We’ve seen some birds the past few days. A few are Red wing black birds, mockingbirds, Kiskadee, great tailed grackles and a hummingbird. When the weather is cold they show up to be fed. I don’t have feeders out because the black birds empty them in seconds, it seems. But I do have a window feeder and of course the hummingbird feeder on the window. On the fence we have a peanut butter log that a mockingbird guards with a vengeance. A little Carolina wren has visited when he can slip by the mockingbird.
It looks like today will be warmer. I know Jim likes that. He has always said he wants the weather warm enough to wear shorts and go barefoot. We haven’t had much of that this winter.
Last night we went to a pot luck dinner/party at Jeni and Don’s (managers, Bentsen Palm Village RV Resort). Six couples and we all brought good food to eat! Jeni grilled some pork riblets and we had salads, macaroni and cheese, ham and beans, a pasta and chicken dish and cake for dessert. Terry brought a cooler full of beer that we helped to drink J Thanks Terry for letting us bring home the leftovers! A couple of hours later we broke up and headed home.
When we learned the flea market wasn't open today Jim asked if I'd like to go visit Marilyn and Ed over at LLano Grande in Mercedes. We've spent the past two summers with them in Colorado Springs and consider them good friends. Of course I said yes! And then I asked if we could go out to lunch too! Of course Jim said yes....
So we changed into city clothes and headed out. Our first stop was Target so Jim could look at the patio chairs they have there. I picked up a chair the other day for me and he likes it. Then we headed to Kumori for a delicious lunch. I had shrimp tempura and Jim had Beef something or other. we both had hot green tea. We both like this restaurant but I wish we could find a Japanese restaurant that doesn't use butter in everything.
After our lovely lunch we headed east on highway 83 to visit with our friends. As we passed McAllen we noticed a traffic jam on the west bound side. Traffic was backed up for a couple miles and we decided we'd head home the back way when we left Marilyn and Ed's. Shortly thereafter we arrived at our friends home on wheels and found Ed outside setting up the patio. After a few hugs we were enjoying some cold drinks and the company of our dear friends. We chatted about everything under the sun in an effort to catch up with our lives! Of course we talked about future travels. (the fact that we read each others blogs has nothing to do with this!)
They were expecting more friends to arrive from San Antonio and Sherry and Rick called when they arrived at the resort. After giving them some time to check in and set up we drove over to greet them. I'm sure we met them in Colorado Springs but no matter we met them again and the six of us decided to have a bite to eat at Fat Daddy's, a bbq place that people line up to eat at! We got there just before crowds arrived and had some mighty good food. What more do we need? Good Friends and good food...as Ed would say, Life is Good!
Once home we were invited over to the Scotts for dessert! More food!!!! So I made a cup of coffee, fed Boo and the three of us headed next door. We sat talking with Anne and Scotty for about an hour....
Once home I showered, Boo is sleeping and I'm watching a show about Freaky Festivals on FLN
He who eats alone chokes alone. ~Proverb
Friday, February 26, 2010
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
I was up shortly after 0700 and it was 37 degrees outside and 51 inside! Time for the furnace and even the fireplace. The sun is out and it should warm up outside reaching the mid-60’s. Soon it was warm and toasty in here. I woke Jim at 0800 after turning on 60’s Revolution on Direct TV.
Today is black tank day and Jim took care of that, braving the chilly weather. That’s my man!
Jim did the breakfast dishes while I dressed and tossed clothes in the wash machine and then he helped me make the bed.
Jim went for a walk and Dave went with him. While he was gone I had lunch. When Jim came home he had a bite to eat then he, Scotty and Dave went over to Retama Village for a Dulcimer jam session.
I watched my soaps and made some jewelry, two necklaces and a pair of earrings. These were projects that needed to be finished. I also put two charms on my charm bracelet.

The day turned out very nice after our cold start. I guess it warmed up to the mid-60's. Once the wind died down a bit it was quite nice. Not that I spent any time outdoors! But the sun was shining and it looked nice out there.
Today is black tank day and Jim took care of that, braving the chilly weather. That’s my man!
Jim did the breakfast dishes while I dressed and tossed clothes in the wash machine and then he helped me make the bed.
Jim went for a walk and Dave went with him. While he was gone I had lunch. When Jim came home he had a bite to eat then he, Scotty and Dave went over to Retama Village for a Dulcimer jam session.
I watched my soaps and made some jewelry, two necklaces and a pair of earrings. These were projects that needed to be finished. I also put two charms on my charm bracelet.

Just as I took my coffee next door to visit with Anne the guys came home. Anne and I enjoyed our coffee and a muffin while the guys sat outside. Soon it was time to get ready for Margarita hour at the clubhouse.
No time to eat before we left so Jim had a plate of goodies from the table. He and Anne had a margarita. I waited until we got home to eat. Anne won the 50-50 drawing and took home $95!
No time to eat before we left so Jim had a plate of goodies from the table. He and Anne had a margarita. I waited until we got home to eat. Anne won the 50-50 drawing and took home $95!
Once home I showered then fixed leftover beans and rice for my dinner. We've been watching Bones and now NCIS.
It's cooling off, 51 degrees outside, it's going down to the mid-40's tonight and that should be good for sleeping.
A good friend is cheaper than therapy. ~Author Unknown
Yesterday I was up at 0645 and it was just a wee bit chilly so I set the thermostat at 65 and turned on the furnace. I’ll sure be glad when we don’t have to heat up using the furnace. I’m tired of wearing long pants and socks. Looks like we’ll be in the 50’s today with little chance of sunshine. Good day to do laundry!
Once Jim got up I started on the bedding, in all I did 4 loads of laundry.
Jim made himself an omelet and toast for brunch. He took out the trash and recycle items. I fixed some soup and crackers for myself along with smoked salmon. Jim did the lunch dishes and cleaned the stove.
Around noon we noticed the temperature was dropping, it was 47! It’s snowing in central Texas.
All afternoon the temperature stayed in the low 40's. I baked some lemon poppy seed muffins. Anne came over and joined us for coffee and muffins. Scotty was at the wood shop. Brave man, it's cold over there normally....
We had red beans and rice for dinner. Watched Bones, NCIS and Nat Geo. In bed around 2200.
Once Jim got up I started on the bedding, in all I did 4 loads of laundry.
Jim made himself an omelet and toast for brunch. He took out the trash and recycle items. I fixed some soup and crackers for myself along with smoked salmon. Jim did the lunch dishes and cleaned the stove.
Around noon we noticed the temperature was dropping, it was 47! It’s snowing in central Texas.
All afternoon the temperature stayed in the low 40's. I baked some lemon poppy seed muffins. Anne came over and joined us for coffee and muffins. Scotty was at the wood shop. Brave man, it's cold over there normally....
We had red beans and rice for dinner. Watched Bones, NCIS and Nat Geo. In bed around 2200.
Monday, February 22, 2010
We were both up shortly after 0700. Some fog out there but I can see the sun, so it won’t be long before it’s burned off. Both of us jumped on our computers to start the day along with our coffee.
Not sure where the sun went! Clouds moved in and it’s damp and chilly. Jim went for a walk around 0945. By the time he came back he said he'd done about 3 miles. He then went out and dried the truck off. I spent some time uploading pictures to Facebook and then my blog.
I vacuumed the place and did some dusting. Washed the bedroom rugs and dug out my green rugs for a spring look in the bedroom. By this time I was hungry so I made a sandwich and sat at my computer and ate.
Anne and I went shopping this afternoon hitting Michaels, Sams Club and HEB. We got home shortly after 1600 and once we split our purchases from Sams we got dinner going. Jim started the charcoal so we could grill some sausages and brats. I heated up some beans and Anne had some potato salad. Along with cold beer, dinner was a hit!
Once home I showered and then did the dishes. We're not doing much just playing games on the computers. TV isn't even on.
If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. ~Elbert Hubbard
Not sure where the sun went! Clouds moved in and it’s damp and chilly. Jim went for a walk around 0945. By the time he came back he said he'd done about 3 miles. He then went out and dried the truck off. I spent some time uploading pictures to Facebook and then my blog.
I vacuumed the place and did some dusting. Washed the bedroom rugs and dug out my green rugs for a spring look in the bedroom. By this time I was hungry so I made a sandwich and sat at my computer and ate.
Anne and I went shopping this afternoon hitting Michaels, Sams Club and HEB. We got home shortly after 1600 and once we split our purchases from Sams we got dinner going. Jim started the charcoal so we could grill some sausages and brats. I heated up some beans and Anne had some potato salad. Along with cold beer, dinner was a hit!
Once home I showered and then did the dishes. We're not doing much just playing games on the computers. TV isn't even on.
If you have health, you probably will be happy, and if you have health and happiness, you have all the wealth you need, even if it is not all you want. ~Elbert Hubbard
Sweetheart Dance 21 Feb 10
We had a good time at the dance last night. Our table had the usual crowd. Jim and I, Anne and Scotty, Dave and Karen and a new couple for our table was Dulcie and her husband. Jim and I casually know them and it was nice getting to know them better.
Anne took this picture of us, thanks Anne!
Lovely roses that Karen brought to dress the table

this picture and the one below is the gang doing the dance Guacamole!

Sally and Roger
Carol and Gordon
Karen and Dave
Pat and Vern
Dulcie and her husband....don't know how to spell his name!

this picture and the one below is the gang doing the dance Guacamole!
During the Dance we had some announcements, but my favorite one was about the Olympics. Team USA beat Canada in hockey! LOL
We left about thirty minutes early, Jim had a headache. Probably from all the sun he absorbed washing the truck yesterday! We walked home under a starry sky, not a bad way to end a date with my honey.
There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in light. ~N.P. Willis
There they stand, the innumerable stars, shining in order like a living hymn, written in light. ~N.P. Willis
Sunday, February 21, 2010
I was up just before 0700 this morning. Did some exercises, made my coffee then opened the blinds. It’s a gloomy sky out there! Clouds, clouds and more clouds with high humidity! When I checked the forecast my disposition changed, I can do gloomy for awhile if the temperature goes up! 78 is the fore casted high for today.
For breakfast I had an toasted English muffin, Yum.
After Jim got up this morning I dressed, made the bed, started a load of laundry and washed the dishes. Then I made myself another cup of coffee.
Jim spent some time washing the truck and that made the sun come out! Seriously that’s when the clouds dissipated and the sun came out and warmed us up. By the time I finished lunch and did the dishes it was 75 degrees outside and time for a bike ride.
Anne and I went over to Bentsen State Park and we couldn’t help noticing that spring is here. Some of the trees are leafing out and we both enjoyed seeing the new growth. Saw a Roadrunner, some Javalinas, green jays, Kiskadee, chachalacas, cardinals, doves and all the other birds flitting about.
this rose bush is at the entrance to Bentsen Palm RV Resort
For the life of me I cannot remember the name of this plant but it's just inside our resort on the left and it has two buds. I keep you posted as they bloom.
For breakfast I had an toasted English muffin, Yum.
After Jim got up this morning I dressed, made the bed, started a load of laundry and washed the dishes. Then I made myself another cup of coffee.
Jim spent some time washing the truck and that made the sun come out! Seriously that’s when the clouds dissipated and the sun came out and warmed us up. By the time I finished lunch and did the dishes it was 75 degrees outside and time for a bike ride.
Anne and I went over to Bentsen State Park and we couldn’t help noticing that spring is here. Some of the trees are leafing out and we both enjoyed seeing the new growth. Saw a Roadrunner, some Javalinas, green jays, Kiskadee, chachalacas, cardinals, doves and all the other birds flitting about.

We're going to a dance at the clubhouse tonight. First afternoon coffee, then dinner and then dancing!
There is a bit of insanity in dancing that does everybody a great deal of good. ~Edwin Denby
Saturday, February 20, 2010
We have sun!
Finally a nice day! The sun slowly burned off the clouds enough to warm it up enough to sit out side this afternoon. Jim resealed the hole in the roof. Hopefully that will take care of the leak. I sat trying to do crossword puzzles but I wasn't having much luck so I switched to a book. No go there, I kept thinking of things I needed to do....
So I got the grooming arm out and did some trimming on Boo, he's getting a bit shaggy. Then I resumed my watch from my chair. Jim and I sat and talked, had a beer. Dan stopped by, then Anne joined us and then Amy stopped by.
Anne and I had plans for happy hour and needed to make a run to HEB and Walmart. We made it back just in time for Happy Hour!
Boo relaxing after his short stint on the grooming table.
my cactus pot
even the flamingos were enjoying the sun!
my herb pot
Jim enjoying my company
my lettuce pot is very overgrown!
This is Jim's dulcimer and he's doing well in learning how to play it.
Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
So I got the grooming arm out and did some trimming on Boo, he's getting a bit shaggy. Then I resumed my watch from my chair. Jim and I sat and talked, had a beer. Dan stopped by, then Anne joined us and then Amy stopped by.
Anne and I had plans for happy hour and needed to make a run to HEB and Walmart. We made it back just in time for Happy Hour!

For happy hour we had little smokies, tater tots, mini quiches, bread and dipping oil, some cheese and crackers and turtle brownies. we sat outside and enjoyed every bite. We heard taps from the RGV Veterans Cemetery and heard the coyotes join in.
Then Dave and Karen came by and the Three Amigos (Dave, Jim and Scotty) had a jam session with their dulcimers. It was interesting and we all sat out until the skeeters chased me in and I guess everyone else too! It was getting dark anyway.

Music washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life. ~Berthold Auerbach
Friday, February 19, 2010
Again we have rain
It rained off and on all night. It's a lovely sound on our roof and makes for pleasant sleeping. But neither one of us slept well because we were to warm! Around 0415 I got up and turned the air conditioner on and once I went back to sleep I managed to sleep until after 0800.
It was still drippy this morning and after lunch we headed to Barnes and Nobels to read, have coffee and dessert. Well I had a green tea latte. Not sure how long we stayed but a couple hours sounds about right. On the way home another rock was slung into the windshield! It's a pretty nasty hole and the location high on the drivers side may not be fixable. We'll have to see....
The day remained cloudy but no more rain. For dinner I fixed a chicken, onion and mushroom dish. All of it was leftover items from the fridge. It was very tasty! I also fixed some brussel sprouts, first I steamed them then halved them and sauteed them in some butter, Yum....
We discovered a water leak in the bedroom and we think it's where the wires come in for the internet. Jim will have to climb on the roof and check out and if that's it then he'll need to reseal it. First it needs to dry up.
Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard
It was still drippy this morning and after lunch we headed to Barnes and Nobels to read, have coffee and dessert. Well I had a green tea latte. Not sure how long we stayed but a couple hours sounds about right. On the way home another rock was slung into the windshield! It's a pretty nasty hole and the location high on the drivers side may not be fixable. We'll have to see....
The day remained cloudy but no more rain. For dinner I fixed a chicken, onion and mushroom dish. All of it was leftover items from the fridge. It was very tasty! I also fixed some brussel sprouts, first I steamed them then halved them and sauteed them in some butter, Yum....
We discovered a water leak in the bedroom and we think it's where the wires come in for the internet. Jim will have to climb on the roof and check out and if that's it then he'll need to reseal it. First it needs to dry up.
Don't knock the weather; nine-tenths of the people couldn't start a conversation if it didn't change once in a while. ~Kin Hubbard
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Ron and Nancy's Little Italy
Slept until 0830 this morning. I guess I need it. Hopefully I'm over the worst part of this 'cold'.
Today was strip the bed day so I got started on that after breakfast while Jim practiced on his dulcimer. The sun was out and it was way to cool for me outside so I stayed inside and did housework.
After lunch we went to Mexico with Anne and Scotty. Anne had a dental appointment and we went along for the ride. Also we picked up some meds for Boo and the guys got some leather to work with...something about straps for the dulcimers.
When Anne was finished we left beautiful downtown Nuevo Progresso and walked across the bridge to the good old USA. It was late in the day and no line at the checkpoint. Soon we were heading north and we stopped at Little Italy for some dinner. We each chose a different dish and all of them smelled heavenly. We had a wonderful meal with our friends.
We got home around 1900 and Boo was glad to see us! It was way past his dinner time :) I got him fed and then I showered. Jim then took his shower and made the bed. Now I'm ready to hit the sack.....hope your day was a good one.
Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. ~Voltaire
Today was strip the bed day so I got started on that after breakfast while Jim practiced on his dulcimer. The sun was out and it was way to cool for me outside so I stayed inside and did housework.
After lunch we went to Mexico with Anne and Scotty. Anne had a dental appointment and we went along for the ride. Also we picked up some meds for Boo and the guys got some leather to work with...something about straps for the dulcimers.
When Anne was finished we left beautiful downtown Nuevo Progresso and walked across the bridge to the good old USA. It was late in the day and no line at the checkpoint. Soon we were heading north and we stopped at Little Italy for some dinner. We each chose a different dish and all of them smelled heavenly. We had a wonderful meal with our friends.
We got home around 1900 and Boo was glad to see us! It was way past his dinner time :) I got him fed and then I showered. Jim then took his shower and made the bed. Now I'm ready to hit the sack.....hope your day was a good one.
Nothing would be more tiresome than eating and drinking if God had not made them a pleasure as well as a necessity. ~Voltaire
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Jim has another birthday!
Yesterday was Jim's birthday and Anne and Scotty hosted a happy hour party for him. We gathered around 1700 and had enough food to feed twice as many who came! Six Couples
We had pulled pork and baked beans.
Diana and Pat
Salads, dips and chips, pinwheels, cheese and crackers
rather than sit with the ladies in the sunshine the guys stayed under cover with the food!

At Pat's party last Friday they had ice cream cake but only managed to eat half of it so they brought that, plus Anne made a chocolate sheet cake and Pat brought a pineapple dessert that Jim loves (which we brought home).
I was the first to leave as it was getting chilly outside. But the party lasted a couple hours. Good friends and good food.....
Hope you enjoyed your birthday honey, I love you!
Birthdays are good for you. Statistics show that the people who have the most live the longest. ~Larry Lorenzoni
Friday, February 12, 2010
Jim says I need to post....
What can I say? I'm lazy and when there isn't much to write about, I don't. Jim has been under the weather and he's trying to get better but I think he's trying to hard. We're not sure what it is but everyone who's had it usually gets over the worst part of it in three days. Starts with a sore throat and then sinus problems. You feel miserable for a few days and then viola, you start getting better. I sure hope that pattern continues as I woke during the night with a sore throat....
Today was Birthday celebration day. Pat and Jim both have birthdays this month so a group of us went to the Embassy Suites Remington Restaurant. On Fridays they have a seafood buffet. We had reservations for 1300 and they had a table set up for the 12 of us. We all chatted for a bit while we waited for our drinks and then we headed to the buffet. Four stations, salads along with boiled shrimp was at one station. A long table set up with hot dishes, fried shrimp, stuffed crab, stuffed flounder, veggies, rice pilaf and hot soup. There was a chef making pasta dishes that you designed and of course the dessert table.
We all enjoyed our meals and I'm sure we ate more than we needed to! Some kept saying they wanted to taste it all!!! LOL
Anne and Scotty
Diana and John
The atrium and one of the trees, it's quite a lovely setting.
The birthday boy, Jim
Karen and Dave
Pat the birthday girl and Vern
Big fountain, I could sit here and read a book easily.
Today was Birthday celebration day. Pat and Jim both have birthdays this month so a group of us went to the Embassy Suites Remington Restaurant. On Fridays they have a seafood buffet. We had reservations for 1300 and they had a table set up for the 12 of us. We all chatted for a bit while we waited for our drinks and then we headed to the buffet. Four stations, salads along with boiled shrimp was at one station. A long table set up with hot dishes, fried shrimp, stuffed crab, stuffed flounder, veggies, rice pilaf and hot soup. There was a chef making pasta dishes that you designed and of course the dessert table.
We all enjoyed our meals and I'm sure we ate more than we needed to! Some kept saying they wanted to taste it all!!! LOL

On the way home we stopped at a couple stores for some ink and a strap for Jim's dulcimer. Oh yeah, I guess I should tell you, Jim's building a dulcimer from a kit. Dave and Scotty already have theirs finished.
The party continued at happy hour but I didn't go. Rum drinks, an ice cream cake, a couple pies and dishes from other folks. Apparently a LOT of people were invited to this. Jim stayed about an hour and then came home.
A quiet evening and Jim hit the sack around 2100. It was a pretty, sunny day and when I took Boo out earlier I noticed it was clear with stars popping out everywhere. It's already in the upper 40's so sleeping will be good tonight.
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~Chili Davis
Growing old is mandatory; growing up is optional. ~Chili Davis
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Sunny Days!
we've had two sunny days now...I like it!
Last night we walked to the clubhouse to see Razz Ma Tazz, a local high school group. We saw them last year and this ensemble is as good as that one. Some new faces as the seniors graduated.
While we were there FedEx arrived with Jim's dulcimer kit and Anne's washer and dryer. After the concert we walked home and stopped at the Scott's to pick up the kit. We ended up staying and watching the wash machine wash a load of clothes. :) This wash machine is the smallest I've ever seen and we just had to watch!
Jim was out of bed a wee bit early this morning and by 0840 he was off to the shop to start construction of the dulcimer. He did come home for lunch and when he could no longer work on it he stopped by the house and picked up his trike and rode down to visit with Dave and Scotty. He did stop and pick up my package at guest services.
This morning I mailed some envelopes and stopped in at the office to reserve our spot for next winter. We're going to do six months again.
I spent the afternoon working on my coupons. Getting everything caught up with the new ones that came today.
Dinner tonight was cooked outside. Pork chops and zucchini and I fixed a salad to go with it. Some wine and dinner with my honey.
We watched some NCIS and the dog show on Discovery....now it's time for bed
"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. ~ Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912"
Last night we walked to the clubhouse to see Razz Ma Tazz, a local high school group. We saw them last year and this ensemble is as good as that one. Some new faces as the seniors graduated.
While we were there FedEx arrived with Jim's dulcimer kit and Anne's washer and dryer. After the concert we walked home and stopped at the Scott's to pick up the kit. We ended up staying and watching the wash machine wash a load of clothes. :) This wash machine is the smallest I've ever seen and we just had to watch!
Jim was out of bed a wee bit early this morning and by 0840 he was off to the shop to start construction of the dulcimer. He did come home for lunch and when he could no longer work on it he stopped by the house and picked up his trike and rode down to visit with Dave and Scotty. He did stop and pick up my package at guest services.
This morning I mailed some envelopes and stopped in at the office to reserve our spot for next winter. We're going to do six months again.
I spent the afternoon working on my coupons. Getting everything caught up with the new ones that came today.
Dinner tonight was cooked outside. Pork chops and zucchini and I fixed a salad to go with it. Some wine and dinner with my honey.
We watched some NCIS and the dog show on Discovery....now it's time for bed
"The great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. ~ Samuel Butler, Notebooks, 1912"
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Again we have rain
It has been an odd winter here in Mission, Texas. Cooler and more rain than in the past. We also had a couple of hard freezes. No matter, it's warmer here than most of the country.
Boo is back to normal, his bad self is constantly with us. LOL His food intake is good and everything is coming out when it should :)
Jim has been busy making a music stand. He's patiently waiting for his dulcimer kit to arrive. Scotty and Dave have theirs in various stages of construction. This damp weather has halted work on them. Something about tacky finishes.
The rain started before we went to bed last night. Just lightly and during the night I heard it a couple times. Apparently it rained quite a bit, we had puddles everywhere! Big ones too. The rain has come and gone all day.
After lunch Jim and I went to Barnes and Nobles, one of our favorite places when it's rainy! Didn't stay long but I enjoyed every minute I was there. We then headed to Tinseltown to see a movie. The Book of Eli was outstanding! It has a powerful message. Denzel Washington gets better with each movie he stars in.
Tried a new recipe for dinner tonight, Spicy Cioppino. We both liked it and Jim said it was a keeper. What I liked about it was the amount it made, perfect for two people.
We've been watching TV and playing games on our computers.
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~Doug Larson
Boo is back to normal, his bad self is constantly with us. LOL His food intake is good and everything is coming out when it should :)
Jim has been busy making a music stand. He's patiently waiting for his dulcimer kit to arrive. Scotty and Dave have theirs in various stages of construction. This damp weather has halted work on them. Something about tacky finishes.
The rain started before we went to bed last night. Just lightly and during the night I heard it a couple times. Apparently it rained quite a bit, we had puddles everywhere! Big ones too. The rain has come and gone all day.
After lunch Jim and I went to Barnes and Nobles, one of our favorite places when it's rainy! Didn't stay long but I enjoyed every minute I was there. We then headed to Tinseltown to see a movie. The Book of Eli was outstanding! It has a powerful message. Denzel Washington gets better with each movie he stars in.
Tried a new recipe for dinner tonight, Spicy Cioppino. We both liked it and Jim said it was a keeper. What I liked about it was the amount it made, perfect for two people.
We've been watching TV and playing games on our computers.
"Life expectancy would grow by leaps and bounds if green vegetables smelled as good as bacon." ~Doug Larson
Monday, February 1, 2010
Stress is not good!
After posting that Boo was getting back to normal after having his teeth cleaned, everything went downhill. Even dogs can get stressed and he did.
I really don't want to go into gory details but by Friday 'stuff' was coming out the back end. Saturday morning there was some fresh blood from all the straining to go. I called his vet only to discover they are not open on Saturdays. Ok.... I knew not to give Boo any more food to let his system rest. He spent most of the day pacing here and there, very restless.
Late afternoon he threw up and it had dark blood in it and there was way to much for his little tummy, no wonder he was uncomfortable. We called PetsMart as they have vets on site and found out we could bring him in. After a few questions to get him in the system we were placed in an exam room. They took a stool sample, blood and ran tests. Gastrointestinal distress. Not a good thing but at least he wasn't running a fever with something worse! He got a shot to help relax him, some 'pepto bismol' type medicine to take twice a day and some probiotics to get that good bacteria back in his system. And no food for another 24 hours.
He got the first dose of pepto at the vet and on the way home he barfed it up. Not fun cleaning that up while traveling down the highway! Poor Jim, his leg was covered with it.
We slept all night long! Boo and I got up around 0530 and after he took a leak he went back to bed. I stayed up, had coffee and amused myself playing games on the computer. When it was close to Jim's wake up call I made some Pumpkin muffins. The smell was wonderful! It was super way to help warm the house on a chilly morning.
Sunday Boo did much better, no messy incidents. Took his meds like a champ and suffered through a bath. His messy ends needed to be cleaned up. :) I hope it made him feel better. I fed him some rice and chicken for dinner and he scarfed it right up! Then looked for more.
Again we all slept all night long. We've all had breakfast, pancakes and sausage for us while Boo had chicken and rice.
I've done my morning chores, might go to a movie today. Need to pick up some groceries.
It's been chilly the past few days and this morning it's misty and overcast. Middle 50's and it might get 10 degrees 'warmer' by this afternoon.
to all of you who expressed concern for Boo I think you....
I really don't want to go into gory details but by Friday 'stuff' was coming out the back end. Saturday morning there was some fresh blood from all the straining to go. I called his vet only to discover they are not open on Saturdays. Ok.... I knew not to give Boo any more food to let his system rest. He spent most of the day pacing here and there, very restless.
Late afternoon he threw up and it had dark blood in it and there was way to much for his little tummy, no wonder he was uncomfortable. We called PetsMart as they have vets on site and found out we could bring him in. After a few questions to get him in the system we were placed in an exam room. They took a stool sample, blood and ran tests. Gastrointestinal distress. Not a good thing but at least he wasn't running a fever with something worse! He got a shot to help relax him, some 'pepto bismol' type medicine to take twice a day and some probiotics to get that good bacteria back in his system. And no food for another 24 hours.
He got the first dose of pepto at the vet and on the way home he barfed it up. Not fun cleaning that up while traveling down the highway! Poor Jim, his leg was covered with it.
We slept all night long! Boo and I got up around 0530 and after he took a leak he went back to bed. I stayed up, had coffee and amused myself playing games on the computer. When it was close to Jim's wake up call I made some Pumpkin muffins. The smell was wonderful! It was super way to help warm the house on a chilly morning.
Sunday Boo did much better, no messy incidents. Took his meds like a champ and suffered through a bath. His messy ends needed to be cleaned up. :) I hope it made him feel better. I fed him some rice and chicken for dinner and he scarfed it right up! Then looked for more.
Again we all slept all night long. We've all had breakfast, pancakes and sausage for us while Boo had chicken and rice.
I've done my morning chores, might go to a movie today. Need to pick up some groceries.
It's been chilly the past few days and this morning it's misty and overcast. Middle 50's and it might get 10 degrees 'warmer' by this afternoon.
to all of you who expressed concern for Boo I think you....
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