaired (I broke a tooth out of it). Being the forgetful type I left the broken denture on our dining room table so we’ll be going back this Friday. Getting old is so much fun—especially developing a terminal case of CRS (can’t remember &%$#).
My honey was up early today and woke me promptly at 0800 as I always request. I promptly got up at 0900 as usual. Why I ask her to wake me at 0800 is anybody’s guess; maybe one day I’ll actually get up then.
I had a nice breakfast of oatmeal with toasted walnuts with my coffee while perusing my e-mail and all the blogs I like to keep up with.
It’s truly amazing how easy it is to keep up with old friends, new friends, cyber friends, and friends to be through blogging. It’s kind of funny in a way: we spent 2 months this summer in Colorado with Ed and Marilyn. We were parked right next to each other and spent most of our days together, yet we each continued to read each other’s blogs. It was kind of like déjà vu—all over again. They’d talk about us and we’d talk about them. Maybe we just like seeing our names in print! We have met and come to love so many fellow rv’ers that it just boggles the mind.
Linda has gone up to our little garden plot to get her tomato plants and some seeds in the ground. She’s back already, that certainly didn’t take long. She stopped at Amy and Dan’s rig on the way back and got to see Amy’s new Catrike Pocket cover—a grill cover from Lowe’s. Linda tried it on her trike and it fit perfectly. I think they’re less than $17.00 apiece which is a whole lot less than the $40.00 for a trike cover from a manufacturer. Can’t help it if I’m cheap! As Linda says: Cheap is good.
Looks like Linda and Anne are making a Wally World run (Linda hates Wal-Mart) and stopping by Lowe’s (are women even allowed in Lowe’s?) to pick up the covers for our trikes.
Hot dang! Vern just stopped by on his way to the dumpster to see if I wanted any of the throw rugs he was getting rid of. Two were pretty torn up so I passed on them, but the other two are in great shape so I latched on to them to use outside. Cheap is good—free is better!
Later: The ladies are back with their purchases. The grill covers are excellent. Very heavy duty and water resistant. Looks like they also brought home more groceries.
DSC_0001 src="" width=244 border=0> New trike covers.
Scotty and I are going to fire up our Cobb grills and cook up some portobello mushrooms. Looks like Linda is preparing a salad to go with them.
While I’m thinking of it I thought I’d mention that I’m writing this blog using Microsoft Live Writer. Very simple interface and usability, and it works with just about every blog writing web site out there. I especially like that I can do everything off-line and post whenever I have an internet connection. If you’re thinking of starting a blog or even writing one now, check it out. Okay, that’s enough free advertising for Microsoft.
Later still: We finished up supper and I must admit it was very good. Who would have thought that replacing beef with portobello mushrooms would make a really tasty hamburger! The coals were still hot after dinner so Linda mixed up some butter, sugar, cinnamon, and other spices; melted it all, then cooked apple slices in it. Mighty, mighty fine dessert I must say. We hung around on the patio until a little after dark when the mosquitoes finally chased us inside. There just isn’t anything much better than a good meal and good conversation with with good friends. Man, what a great life we live.
Time for a shower, a little TV and computering, and another day in the life of a fulltime rv’er draws to a close. And we get to do it again tomorrow!!
Linda here, just wanted to add that today was gorgeous! Blue skies plenty of sunshine and mid-80's for the high. While I was off shopping Jim did the dishes! and he also did them again this afternoon. Now it's my turn to do the dinner dishes....Hope your day was as good as ours!
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
Nuevo Progresso, Mexico
We had plans to go to Nuevo Progresso, Mexico today with Anne and Scotty. The dreaded visit to the dentist! So we ate some breakfast, downed our coffee, dressed and left shortly after 1000. We had other places to stop at and we still ended up early for the appointment. But we were the only ones there and the wait wasn't very long. And Jim and Anne have to go back on Friday.
After we bought a couple 'coffee tables' and some flea medicine for Boo we left Mexico and started home. Since it was way past my lunchtime I was really hungry! We stopped at Grand China Buffet on North Jackson where some of us stuffed themselves! We all had some of the Mongolian BBQ and a few things from the buffet. Jim and Scotty had way to much of the dessert table!
From there we went to Sam's Club where the guys had a good look around while Anne and I picked up what we needed. We spent probably an hour looking around. One more stop at an RV place and then home. One of the tables we picked up was for Vern and Pat so we stopped by their rig to deliver it and chatted for a bit.
We were home around 1700 and Boo was happy to see us! Dinner time. Because of our late lunch I didn't fix dinner. I did eat some cucumber salad left over from last night's dinner and Jim had some peanut butter and crackers.
It was a beautiful day the high around 80. Right now it's 73 and cooling off nicely. Dancing with the Stars is on and life is good!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Busy Saturday...and catching up
After breakfast and dishes Anne came by and suggested we head to our garden plot to get started on them. So we packed our bikes with hand tools and seed and pedaled over to the garden area. Everyone who wants can have 10 feet of space and it's irrigated so we shouldn't have to worry to much about watering the plot. It was already tilled and we had marked off the spots we wanted. So we got some work done. I planted two kind of cucumbers, green peppers and two types of flowers. All from seed and I still have some space for more. Tomatoes for sure and I bought some plants for that and a jalapeno plant. I already have mesclun, chives, basil and cilantro coming up in a planter here on the patio.
Back home back to laundry and a bite of lunch. Then Amy and I went with Anne to find some plants. We all bought tomato plants and they need to be put in the ground soon. We also bought more seeds. As the time here goes by I should have more to write about the garden. Wish us luck!
Back home I finally got the bed stripped and started on the sheets. As the afternoon wore on we all convinced Jim he should wash Anne's car. So they spent some time getting the car sparkling clean inside and out. Not sure who's idea it was but we all agreed to go out to dinner.
It was just the four of us. Oh and Dave and Karen!

Sunday, November 1, 2009
Halloween Party, Friday
Friday morning Anne, Pat and I headed to Sam's Club to pick up most of the goodies we served. Cupcakes, chips, veggies and dips! Jalapeno Poppers! Cinnamon twists. All good food! We had most of the dishes, napkins etc. But we stopped for more. Black and orange was the theme....
We were home by lunchtime and most of the afternoon was relaxing. Around 1600 we set up over at Anne's and everything was ready by 1700....Good thing too because Vern and Pat showed up with the poppers!