Monday, March 30, 2009
Dinner with friends on Sunday
Saturday, March 28, 2009
what a difference a year makes!
Yesterday we had Boo groomed and I decided to have him cut short. After all the weather is turning warmer...or is it? Today the high was around 80 a 20 degree drop from yesterday. This picture was taken today

I was up at 0715 and woke Jim up 30 minutes later because we had a date with friends for breakfast. There was a farewell pancake breakfast at the clubhouse. Quite a few people showed up at 0800. We took our own coffee, but enjoyed pancakes, sausage, fruit cocktail and orange juice. We were offered seconds on everything but most of us declined.
Once we got home Jim did dishes while I stripped the bed and got the sheets ready to launder. Jim vacuumed and then cleaned the carpet with Anne's Carpet cleaner. Just the high traffic areas. With our low humidity it didn't take long to dry. Then he went outside to vacuum the truck.
I continued with the sheets. Around noon I had a salad for lunch and sat outside to eat it. The temperature was 75 and the weather was simple gorgeous! All through the resort folks were out and about enjoying the cooler sunny afternoon.
Dave and Jim spent time at Scotty's helping with the boat. Even Anne was working along side them. Then she went off to do laundry also.
I'm not sure what time I decided to sit outside with my glass of wine but in no time we had a patio full of people. Dave stopped by with some seafood salad for happy hour and Anne came over and Carole stopped by. Then Karen wheeled up and the guys came over from next door and viola! Happy hour was upon us. Chips, salsa, seafood salad and cracker, Jello shots. I had roasted some Brussel sprouts, potatoes and garlic and set those out. Wine, beer and Baileys mint chocolate were the drinks. We had a good time!
After Karen and Dave left we decided to take a ride around the resort and we stopped and visited Karen and Dave! LOL The evening was just to nice to end. But we did.
Once home we tidied up our patio with the help of Anne. Inside I did the dishes, then showered and now here I sit. We're watching Journey to the Center of the Earth on the Hallmark channel.

And this picture was taken a year ago on March 29th! Boo's coloring hasn't changed much, but I think he's a bit lighter on the back.
Overnight a cold front came though and boy was it windy! We went to sleep with the ac running but Jim had to get up around 0030 to take down the flags. We could also hear the awnings creaking. I'm not sure how Jim slept! But he did...
I was up at 0715 and woke Jim up 30 minutes later because we had a date with friends for breakfast. There was a farewell pancake breakfast at the clubhouse. Quite a few people showed up at 0800. We took our own coffee, but enjoyed pancakes, sausage, fruit cocktail and orange juice. We were offered seconds on everything but most of us declined.
Once we got home Jim did dishes while I stripped the bed and got the sheets ready to launder. Jim vacuumed and then cleaned the carpet with Anne's Carpet cleaner. Just the high traffic areas. With our low humidity it didn't take long to dry. Then he went outside to vacuum the truck.
I continued with the sheets. Around noon I had a salad for lunch and sat outside to eat it. The temperature was 75 and the weather was simple gorgeous! All through the resort folks were out and about enjoying the cooler sunny afternoon.
Dave and Jim spent time at Scotty's helping with the boat. Even Anne was working along side them. Then she went off to do laundry also.
I'm not sure what time I decided to sit outside with my glass of wine but in no time we had a patio full of people. Dave stopped by with some seafood salad for happy hour and Anne came over and Carole stopped by. Then Karen wheeled up and the guys came over from next door and viola! Happy hour was upon us. Chips, salsa, seafood salad and cracker, Jello shots. I had roasted some Brussel sprouts, potatoes and garlic and set those out. Wine, beer and Baileys mint chocolate were the drinks. We had a good time!
After Karen and Dave left we decided to take a ride around the resort and we stopped and visited Karen and Dave! LOL The evening was just to nice to end. But we did.
Once home we tidied up our patio with the help of Anne. Inside I did the dishes, then showered and now here I sit. We're watching Journey to the Center of the Earth on the Hallmark channel.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Time passes so quickly!
Monday we had some winds gusting to 30+ mph. Our small awning with the darker screen did well. No problems with it.
Tuesday we went to a burger joint that we'd heard about. Dave and Karen, Scotty and Anne plus Jim and I drove over to Donna. Had no trouble finding the place. It's not much to look at but inside you can smell the grease. Jim said he could eat one so I ordered one of my own. Anne and Scotty split one although Anne only had a bite. Kare ate about a third of hers and Dave could not finish his, leaving maybe three bites. I ate half of mine and Jim ate three quarters of his. We also had onion rings and fries that we didn't finish.

This is my burger and it's about 6 inches across but it's also thicker, like three burger king burgers. I can't begin to tell you how greasy it was. We all agreed that once was enough!
Needless to say we didn't have much of a dinner. For happy hour we had chocolate martini's. Karen brought them down and I must say they were quite tasty. I'm sure those along with the burger fulfilled our caloric needs for several days!
Wednesday I went shopping with Anne, I needed to pick up some ribs for our get together Thursday. Along with Karen we hit several stores before we stopped at HEB. We have a good time together and once we part ways I'll miss these ladies.
Thursday I was up early to get the ribs in the slow cooker. Went shopping again! LOL Anne was heading to Walmart and I needed to charge a card up for fuel. Karen joined us and we were in and out quickly.
Back home my ribs were smelling good! We borrowed a table from the Scott's and Jim helped get the table set. With 6 people I had to break out my 'good' china so I could have enough place settings! Also asked Anne to bring her own silverware. Fulltimers generally have 4 place settings....
Anne made potato salad and Karen brought a homemade apple pie and ice cream. At 1300 we sat down to ribs, potato salad and ice cold sangria. after we ate our fill we then proceeded to eat pie with ice cream. The temperature was around 90 with a slight breeze so it wasn't to bad. But after an hour or so we all split up and headed inside to cooler temperatures. Jim took a nap!
Today Boo had an appointment at Dapper Dog in Mission. We had him groomed and most of his hair is gone. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.
Jim and I had lunch at The Blue Shell. I had the avocado salad and he had a shrimp dish. we both liked our meal.
Once home I stayed indoors as the temperature kept rising until it reached 101. Even Jim stayed in most of the afternoon. He did venture out, going next door to check the progress on Scotty's boat.
In a few days we'll be leaving the RGV. Our resort is getting empty. Tomorrow is the farewell pancake breakfast and I think that's the last event for us.
Tuesday we went to a burger joint that we'd heard about. Dave and Karen, Scotty and Anne plus Jim and I drove over to Donna. Had no trouble finding the place. It's not much to look at but inside you can smell the grease. Jim said he could eat one so I ordered one of my own. Anne and Scotty split one although Anne only had a bite. Kare ate about a third of hers and Dave could not finish his, leaving maybe three bites. I ate half of mine and Jim ate three quarters of his. We also had onion rings and fries that we didn't finish.

This is my burger and it's about 6 inches across but it's also thicker, like three burger king burgers. I can't begin to tell you how greasy it was. We all agreed that once was enough!
Needless to say we didn't have much of a dinner. For happy hour we had chocolate martini's. Karen brought them down and I must say they were quite tasty. I'm sure those along with the burger fulfilled our caloric needs for several days!
Wednesday I went shopping with Anne, I needed to pick up some ribs for our get together Thursday. Along with Karen we hit several stores before we stopped at HEB. We have a good time together and once we part ways I'll miss these ladies.
Thursday I was up early to get the ribs in the slow cooker. Went shopping again! LOL Anne was heading to Walmart and I needed to charge a card up for fuel. Karen joined us and we were in and out quickly.
Back home my ribs were smelling good! We borrowed a table from the Scott's and Jim helped get the table set. With 6 people I had to break out my 'good' china so I could have enough place settings! Also asked Anne to bring her own silverware. Fulltimers generally have 4 place settings....
Anne made potato salad and Karen brought a homemade apple pie and ice cream. At 1300 we sat down to ribs, potato salad and ice cold sangria. after we ate our fill we then proceeded to eat pie with ice cream. The temperature was around 90 with a slight breeze so it wasn't to bad. But after an hour or so we all split up and headed inside to cooler temperatures. Jim took a nap!
Today Boo had an appointment at Dapper Dog in Mission. We had him groomed and most of his hair is gone. I'll try to get a picture tomorrow.
Jim and I had lunch at The Blue Shell. I had the avocado salad and he had a shrimp dish. we both liked our meal.
Once home I stayed indoors as the temperature kept rising until it reached 101. Even Jim stayed in most of the afternoon. He did venture out, going next door to check the progress on Scotty's boat.
In a few days we'll be leaving the RGV. Our resort is getting empty. Tomorrow is the farewell pancake breakfast and I think that's the last event for us.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
33th Tourist Day in Nuevo Progreso

That's what the sign says! Boy was it crowded! A lot of the Winter Texans have left our resort and I assume the same is elsewhere, but there sure are a lot of us left....Jim and I, Anne and Scotty and Karen and Dave went to check it out. We saw a lot of the same vendors but the street was blocked off and there were stages everywhere with entertainment.

You'll notice there are no pictures of the ladies. Jim took all these pictures and he was rarely with us! He and Scotty forged ahead while Dave remained behind 'guarding' the ladies while we shopped! Karen bought a hat and skirt, I bought some jewelry (of course!). It was thirsty work and I had to buy a beer, a Dos Equis was only a dollar.
We all had fun just strolling and enjoying the festival. Once we'd seen everything we left. Karen and Dave stopped at the liquor store and we four crossed over the border and headed for home. We made a stop at a Chinese Buffet and stuffed ourselves. Once home I did a load of laundry while Jim took a nap. I sat outside with Boo for awhile
Dinner wasn't required but I did make some pancakes. We also watched the movie Appaloosa. That's how our Saturday went.
Sunday I did a load of laundry. Anne and I went grocery shopping and I brought home a pizza for lunch. But I forgot about the ice cream social and we barely had time for a slice before we had to leave. I took my own while most everyone enjoyed a root beer float.
We had happy hour with Anne and Scotty. We always enjoy our time with them. Once we went inside Jim and I had the pizza for dinner. Wasn't much on TV and I watched Nat Geo most of the evening.
The wind has been blowing and Sunday night we slept with the ac running. I'm still sleeping way later than I should be and I can't figure out why. At least I'm not waking with a backache anymore since I let some air out of my mattress.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Our Patio

I had a movie to mail so I jumped on my bike and headed to the mail box. what a beautiful morning for a ride! So I started home but had to stop to watch a gazillion turkey buzzards flying over! Not sure where they were coming from but they just kept coming and coming. Some circled, riding the thermals. Once home I convinced Jim, Anne and Scotty to come out to play, I mean ride. So we put the carrier on for Boo and we took off for Bentsen State Park across the road from our resort.
We did about 5 miles and the breeze was wonderful. We didn't see many birds but we heard them! It was a great way to start our day. On the way home I snapped the picture of the yellow flower above. The flower looks like a big poppy...
Once home we chilled a bit and changed clothes for a trip to Harbour Freight. But first we needed some lunch! Applebys has a good lunch menu and we all had a combo lunch. The guys had salad and sliders while we ladies had soup and salad.
Then it was off to Harbour Freight! I'd never been, Jim says he's seen catalogs. So we explored all the nooks and crannies and found some stuff we needed. Saw a lot of things we wanted but didn't need! :) Once our items were paid for we went to Joe's for ice cream. Well everyone but me.
Once home Anne added cabbage to the corned beef that had been cooking all day in the slow cooker. I watched one of my soaps and sorted some beads into their new home (a small tool box from the HF store). Around 1700 both Jim and I were outside chillin with a cold drink. Shortly thereafter Anne and Scotty came over and we talked for awhile. We heard the coyotes howling when taps played.
Since it was taking longer than we wanted to wait Anne finished cooking the cabbage in the microwave and we sat down to dinner on our patio. Boy was that corned beef and cabbage good! It also had some potatoes, carrots and onions. We all stuffed ourselves!
After dinner we went inside and I cleaned up the dishes, Jim walked Boo and took the trash and recyclables down to the trash area.
Not much on TV tonight but I'm watching NatGeo and Jim is playing a game on his puter. We've had a good day with our friends and tomorrow should be even better, We're going to Mexico for Winter Texan day!
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Lunch with Friends
Karen wanted to get rid of her chili and strawberry cake. Since Dave was helping Scotty with the boat she brought that and brats and buns down for our lunch. I made some slaw and Anne provided condiments.
We had lunch on our patio since there was a boat on Anne's patio :) What a wonderful time we had! I'm only sorry we had to leave for Jim's appointment.
He saw a doctor regarding his shoulder. He's been in pain for several months. Good news, there's nothing seriously wrong. The xray showed some arthritis but that's it. Bursitis is what the doc said and gave him a shot to ease the pain. Since we're leaving the area that's all we'll do for now. If he needs to Jim can see a doctor. We'll be back in Mission in October and we can do a followup then with the same doctor.
We didn't do much after that, just drove around, made an appointment for Boo to be groomed and then came home.
Since we had such a big lunch I didn't fix dinner. Although I got hungry around 2100 and had a bowl of my chicken soup.
We left the windows open and went to bed shortly after 2200. But we weren't allowed to sleep much! Not sure what Boo was hearing but he kept jumping out of bed and barking. I'm sure he chased it away! I did ask Anne today if she heard him and she had. I'm glad she was up and not trying to sleep.
Boo finally settled in and we all got some sleep but I slept until 0845 this morning!
After breakfast Anne and I went out shopping. We didn't need much but had fun looking in the shops. We had lunch at The Blue Shell....who knew it was a Mexican seafood restaurant!! There are several of them in the area and if you like seafood, check it out.
On the way home we saw several scissor tailed flycatchers, what a beautiful little bird.
While I was gone Jim did a lot of cleaning and kept the dishes washed all day for me. I haven't put my hands in dishwater all day! :)
For dinner we had steak and a salad. We ate outside and enjoyed the breeze and our wine. For dessert Anne brought over some lemon meringue pie. yummy!
It's a free weekend on Starz so we watched a movie tonight and now I'm doing this blog.
We had lunch on our patio since there was a boat on Anne's patio :) What a wonderful time we had! I'm only sorry we had to leave for Jim's appointment.
He saw a doctor regarding his shoulder. He's been in pain for several months. Good news, there's nothing seriously wrong. The xray showed some arthritis but that's it. Bursitis is what the doc said and gave him a shot to ease the pain. Since we're leaving the area that's all we'll do for now. If he needs to Jim can see a doctor. We'll be back in Mission in October and we can do a followup then with the same doctor.
We didn't do much after that, just drove around, made an appointment for Boo to be groomed and then came home.
Since we had such a big lunch I didn't fix dinner. Although I got hungry around 2100 and had a bowl of my chicken soup.
We left the windows open and went to bed shortly after 2200. But we weren't allowed to sleep much! Not sure what Boo was hearing but he kept jumping out of bed and barking. I'm sure he chased it away! I did ask Anne today if she heard him and she had. I'm glad she was up and not trying to sleep.
Boo finally settled in and we all got some sleep but I slept until 0845 this morning!
After breakfast Anne and I went out shopping. We didn't need much but had fun looking in the shops. We had lunch at The Blue Shell....who knew it was a Mexican seafood restaurant!! There are several of them in the area and if you like seafood, check it out.
On the way home we saw several scissor tailed flycatchers, what a beautiful little bird.
While I was gone Jim did a lot of cleaning and kept the dishes washed all day for me. I haven't put my hands in dishwater all day! :)
For dinner we had steak and a salad. We ate outside and enjoyed the breeze and our wine. For dessert Anne brought over some lemon meringue pie. yummy!
It's a free weekend on Starz so we watched a movie tonight and now I'm doing this blog.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday at home
Can't say I did much yesterday, didn't even go outside much. It was real foggy when I got up and it stayed cloudy and pleasant all morning. I did some tidying up, like putting away things and sorting through books. We're hitting the road in a couple weeks and I'm stowing things in their proper places!
Anne and Scotty are going to Florida also so we're going to travel together. The stops have been picked and reservations have been made. But I'll keep that a secret for now! You'll just have to read about it when I post it here.
Jim made a trip to the bike shop because I needed new cable for my brakes. Scotty went with him and they stopped at Home Depot and HEB and Marble Slab for ice cream!
I watched my soaps and then went outside to read. About this time Jim came home so I didn't get to read much. We both ended up next door and we all had cold drinks but no snacks. Just a liquid happy hour. :)
Back home I fixed chicken kabobs for dinner. We watch NCIS, Dancing with the Stars and SVU. We slept with the windows open and Boo is getting better about it. He only barked a few times right after we went to bed. But this morning before I got up at 0800 he was grrring the noisy walkers....
We're about to have lunch with Karen, Dave, Anne and Scotty then we're off to another visit with a doctor. This time Jim is having his shoulder looked at.
Anne and Scotty are going to Florida also so we're going to travel together. The stops have been picked and reservations have been made. But I'll keep that a secret for now! You'll just have to read about it when I post it here.
Jim made a trip to the bike shop because I needed new cable for my brakes. Scotty went with him and they stopped at Home Depot and HEB and Marble Slab for ice cream!
I watched my soaps and then went outside to read. About this time Jim came home so I didn't get to read much. We both ended up next door and we all had cold drinks but no snacks. Just a liquid happy hour. :)
Back home I fixed chicken kabobs for dinner. We watch NCIS, Dancing with the Stars and SVU. We slept with the windows open and Boo is getting better about it. He only barked a few times right after we went to bed. But this morning before I got up at 0800 he was grrring the noisy walkers....
We're about to have lunch with Karen, Dave, Anne and Scotty then we're off to another visit with a doctor. This time Jim is having his shoulder looked at.
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
More Rainy days
Yesterday we had a beautiful sunshiny day and after several days of rainy weather everyone was out and about enjoying it.
Last Thursday Anne and I went to Ulta, a big cosmetic store. We needed tips on makeup so we both sat and had our faces made up with bare minerals make up. It was fun! We both bought some items that we just had to have!
We also went to DSW and looked at shoes, but no purchases here. I really had to restrain myself. It was a great way to spend a few hours while it rained. On the way home we decided to skip the grocery store and go out to eat. We just needed to convince the guys.
We went to Macaroni Grill and had the three course special. For $11.99 you get a salad, main course and dessert. We thought for the price we'd be getting less food, but no! We all brought food home and had another meal.
I'm not sure why, but I've been sleeping much later than normal. I do toss and turn during the night and I think that's causing me to lose sleep so I sleep later. Most mornings I also wake up with a back ache that usually goes away during the day.
Friday was another rainy day and believe me I'm not complaining. This area needs it and it sure helps green all the plants and trees. We didn't have any plans for the day so we just stayed in. Jim spent most of his day on his computer. I stripped the bed and did laundry.
At lunchtime I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup that warmed us up.
Not sure what we did in the evening.
Saturday I was up at 0815. During the night I heard rain, it's one of the nice features of living in a 5th wheel. You can hear the rain on the roof. Jim wanted to get out of the house so we went to Barnes and Nobles to have coffee and read magazines. I did manage to bring a couple home! We also stopped and picked up some groceries at HEB
We spent most of the weekend inside and eating leftovers.
Sunday we had a bit of sunshine and we went for a bike ride at Bentsen State Park. It didn't last long and once we were home the misty, gloomy day continued.
Jim and I watched the movie Australia and it was wonderful! If you haven't seen it, you should.
Most everyone spent the day outside yesterday. As I said the sun was out and I think the temperature reached the mid 80's. I did some tidying inside and took some paper recyclables down to the bins. Jim worked on the trikes. I had a flat tire and he washed three trikes and cleaned the chains and lubed them.
The Scott's and Jim and I were invited to Karen and Dave's for lunch. Karen made a big pot of chili and a strawberry cake. Both were delicious! Forgot to take my camera, but we sat outside under their awning and had a good time.
Since we had a big lunch Anne and I decided Happy Hour would suffice for dinner. We had Pina Colada's, 7 layer dip, cheese and crackers and I rolled some thin slices of salami around some sesame sticks. Kinda like a mini sandwich. Karen and Dave arrived just as we sat down to enjoy it.
We broke up around 1800 and once inside I had time to shower before Dancing with the Stars came on. Jim sat at his puter most of the evening. We also watched the show that followed dancing.
I think that's about all we've done the past few days. This morning it is foggy and damp.
Last Thursday Anne and I went to Ulta, a big cosmetic store. We needed tips on makeup so we both sat and had our faces made up with bare minerals make up. It was fun! We both bought some items that we just had to have!
We also went to DSW and looked at shoes, but no purchases here. I really had to restrain myself. It was a great way to spend a few hours while it rained. On the way home we decided to skip the grocery store and go out to eat. We just needed to convince the guys.
We went to Macaroni Grill and had the three course special. For $11.99 you get a salad, main course and dessert. We thought for the price we'd be getting less food, but no! We all brought food home and had another meal.
I'm not sure why, but I've been sleeping much later than normal. I do toss and turn during the night and I think that's causing me to lose sleep so I sleep later. Most mornings I also wake up with a back ache that usually goes away during the day.
Friday was another rainy day and believe me I'm not complaining. This area needs it and it sure helps green all the plants and trees. We didn't have any plans for the day so we just stayed in. Jim spent most of his day on his computer. I stripped the bed and did laundry.
At lunchtime I made a big pot of chicken noodle soup that warmed us up.
Not sure what we did in the evening.
Saturday I was up at 0815. During the night I heard rain, it's one of the nice features of living in a 5th wheel. You can hear the rain on the roof. Jim wanted to get out of the house so we went to Barnes and Nobles to have coffee and read magazines. I did manage to bring a couple home! We also stopped and picked up some groceries at HEB
We spent most of the weekend inside and eating leftovers.
Sunday we had a bit of sunshine and we went for a bike ride at Bentsen State Park. It didn't last long and once we were home the misty, gloomy day continued.
Jim and I watched the movie Australia and it was wonderful! If you haven't seen it, you should.
Most everyone spent the day outside yesterday. As I said the sun was out and I think the temperature reached the mid 80's. I did some tidying inside and took some paper recyclables down to the bins. Jim worked on the trikes. I had a flat tire and he washed three trikes and cleaned the chains and lubed them.
The Scott's and Jim and I were invited to Karen and Dave's for lunch. Karen made a big pot of chili and a strawberry cake. Both were delicious! Forgot to take my camera, but we sat outside under their awning and had a good time.
Since we had a big lunch Anne and I decided Happy Hour would suffice for dinner. We had Pina Colada's, 7 layer dip, cheese and crackers and I rolled some thin slices of salami around some sesame sticks. Kinda like a mini sandwich. Karen and Dave arrived just as we sat down to enjoy it.
We broke up around 1800 and once inside I had time to shower before Dancing with the Stars came on. Jim sat at his puter most of the evening. We also watched the show that followed dancing.
I think that's about all we've done the past few days. This morning it is foggy and damp.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Cold and rainy in Mission, Texas
So I guess I have time to catch up on the blog! That way I won't have to listen to Jim mention it daily....
Tuesday I started the day, after getting up at 0800, by baking some blueberry bread for breakfast. It was yummy! For the most part we just stayed around the rig and enjoyed our nice weather. I did some cleaning
For dinner I fixed chicken legs in a tomato based sauce and it turned out good. Happy hour we spent with the Scott's.
Wednesday Jim got up and started doing dishes for me. Even after breakfast he did dishes. Gotta love that man! We decided to head out to Santa Ana NWR, We've never been and it was time to check it out.
We stopped at a Subway and picked up lunch. Once we got to Santa Ana we had time to catch the noon tram ride. We got into the refuge free because Jim had a Golden Age pass, but we had to pay the senior rate for the tram ride. It takes 90 minutes and it was very interesting. The following pictures were taken there. We didn't see any birds or butterflies, but I think it was the time of day. Most birds are resting during the heat of the day.
The cemetery was interesting. The land used to be privately owned and they've left the cemetery intact.

I've never seen a snail in an arid situation. that white spiral below is a land snail

Once we were done with the tram ride we had lunch at the picnic area near the gift shop. While we were enjoying our sandwich a couple of chachalacas entertained us by hopping on the fence and climbing the trees. Also near the gift shop they have feeding stations for the birds and they were busy with red wing black birds.
Tuesday I started the day, after getting up at 0800, by baking some blueberry bread for breakfast. It was yummy! For the most part we just stayed around the rig and enjoyed our nice weather. I did some cleaning
For dinner I fixed chicken legs in a tomato based sauce and it turned out good. Happy hour we spent with the Scott's.
Wednesday Jim got up and started doing dishes for me. Even after breakfast he did dishes. Gotta love that man! We decided to head out to Santa Ana NWR, We've never been and it was time to check it out.
We stopped at a Subway and picked up lunch. Once we got to Santa Ana we had time to catch the noon tram ride. We got into the refuge free because Jim had a Golden Age pass, but we had to pay the senior rate for the tram ride. It takes 90 minutes and it was very interesting. The following pictures were taken there. We didn't see any birds or butterflies, but I think it was the time of day. Most birds are resting during the heat of the day.

The cemetery was interesting. The land used to be privately owned and they've left the cemetery intact.

I've never seen a snail in an arid situation. that white spiral below is a land snail

Once we were done with the tram ride we had lunch at the picnic area near the gift shop. While we were enjoying our sandwich a couple of chachalacas entertained us by hopping on the fence and climbing the trees. Also near the gift shop they have feeding stations for the birds and they were busy with red wing black birds.
Since it was starting to warm up we decided to head home. We had happy hour at the Scott's and we decided to dine alfresco. Brats, beans, kabobs and leftovers! It was all very tasty. After dinner we went home and I cleaned up the kitchen.
We both showered and settled in to watch Defiance with Daniel Craig. Good movie!
Please click on an ad, if enough clicks are generated we get money! We want to retire to the Keys, so please help us make that goal! :)
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Shopping with Anne
Yesterday we had no plans! How can this be???? We've been to and froing for days now.
After doing the normal morning chores of making the bed and doing the dishes I had planned to chill and watch my soaps. Jim was outside putting the finishing touches on our screen and I'll post pictures tomorrow.
I forgot to mention that we bought fuel and it was $1.86! we like it dropping in price!
While I was watching my soaps Anne came over and asked if I needed anything from the store. Couldn't think of anything at that time, but a few minutes later I remembered I needed soy milk. So I decided to go with her. All in all we went to Sally's, Target, T.J. Maxx and HEB.
I found some patio lights at Target. I figured as long as we had a nice screened patio we needed lights!
At HEB we picked up our groceries then headed home. Jim had been busy clearing away some weeds he was tired of looking at. I have to admit the spot looks a lot better!
The guys were having happy hour without us so as soon as we put the groceries away we joined them with some delicious wine we discovered. Woodbridge Robert Mondavi Moscato Bianco....YUM! I also set out some 7 layer dip and chips.
Around 1800 we came inside and I did dishes, fixed dinner and at 1900 watched Dancing with the Stars! I love that show!
After doing the normal morning chores of making the bed and doing the dishes I had planned to chill and watch my soaps. Jim was outside putting the finishing touches on our screen and I'll post pictures tomorrow.
I forgot to mention that we bought fuel and it was $1.86! we like it dropping in price!
While I was watching my soaps Anne came over and asked if I needed anything from the store. Couldn't think of anything at that time, but a few minutes later I remembered I needed soy milk. So I decided to go with her. All in all we went to Sally's, Target, T.J. Maxx and HEB.
I found some patio lights at Target. I figured as long as we had a nice screened patio we needed lights!
At HEB we picked up our groceries then headed home. Jim had been busy clearing away some weeds he was tired of looking at. I have to admit the spot looks a lot better!
The guys were having happy hour without us so as soon as we put the groceries away we joined them with some delicious wine we discovered. Woodbridge Robert Mondavi Moscato Bianco....YUM! I also set out some 7 layer dip and chips.
Around 1800 we came inside and I did dishes, fixed dinner and at 1900 watched Dancing with the Stars! I love that show!
Monday, March 9, 2009
We're enjoying ourselves to much to blog!

On the way home we stopped at a dollar store and then it was off to Pizza Hut. We were hungry and thirsty! Each couple got a large pizza and only took 4 pieces home.
Once home we went to our separate rigs. Jim and I sat out for a bit enjoying the breeze. The skeeters chased us in.
On Saturday we needed to go back to the flea market to pick up our new screen. For this trip we drove and Karen and Dave, Anne and Scotty came with us. Dave needed something at the flea market and suggested we check out a BBQ restaurant in San Benito. We didn't stay long because the wind was beating us to death with sand and grit. We ladies were getting our hair mussed!

Once we left the flea market we headed east to San Benito to find The Longhorn Cattle Company BBQ and Steak House. Since we had to go through Harlingen we stopped at the Iwo Jima Memorial out by the air port. It's the same size as the one in Arlington, Virginia and we were all impressed.

After spending time at the monument we loaded up the truck and headed east once more. We almost drive right past the restaurant. Doesn't look like much but the food was excellent!

Most of us had ribs, half had some brisket too. Karen had smoked turkey. The BBQ dinner came with slaw, potato salad, the bean soup, slices of onion and pickles and a slice of bread. We all agreed the prices were good. These Hibiscus were outside the restaurant. Also out back were some longhorn cattle but again my camera doesn't do very well with far away shots, so no pictures.

Jim and I showered and decided to watch a movie, how fitting that we watched Flags of our Fathers! It's all about Iwo Jima and the Marines who raised the flag.
Sunday found us sleeping until 0900! I guess we were tired and with the time change we just slept late. Jim had to make a trip to Walmart for more fittings for our screen. I went with him and picked up a few grocery items. Once home we had pizza for lunch. Our freezer isn't big enough for a large pizza so when I shop early enough I bring one home for immediate consumption.
Jim still needed some stuff so he headed out to Camping World after eating and I turned on the AC and watched Mists of Avalon. Once Jim came home he started working outside getting our screen 'room' set up. Scotty came over to watch/help and Anne followed. I went out and joined them. It was nice sitting on the patio with our friends enjoying our cold drinks. They left around 1800 and Jim tidied up outside and I came in to shower. I also resumed watching my movie while he showered.
At 1900 we turned on HGTV and watched the RV 2009 show. Then it was back to my movie, it was a three hour program but I did finish watching it!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Another trip to Progreso
After lunch yesterday we went to Progreso with Anne and Scotty. But first we had to make a stop at the flea market to pick up our screens and some bungee cords for Dave. There was a problem with it and we ended up leaving without the screen, hopefully it will be ready Saturday. So we were in and out real quick! So off we went to Mexico and Scotty's appointment.
While Scotty was visiting the Dentist the three of us went shopping. Well not exactly, we mostly looked. I did by some meds for Boo. Mostly we just looked at jewelry and ceramics. Jim was mostly bored I'm sure. As we were wandering around we ran into Dave and Larry who were looking for Karen and Larry's wife (forgot her name!). After we spoke for a few minutes they left and we continued on with our stroll. A bit later we ran into all four of them.
Once back at the dentist office we only had a short wait and Scotty was ready to leave. On our way out we stopped and got a bottle of rum. Once across the border we paid our taxes and we were on our way.
Since it was so late we stopped at Little Italy for dinner. We've heard good things about the restaurant from several people, Anne and Scotty included. Everyone is right! I had Tuscan Shrimp, Jim had the meat lovers special and we shared a bottle of wine with Anne and Scotty. We had a good time with good friends and had a very good meal.
Once home Boo was very glad to see us! Fed him dinner and Jim and I showered, watched a bit of TV and went to bed around 2200..
Neither of us slept very well. We had the windows open and Boo had slept all afternoon so he was intrigued by every noise and let us know. I was us just after 0700 and Jim was up by 0830.
After breakfast and morning chores I went to Walmart with Anne. I didn't need much but ended up with a couple of bags of food. Came home had some lunch and then Anne and I were off to get haircuts. I've needed one for quite some time! She took me to Lisa's and in no time at all we both had shorter hair and it only cost 8 bucks....
We came straight home and once I checked emails I changed clothes and headed outside to read. Jim joined me for a bit, then Anne and then Scotty came over. Around 1700 we decided to have pina coladas and shortly thereafter Karen and Dave arrived to round out our happy hour. Karen brought some seafood salad and crackers so we set the table for snacks. Anne brought over some chips, salsa and guacamole. I added more crackers and dishes to the mix and we had some good laughs and conversation until the skeeters chased us indoors.
Now I'm all cleaned up watching CSI and wondering if I should get a bite to eat!
While Scotty was visiting the Dentist the three of us went shopping. Well not exactly, we mostly looked. I did by some meds for Boo. Mostly we just looked at jewelry and ceramics. Jim was mostly bored I'm sure. As we were wandering around we ran into Dave and Larry who were looking for Karen and Larry's wife (forgot her name!). After we spoke for a few minutes they left and we continued on with our stroll. A bit later we ran into all four of them.
Once back at the dentist office we only had a short wait and Scotty was ready to leave. On our way out we stopped and got a bottle of rum. Once across the border we paid our taxes and we were on our way.
Since it was so late we stopped at Little Italy for dinner. We've heard good things about the restaurant from several people, Anne and Scotty included. Everyone is right! I had Tuscan Shrimp, Jim had the meat lovers special and we shared a bottle of wine with Anne and Scotty. We had a good time with good friends and had a very good meal.
Once home Boo was very glad to see us! Fed him dinner and Jim and I showered, watched a bit of TV and went to bed around 2200..
Neither of us slept very well. We had the windows open and Boo had slept all afternoon so he was intrigued by every noise and let us know. I was us just after 0700 and Jim was up by 0830.
After breakfast and morning chores I went to Walmart with Anne. I didn't need much but ended up with a couple of bags of food. Came home had some lunch and then Anne and I were off to get haircuts. I've needed one for quite some time! She took me to Lisa's and in no time at all we both had shorter hair and it only cost 8 bucks....
We came straight home and once I checked emails I changed clothes and headed outside to read. Jim joined me for a bit, then Anne and then Scotty came over. Around 1700 we decided to have pina coladas and shortly thereafter Karen and Dave arrived to round out our happy hour. Karen brought some seafood salad and crackers so we set the table for snacks. Anne brought over some chips, salsa and guacamole. I added more crackers and dishes to the mix and we had some good laughs and conversation until the skeeters chased us indoors.
Now I'm all cleaned up watching CSI and wondering if I should get a bite to eat!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Dinner with the Scott's
Not much going on here. Just a typical day in the Rio Grande Valley.
Yesterday I had an appointment at the VA so I didn't do much of anything before that. I had to walk down to check the mail because I had a flat tire. I stopped and talked with Carole and Fred. No mail! but at least I had a nice walk. The weather was perfect.
My appointment was for 1100 so we left around 1030, the drive was uneventful and we arrived to find parking a breeze! Usually we have to hunt for a space big enough for our truck. Inside I was processed quickly and was seen by the doctor in no time at all! I'm good to go until we return in the fall.
We stopped at Olive Garden and had soup and salad for lunch. We always enjoy that. Jim gets the potato soup and I get minestrone. we both had water this time.
No more stops, just straight home. As I watching my soaps I smelled something wonderful coming from Anne's rig. She was making pulled pork for our dinner last night. Just after 1600 we got to taste it! YUM! along with a salad, french bread and a cold beer we had a lovely dinner. Oh, we also had grilled pineapple, double yum! After we cleared the table Anne brought out some cookies and the guys polished them off.
Home by 1800 and in time to watch Jeopardy. I showered, Jim showered and we ended up watching reruns on CBS. I guess we should have watched a movie.
After going to be around 2200 we found out it was to 'hot' to sleep with the down comforter. We had some windows open but we both ended up with just the sheet covering us. Tonight we'll take the comforter off and use the quilt.
We're heading back to the flea market today to pick up our screens and then off to Progresso with Anne and Scotty.
Yesterday I had an appointment at the VA so I didn't do much of anything before that. I had to walk down to check the mail because I had a flat tire. I stopped and talked with Carole and Fred. No mail! but at least I had a nice walk. The weather was perfect.
My appointment was for 1100 so we left around 1030, the drive was uneventful and we arrived to find parking a breeze! Usually we have to hunt for a space big enough for our truck. Inside I was processed quickly and was seen by the doctor in no time at all! I'm good to go until we return in the fall.
We stopped at Olive Garden and had soup and salad for lunch. We always enjoy that. Jim gets the potato soup and I get minestrone. we both had water this time.
No more stops, just straight home. As I watching my soaps I smelled something wonderful coming from Anne's rig. She was making pulled pork for our dinner last night. Just after 1600 we got to taste it! YUM! along with a salad, french bread and a cold beer we had a lovely dinner. Oh, we also had grilled pineapple, double yum! After we cleared the table Anne brought out some cookies and the guys polished them off.
Home by 1800 and in time to watch Jeopardy. I showered, Jim showered and we ended up watching reruns on CBS. I guess we should have watched a movie.
After going to be around 2200 we found out it was to 'hot' to sleep with the down comforter. We had some windows open but we both ended up with just the sheet covering us. Tonight we'll take the comforter off and use the quilt.
We're heading back to the flea market today to pick up our screens and then off to Progresso with Anne and Scotty.
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
South Texas is Gorgeous!

And so are we! Anne and Linda trying to decide how to carry our new lumbar supports!
Dinner Monday night at Ann and Scottys.
Amy and Dan
Saturday morning a cold front came through very quickly and Jim didn't even want to go outside! We had planned on going to the Flea Market in Donna. More on that later. He did the breakfast dishes for me, washing and drying and putting away. I baked a ham and boiled some cabbage, carrots and potatoes for lunch. It sure warmed the house up and made it smell good.
After lunch we decided to head out to the mall. Anne wanted to go but Scotty didn't. We didn't make it that far, we stopped at Barnes and Nobles for a magazine and coffee break. It's a good way to spend time when you need a break from your rig.
We had happy hour with the Scott's and had a lot of fun drinking pina coladas. If I recall correctly Karen and Dave were there too. We all made plans to go the flea market on Sunday. With six of us Jim drove cuz we all fit in our truck!
Sunday turned out to be a gorgeous day. A bit chilly but the sun was out and after lunch we headed to the flea market. Jim is getting together all the components so we can have a screened porch on our rig. We want to be able to set it up and leave it in a high wind situation. Those happen quite frequently here in the valley. I found some Corella dishes to use at happy hour so we can avoid paper plates. Karen and Ann pitched in with the purchase though they didn't need to!
We ended up finding quite a few things to buy at the flea market. Anne took Karen and I across the street to the farmers market. We bought some fruit and veggies. Dave found some chairs with tables and that's where we found the lumbar supports.
The picture of Anne and I grinning like Cheshire cats was us being silly. We found these lumbar supports that work with lawn chairs and they were awkward to carry. We were finding the most suitable way to carry them! I just happen to have my camera with me LOL
Sunday evening we had a high school group entertain us at the clubhouse, Razz Ma Tazz. The young men and women sang and danced though several decades of Broadway show tunes and did a fine job! Two guys did the 'Who's on First' routine and it was hilarious! Towards the end they introduced themselves and told us of their future plans and ended the show with patriotic songs. We had ridden our bikes up and it was dark when we left. We need more lights for night riding!
On Monday I went for a short bike ride with Karen and Dave over in Bentsen state park. There was hardly any wind blowing and we got to see a lot of birds. Orioles, kiskadees, green jays. Of course we saw the javalinas too. On the way home I even saw a Caracara fly over...
Yesterday I went grocery shopping with Anne. I decided to have a shrimp boil! The weather was perfect for it. So I got all the ingredients together, shrimp, baby potatoes, and corn on the cob. While we were in the store we tasted some samples and one was white wine, we both decided it would be good with our shrimp dinner! The second picture is the table setting at Anne and Scotty's. It was a lot messier afterwards! The guys had beer and the gals drank the wine.
After we cleared the table we hopped on our bikes to head over to Amy and Dans place to say goodbye. The third picture is the newlyweds. They left this morning heading to Montana, slowly I hope!
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