Tuesday, November 30, 2010
First it's Hot, then it's Cold
We've been alternating between leftovers from Thanksgiving and other choice meals. Today we had turkey, dressing and gravy but I fixed Roasted Brussels Sprouts from the Moosewood Restaurant Cooking for Health cookbook. It was a hit and I include the recipe here in case you like sprouts
1 lb Brussels sprouts
1 1/2 T olive oil
1/4 t salt
Clean and cut sprouts in half toss in oil and place on lightly oiled pan cut side down. Place in preheated 375 degree oven 12 - 18 minutes or until tender and lightly browned.
while cooking make the dressing
2 T minced red onion or shallots
1 t Dijon mustard
1 T lemon juice
1 1/2 T olive oil
stir into the sprouts and toss with 1/2 cup toasted walnuts or pecans. I used walnuts and it tasted just great! you can also use salt and pepper to taste.
Last night was very windy and it kept waking me up so I expect to sleep better tonight. The front is here and it's getting cooler.
Jim had a kayaking trip today but cancelled it due to the wind. Not good taking novices out on the Rio Grande River with a lot of wind.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Thanksgiving Day
We each ordered flatbread pizzas and had a tall cold beer to wash it down. Mostly we enjoyed the conversation and just being together. They're staying at Llano Grande for the winter season so we should see them again.
Jim worked Monday and Tuesday getting the kayaks ready for paddling trips. Yesterday he just chilled most of the day reading or using the computer. I made a cherry apple pie and the cranberry sauce for our Thanksgiving dinner.
This morning when I got up we had wind and cloudy skies. Soon the clouds cleared, the sun came out and it sure warmed up quickly. I had the turducken in the oven shortly after 0900. Then I got to work chopping and slicing the ingredients for the mushroom stuffing. Once I got the veggies sauteed I put everything into the slow cooker. Jim and I had to sample it for lunch around noon!
Because it was HOT and windy we had our dinner indoors. Anne recently purchased some new dishes and the clear glass looks lovely on my new tablecloth!

Three desserts! Anne made a mincemeat pie, Amy made a lemon bundt cake and I made a cherry apple pie.

Jim and I came home around 1600, fed Boo and I did the clean up and dishes. The Saints were playing Dallas and we watched the game and it came down to nail biting win for the Saints! Jim spent some time with other work campers decorating outside the office. I passed and apparently missed out on the eggnog
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Lazy Weekend
Jim has had the past three days off from work and we've enjoyed out time together. Friday we dropped Boo off at the groomer and then we headed to Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen that just opened up here in the Valley. We've enjoyed their food before so we splurged. Worth every penny but I'm glad it's a drive to get there as we don't need to go often! We both had appetizers, Jim had the Boudin and I had a cup of seafood gumbo. Of course we had beer and they brought French bread and butter. We probably could have left then instead of waiting for our lunch.
Jim ordered a shrimp po-boy which came with a half plate of fries. I opted for the grilled catfish on a bed of dirty rice and a side of rice with a seafood tomato based sauce. All of it was verrrry good! I brought home most of my lunch and Jim brought home part of his appetizer. Which we enjoyed last night for dinner.
After lunch we went to the Outlet Mall so Jim could find some sandals and we did! We hit several shoes stores and he found a pair in Skechers. Of course they were having a sale, buy one get half off another pair, so I found a pair. Even at that price we stilled paid a lot for two pair of shoes.
On the way home we got the call to pick up Boo so we didn't make any other stops. We arrived home, changed clothes and I had some coffee. The managers, Jeni and Don stopped by to tell Jim his shirts had arrived so he pedaled down to pick them up and found out he had a meeting at 1700. We had a good laugh because it was his idea to have happy hour with our friends and he missed out on some of the fun!
Amy and Dan, Pat and Vern, Jim and I (Boo too) joined Anne and Scotty for some good eats and drinks. Dan brought the Vita-Mix and fixins for the Margarita's, Vern always brings his beer in a cooler and Amy and Anne had moscato wine. Let's see, for food we had grilled hot dogs, pico de gallo and chips, I think there were two cheesy dips, fresh veggies and M&M's. Pat always supplies the guys with those chocolate tid bits.
Taps can be heard from the Veterans Cemetery and Friday night was especially clear, the wind was blowing just right. I had just taken down the flags when we heard Taps and coyotes! Day is done. But the party was in full swing. Jim arrived a short time later and we all sat around having a good time when Jim finally got chilled enough (he was wearing shorts) to head home. The rest of us were dressed more warmly! I picked up our stuff and joined him. It was almost 2000 so it was time to break up the party.
He showered using all the hot water and when I could I showered and then did the dishes. I made popcorn and we ended the day watching TV.
Saturday was another lazy day. I always have the daily chores of dishes and bed making, maybe some laundry. Anne and I went shopping. We stopped at TJ Maxx and then HEB for milk and bread, etc. Jim had gone out to Academy Sports and arrived home just after me.
We had coffee on the patio enjoying the breeze and chatting. As I said earlier we had leftovers for dinner and the dishes were just as good the second time around.

Friday, November 19, 2010
Time flies when you're having fun!
Wednesday we had our first Margarita hour and even though it was noisy the crowd wasn't that big. These get togethers are interesting. It's for meeting and greeting but most everyone sits with their friends. We're supposed to bring a dish to share and depending on what's on sale at HEB we get repeat dishes, not many new items. This week we didn't have many sweets.
Yesterday we finalized the menu for Thanksgiving. There will be six of us sharing the meal. The resort does meal but we like the quieter gathering with our friends. Of course I may have a problem because the Saints will be playing Dallas and you know how I like the Saints!

Sunday, November 14, 2010
the day in pictures

The winter season has started!

Saturday, November 13, 2010
Fall day
It was quite breezy and cool when I got up this morning. Even the flamingos were cuddling!
My guess is a front is passing through which is making it nice and cool for me. By 0820 the temperature had dropped 3 degrees from 62 to 59. Still 70 in the house and the blueberry muffins that I baked made the house warm and toasty and it sure smelled good too.
Last night we had attended a gathering next door that included the Anne and Scotty, Pat and Vern and Amy and Dan. First time this season that all four couples had happy hour together and we had a lot of fun!
Since it was an impromptu get together the food wasn't elaborate but the wine and beer flowed freely and by 1930 when we started towards home no one was ‘unhappy’ if you catch my drift!
Jim and I went out to lunch today enjoying soup, salad and mussels at Olive Garden. Since it was a cool day soup sounded real good to me. This is one of our favorite meals. I must say I stuffed myself but everything was so good!
We stopped in at Barnes and Nobles on the way home but we didn't stay long. Once home we just stayed in and spent quiet time together.
Dinner was BLT's and now that the sun has gone down we're sitting in front of our computers while watching TV.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Veteran's Day
My father in law was in the Army Air Corp during WWII and was shot down while flying a mission and crash landed in England.
Our daughter Sonsearae was also in the Navy and Jim's son William is a Navy Veteran who recently retired from active duty after serving 20 years.
My beloved husband retired from the Navy and proudly served two tours in Viet Nam.
We fly the flag today in Honor of those who have served our country!
We've had some pretty decent weather the past few days and last night we had a gorgeous sunset

Tuesday, November 9, 2010
A few days ago I noticed I had a backache that would not go away. It's been with me for several days and I've come to the conclusion that I haven't been exercising...nada, zip, nuttin...
So I wondered how many of you exercise on a regular basis and what do you do? I used to do some repetitive exercises every morning and several times a week some yoga. Walking is something I used to do also.
As I age I'm getting lazier! All the experts agree that daily exercise is good for you, should help you live longer....I'm doomed!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
party party party
The prices for food at this restaurant are very reasonable! As usual the servings are way to much and we brought food home. My biggest complaint about the restaurant was the air conditioning, it was way to cold.
We had a good time visiting with our table mates, Anne and Scotty, Diana and John, Carol and Fred. At another table sat Carol and Gordon with Pat and Vern. Not sure why they seated us this way.
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
My Garden
Each day we see more and more winter Texans arriving. Of course that means more of our friends are showing up!
Jim and I had a couple errands to run then we stopped in at Chili's for lunch. As usual the food was good. Even better was the gift card we had for $10 off!
I did something new today. Went to a shooting range and learned how to hold and shoot 5 different hand guns. Two revolvers and 3 semi automatics. I've never handled a gun before so this was a learning experience.
A couple days ago I took some pictures of my garden. This year I'm focusing on potted plants! Last year not much luck in the plot I had and after the freeze I don't want to try again.