Jim's turn to blog; so here goes.
Thursday was an interesting and semi-exciting day.
Linda and Anne went to get their hair done and their new
do's sure made them cute. Of course, they were cute before they had their hair done, but now they are cuter. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I was beholden some mighty fine beauty. Okay, enough of that.
I awaited the
Progressive Insurance adjuster with some
trepidation as I had heard some horror stories about their claim process. Well, the adjuster arrived, did his adjusting, and handed me a check. Whew, that was easy. We will be able to completely replace the 15 foot electric awning over the main part of the rig and the 12 foot manual awning on the living/dining
slideout, including all the hardware. We will also replace the slide topper vinyl (the hardware for it wasn't damaged).
Late that evening a severe wind and rain storm came up without any warning. The wind blew in micro-bursts of about 40 mph and the rain came down in torrents. It didn't last long (thank goodness) and we had no damage or leaks from it. Unfortunately, the Scott's awning ripped as they were putting it up. Not sure how severe the tear is, but I see an insurance adjuster in their future. I didn't see any damage to the park, and only noticed fairly minor damage to a couple of rigs. Sure glad we dodged the proverbial bullet.
We went to Glacier NP today, despite the clouds and cool weather. We went in the West Gate and drove the "going to the sun road" over Logan's Pass, exiting the park at the East Gate. Instead of turning around and doing the road in the opposite direction we decided to take the roads that skirt the southern boundary of the park. All in all a gorgeous day.
Lots of pics follow, so be prepared:
this is one of many small waterfalls we saw:

A view of one of the many valleys with the cloud covering most of the peaks:

A very lovely flower. I have no idea what it is, but I sure do like it:

One of the many rivers that run through it:

Yes, that is one very long waterfall:

The peaks peeking through the clouds:

More river, valley and clouds:

And even more:

Clouds, waterfall and snow!:

I really like this
stair step waterfall:

The clouds would completely obscure everything, then a small break. This happened time and time again. I never got tired of it.

The Weeping Wall. The road can't be seen in this photo, but the water lands directly on it. Wouldn't want to be in a convertible.

There's the road:

Another pretty little waterfall:

We loved the contrast between the green of the grasses and the snow:

It's finally starting to clear:

Jackson Glacier. This is the first time I have seen a true glacier:

As we were traveling all I could think to say was "Thank you, Lord"

Just a series of rapids:

My honey and Boo. Oops, forgot to crop out Scotty's elbow:

A small island in St. Mary's Lake:

Okay, I've officially run out of adjectives to describe the views:

After all the grandeur, I found this small field of wild flowers that has it's own flavor of beauty:

And that brings to a close our day in Glacier National Park. I had a terrible time picking out which of the 187 pictures I took to publish, and I hope you enjoyed the few here.
Oh, about the title to this blog: I often wonder how (and why) my life just keeps improving. And while I don't have a definitive answer, I believe it has something to do with the fact that I am able to spend every day with the woman I love. I go to sleep thinking that there is no way life can get any better but, sure enough, every day it just keeps getting better.
Peace, love and harmony, my friends, and may all your dreams come true.