
Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Critters and chores

Monday was chore day for me.  

I started the day by taking out the trash and recycles. 

While having my coffee I noticed a couple of Blue Jays at the feeder.  Beautiful birds but a bit on the noisy side.  No worse than the flock of boat tail grackles that stops by everyday.  The woodpecker is fun to watch also.  Sometimes he works mighty hard for that sunflower seed.  But the raccoon is by far the largest seed eater at the feeder!

After Jim got up I started on the laundry. Then stripped the bed and got dressed for the day.  Dishes were next and then I settled in and waited for either the washer or dryer and continued most of the day shifting clothes from one machine to the other.  It isn't hard work....

I visited with Sonsearae before she had to go to work.

For lunch we had some leftover Mexican noodle casserole along with guacamole and pico.  A glass of sangria had both of us yawning while we watched a slew of recorded shows all afternoon.  At one point we took Boo out for a walk.

Do you exercise?  It isn't high on my list of favorites.  We each have a theory it should motivate you to walk....not in my case.  Yesterday I managed to get a whopping 1700 steps.

Jim took Boo for another walk and that was the extent of his chores for the day.  Oh, he did get in touch with Direct TV about our recording devise.  It isn't working properly and they're sending us a new one.

We checked on a couple of area campgrounds.  One was priced high.  If we plan on coming back to this area next winter we need to think about reservations.  I'd like to visit the campground to see if I approve!

Have I mentioned the owls lately?  We've two Barn Owls in the garage out back.  Jim likes to park the truck there but those pesky owls don't care.  Poo and pellets everywhere!   Jim bought and put up two tarps to keep this debris off the truck and to some extent that works. You should see one spot where their poo is eating a hole in the tarp!   Meanwhile the owls hit everything on the perimeter.  Which means items that were stored have gotten a wee bit yucky and made more work for Jim.  For the past week or so the truck has been sitting outside.

I hear the Great Horned Owls almost every evening.  I can even locate them in the trees if I take the time to look.

All is right in our world

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