Wednesday started out pretty nice, the sunrise and clouds were a nice shade of apricot. At least what I could see through the trees.
All of us slept well last night. Boo and I both got up around 0130 for a call of nature but that was it.No licking or scratching....pure bliss...
Clouds started moving in and it kept getting darker and by 1030 we had and on all afternoon with thunder and lightening. Power went off once or twice coming back on almost immediately.
It was a Netflix afternoon...can you say couch potatoes? LOL
For dinner I fixed potatoes, peas and a salad. From the freezer Jim had a mini pot roast from Schwann's, just pop in the microwave for 4 minutes and viola! Jim did the dishes while I showered.
Thursday we had more rain, I mean it rained like we were in New Orleans! Not sure how much rain we had but enough is enough. We did the Netflix thing again
Friday the morning was cloudy and we did our chores then headed into Crescent City for lunch. We made a stop at the vet to get approval for a shampoo to use on Boo. By the way he's doing good. This medicine makes him drink and pee more but no itching or licking.
Lunch at 3 Banana's was good but we gotta stop with the pitchers of beer! After a stop at Winn-Dixie we headed home. Again you could see the dark clouds and I had hoped we'd make it home before the rains came. As we got into Welaka we noticed it had already rained.
We got inside and Jim decided a nap was needed and I snoozed on the lounger. Then the rains was a noisy storm and another gully washer!
Yesterday we drove to Lake City to visit with Sonsearae and Chris. Chris got promoted to Assistant Warden and that involved relocating to Lake City. The position comes with a house so we went to check it out. Sonsearae will remain in Tallahassee and they'll see one another on weekends. They're both used to driving long distances for work so this is just a blip. Chis will probably have this position for a year and then another change.
The drive was nice, about two hours with two stops, one for fuel ($3.59 using Winn-Dixie fuel perks) and a pit stop for my fellas. After we arrived and got the tour we headed out to an Italian restaurant where we were treated to a lovely meal. Thank you Sonsearae and Chris!
Back at the house we talked, watched a movie and lazed around digesting that meal. Before we left after 1800 we had breakfast for dinner.Chris fixed pancakes while Sonsearae made some grits and cooked up some Gardien sausages.
As we got into Palatka the sun was sinking behind some clouds and it was quite pretty. Sunset was at 2001 and we were home about 10 minutes later. I have to mention that we did see rain at either location or along the drive. We did see wet roads and a bit of a sprinkle....
Once we unloaded the truck and I put everything away, I showered, followed by Jim. We watched some football but ended up going to bed before 2200. The drive just wore us out.
Jim is working today while I'm not....LOL I did some laundry and my chores this morning but it's been a lazy afternoon just waiting for the Saint's game to start at 1600
Sunday, August 25, 2013
Tuesday, August 20, 2013
Update on Boo
Once again the day started with sunshine and not a cloud in sight. It's a pleasant way to start the day. After I opened the door and blinds and settled in with my coffee I turned on my phone and for over an hour I tried to get online. It said I was connected but could not get internet on my laptop. Turn this off, turn that off....turn back on, reboot.....Success! Third times a charm. It's a good thing I'm retired and getting online isn't a priority...
I woke Jim at 0800 but he didn't get up. He snoozed another 45 minutes or so...I guess he earned it working two days in a row.
After breakfast we both got busy with chores. Jim worked outside, dumped the black tank and did some yard work. I made the bed, did dishes and a load of laundry. From outside Jim cleared some lint from the dryer vent and inside I cleared more using the vacuum.
I then prepped some veggies for our stir fry dinner. Chopped onions, celery, red pepper, garlic, broccoli and mushrooms. I wasn't sure how long we'd be at the Vet for Boo's appointment at 1600.
After lunch I snoozed on the lounger. Jim was stretched out on the bed after his shower, trying to cool down.
Boo is resting comfortably right now. He got a shot to clear up an infection from the spot he licked raw on his leg. And another shot to kill his desire to lick! After he ate his dinner we gave him a flea pill, comfortis. Hopefully this medicine will deal with these Florida fleas! Tomorrow he starts taking temaril, another medicine that helps with allergies. I'm hoping this one won't be a long term medicine. Our other Yorkie, Jake started taking it and every time we tried to stop it he started back to licking his feet.
We also have to give him fish oil or flax oil for dry skin. I'm not sure he has dry skin but I'll try anything to keep him from scratching all the time. Of course with the prescribed bathing twice a week he may need it!
Have you seen any of the Doomsday programs? We're checking them out tonight and I find them interesting. So many people think the government will be there to help in case of a disaster. After Hurricane Katrina flowed through New Orleans, I'm not so sure we should rely on the government. Cell towers were down, so no cell phone service and no one could talk to anyone. Land lines were affected too. City officials didn't have a plan and no one was in charge. In case of emergency you must rely on yourself in the midst of chaos...
I woke Jim at 0800 but he didn't get up. He snoozed another 45 minutes or so...I guess he earned it working two days in a row.
After breakfast we both got busy with chores. Jim worked outside, dumped the black tank and did some yard work. I made the bed, did dishes and a load of laundry. From outside Jim cleared some lint from the dryer vent and inside I cleared more using the vacuum.
I then prepped some veggies for our stir fry dinner. Chopped onions, celery, red pepper, garlic, broccoli and mushrooms. I wasn't sure how long we'd be at the Vet for Boo's appointment at 1600.
After lunch I snoozed on the lounger. Jim was stretched out on the bed after his shower, trying to cool down.
Boo is resting comfortably right now. He got a shot to clear up an infection from the spot he licked raw on his leg. And another shot to kill his desire to lick! After he ate his dinner we gave him a flea pill, comfortis. Hopefully this medicine will deal with these Florida fleas! Tomorrow he starts taking temaril, another medicine that helps with allergies. I'm hoping this one won't be a long term medicine. Our other Yorkie, Jake started taking it and every time we tried to stop it he started back to licking his feet.
We also have to give him fish oil or flax oil for dry skin. I'm not sure he has dry skin but I'll try anything to keep him from scratching all the time. Of course with the prescribed bathing twice a week he may need it!
Have you seen any of the Doomsday programs? We're checking them out tonight and I find them interesting. So many people think the government will be there to help in case of a disaster. After Hurricane Katrina flowed through New Orleans, I'm not so sure we should rely on the government. Cell towers were down, so no cell phone service and no one could talk to anyone. Land lines were affected too. City officials didn't have a plan and no one was in charge. In case of emergency you must rely on yourself in the midst of chaos...
Monday, August 19, 2013
Weekend in Welaka
Sunday...Jim works most every Sunday. Makes it hard to plan weekend outings, but I've gotten used to it. It pays for our site.
Sometime during the night the rain clouds moved out. Sunshine greeted me when I go out of bed and I only saw a few clouds in the sky. Of course it means it's very humid outside
Boo has started licking his hair off in a couple spots. Not good! On Monday I'll call the vet and make an appointment. He definitely has an allergy to something. Our first Yorkie, Jake, was on meds for allergies because he licked all the hair off his paws
Do you write letters? Send postcards? I fear the art of writing letters has all but disappeared since email has become second nature to all of us. Even with email I don't write letters as much as I used to. Everyone knows about my daily life with Facebook and this why write letters? My penmanship is not as pretty as it used to be.
Rain, off and on all afternoon. We had a shower and the sun was shinning! Liquid sunshine.
Are you a Star Trek fan? I am and today I started watching Deep Space Nine. I like all the TV series, with the exception of Enterprise. I should try to watch it again but I just couldn't get into it when it originally aired. I love the movies! Each new has bigger and better special effects.
I fixed a black bean soup/stew for our dinner. Made enough to pack some in the freezer
Monday started with sunshine and it remained sunny all day! As of 1600 no rain...
This morning I drove into Crescent City to make an appointment for Boo. I tried phoning but for some reason I cannot complete a phone call in this area code. The call goes though but we can't hear each other! Anyway he'll see the vet tomorrow afternoon.
I also stopped in at Winn-Dixie for a few grocery items. I also tried to mail a package but apparently I was to early for two post offices...they don't open until 0930. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.
I watched some Deep Space Nine and The Tudors today. And of course I did my chores....Jim has been working and when he's done today he won't have to go back until next Sunday.
For dinner we had spaghetti with meatballs (vegan), toasted garlic bread and a lovely glass of Chianti classico. Dishes are done and we've both showered and we're settled in watching Top Gear.
And still no rain!
Sometime during the night the rain clouds moved out. Sunshine greeted me when I go out of bed and I only saw a few clouds in the sky. Of course it means it's very humid outside
Boo has started licking his hair off in a couple spots. Not good! On Monday I'll call the vet and make an appointment. He definitely has an allergy to something. Our first Yorkie, Jake, was on meds for allergies because he licked all the hair off his paws
Do you write letters? Send postcards? I fear the art of writing letters has all but disappeared since email has become second nature to all of us. Even with email I don't write letters as much as I used to. Everyone knows about my daily life with Facebook and this why write letters? My penmanship is not as pretty as it used to be.
Rain, off and on all afternoon. We had a shower and the sun was shinning! Liquid sunshine.
Are you a Star Trek fan? I am and today I started watching Deep Space Nine. I like all the TV series, with the exception of Enterprise. I should try to watch it again but I just couldn't get into it when it originally aired. I love the movies! Each new has bigger and better special effects.
I fixed a black bean soup/stew for our dinner. Made enough to pack some in the freezer
Monday started with sunshine and it remained sunny all day! As of 1600 no rain...
This morning I drove into Crescent City to make an appointment for Boo. I tried phoning but for some reason I cannot complete a phone call in this area code. The call goes though but we can't hear each other! Anyway he'll see the vet tomorrow afternoon.
I also stopped in at Winn-Dixie for a few grocery items. I also tried to mail a package but apparently I was to early for two post offices...they don't open until 0930. Guess I'll try again tomorrow.
I watched some Deep Space Nine and The Tudors today. And of course I did my chores....Jim has been working and when he's done today he won't have to go back until next Sunday.
For dinner we had spaghetti with meatballs (vegan), toasted garlic bread and a lovely glass of Chianti classico. Dishes are done and we've both showered and we're settled in watching Top Gear.
And still no rain!
Sunday, August 18, 2013
Rain and Movies
Jim and I both worked Friday! He cleaned the cottages while I stayed home and stripped the bed and did laundry.
The day started out overcast and stayed that way most of the day. But no rain... I'm not sure if the rainfall we've had this summer is normal or not but we've had some rainy days. Long ago when I was stationed in Jacksonville I remember it raining daily around the time got off from work.
I fixed a simple meal of couscous for our dinner. You know, one of those boxed preparations. I added peas and mushrooms and baked some corn muffins.
I'm hooking, not what you're thinking... I'm playing with yarn and my crochet hooks! Just using up yarn but it feels good being crafty again. I did buy a kit but you'll have to wait to see what it is...
Saturday when I woke up I could hear the boats on the St John's river....and a gentle sprinkle of rain on the roof. After I got up I started hearing the distant roll of thunder and it started getting darker. By 0800 we had rain. According to the forecast we have a 40% chance of rain for the next three days.
After breakfast and morning chores we changed into city duds and drove into Palatka. Jim needed something or other at Walmart and I wanted to drop off a bag of goodies at Goodwill. It being Saturday we didn't linger long inside Walmart. I did find some groceries to buy!
Then it was time for an early lunch at Chili's where we enjoyed their $35 special. Did you know if you sign up for emails they send you coupons? Well, we had one for $5 off. For $33 we had an appetizer of chips, salsa and guacamole, Jim had the baby back ribs and I ordered chicken fajitas. And we got a dessert of peanut butter molten cake. Oh and two Presidente margaritas.... we were stuffed and a wee bit happy when we left!
One more stop at a farmers market for tomatoes and then home. Once home I put everything away, Jim took out the trash and then we both snoozed for a bit. Jim took the bed for a nap and I checked my eyelids for leaks with Boo on the lounger.
The day has been mostly overcast with splashes of sunshine breaking through. But no more rain after this morning. Around 1700 I heard the thunder and thought for sure we'd have rain...and shortly after 1800 the gentle rain started.
We watched an interesting movie, 1911 with Jackie Chan..about the founding of the Republic of China and Sun Yat-sen. If you don't like reading sub titles, then skip it.
The rain continued off and on all evening. Nothing heavy. We watched another movie, Erased. I fixed blt's for our dinner
Thus ends our Saturday. How is your weekend going?
The day started out overcast and stayed that way most of the day. But no rain... I'm not sure if the rainfall we've had this summer is normal or not but we've had some rainy days. Long ago when I was stationed in Jacksonville I remember it raining daily around the time got off from work.
I fixed a simple meal of couscous for our dinner. You know, one of those boxed preparations. I added peas and mushrooms and baked some corn muffins.
I'm hooking, not what you're thinking... I'm playing with yarn and my crochet hooks! Just using up yarn but it feels good being crafty again. I did buy a kit but you'll have to wait to see what it is...
Saturday when I woke up I could hear the boats on the St John's river....and a gentle sprinkle of rain on the roof. After I got up I started hearing the distant roll of thunder and it started getting darker. By 0800 we had rain. According to the forecast we have a 40% chance of rain for the next three days.
After breakfast and morning chores we changed into city duds and drove into Palatka. Jim needed something or other at Walmart and I wanted to drop off a bag of goodies at Goodwill. It being Saturday we didn't linger long inside Walmart. I did find some groceries to buy!
Then it was time for an early lunch at Chili's where we enjoyed their $35 special. Did you know if you sign up for emails they send you coupons? Well, we had one for $5 off. For $33 we had an appetizer of chips, salsa and guacamole, Jim had the baby back ribs and I ordered chicken fajitas. And we got a dessert of peanut butter molten cake. Oh and two Presidente margaritas.... we were stuffed and a wee bit happy when we left!
One more stop at a farmers market for tomatoes and then home. Once home I put everything away, Jim took out the trash and then we both snoozed for a bit. Jim took the bed for a nap and I checked my eyelids for leaks with Boo on the lounger.
The day has been mostly overcast with splashes of sunshine breaking through. But no more rain after this morning. Around 1700 I heard the thunder and thought for sure we'd have rain...and shortly after 1800 the gentle rain started.
We watched an interesting movie, 1911 with Jackie Chan..about the founding of the Republic of China and Sun Yat-sen. If you don't like reading sub titles, then skip it.
The rain continued off and on all evening. Nothing heavy. We watched another movie, Erased. I fixed blt's for our dinner
Thus ends our Saturday. How is your weekend going?
Friday, August 16, 2013
catching up
Not much to write about. Our daily life is pretty much the same, day after day. We have daily chores and then we sit and play games, watch TV or Netflix.
Last Thursday Jim pressure washed the roof. With all the rain and humidity it gets nasty and he's trying to stay on top of the cleaning.
Over the past couple of weeks all of our patio lights died. Now I'm on the lookout for new ones. Perhaps with an end of summer I'll find some on sale!
We went to Flagler Beach the other day and enjoyed a tasty lunch at Fuego Del Mar. We sat outside on the upper deck, enjoying the ocean breeze and admiring the beach. I had shrimp ceviche which wasn't the best I've had. I think the shrimp was pre cooked and they added some stuff to fancy it up and it was way to oily. If you've ever ceviche you know the seafood is 'cooked' in lime juice. Couldn't even taste the lime but it sure was loaded with garlic! Jim had shrimp tacos and apparently they were good because he ate all of them!

this was one shot of our view....
after lunch we walked across the street to the beach and enjoyed walking in the surf. The beach wasn't packed but there were quite a few people enjoying the cooling waters on this hot afternoon
Last Thursday Jim pressure washed the roof. With all the rain and humidity it gets nasty and he's trying to stay on top of the cleaning.
Over the past couple of weeks all of our patio lights died. Now I'm on the lookout for new ones. Perhaps with an end of summer I'll find some on sale!
We went to Flagler Beach the other day and enjoyed a tasty lunch at Fuego Del Mar. We sat outside on the upper deck, enjoying the ocean breeze and admiring the beach. I had shrimp ceviche which wasn't the best I've had. I think the shrimp was pre cooked and they added some stuff to fancy it up and it was way to oily. If you've ever ceviche you know the seafood is 'cooked' in lime juice. Couldn't even taste the lime but it sure was loaded with garlic! Jim had shrimp tacos and apparently they were good because he ate all of them!
this was one shot of our view....
after lunch we walked across the street to the beach and enjoyed walking in the surf. The beach wasn't packed but there were quite a few people enjoying the cooling waters on this hot afternoon
Wednesday, August 7, 2013
Recipe Wednesday~~Rainbow Salad
Our 39th Anniversary was last Friday and after Jim got off work we went out to dinner at 3 Banana's down in Crescent City. A pitcher of Shock Top beer and fried dinners followed by a slice of chocolate peanut butter pie....all very tasty but we suffered for it! It wasn't the most healthy meal...
Saturday we got lovely anniversary card from our friend Anne. She is a very thoughtful person and we thank her for thinking of us
We decided to have our cookout Saturday and as the day wore on it started clouding up and around 1600 we heard some thunder....So Jim said let's get cooking! I got the potato baking and we thought we'd eat around 1700....don't you know it rained? Jim did have to cook his steak while getting sprinkled on. But we enjoyed our twice baked potato and he enjoyed his steak. Matter of fact that potato filled me right up and I didn't even snack that night.
Sunday Jim worked and so did I. It was linen day and I washed sheets and remade the bed. While he's working I usually watch an episode or two of the Tudors
For dinner Jim finished off the fried foods from our anniversary dinner and we had sugar snap peas and yellow rice
Monday Jim worked and again I did laundry, clothes this time. I also played some games and watched the Tudors. Made a pot of soup too....Minestrone without the pasta. There wasn't room in the pot! Not sure what we had for dinner. I guess I need to write these things down!
Boo is scratching again. It's been about two weeks since his dose of flea medicine. When he does this it just confuses me no end. I don't know what to do to help him. Of course he wakes us at night because he sleeps with us so none of us get much rest. And on the weekends he hears noises from the band and has to growl and bark to let us know. And lately, right after we go to bed he hears something and starts barking! Sometimes it's not fun having a pet!
Tuesday was along day. We left around 1000 for the 1 1/2 hour drive to Jacksonville. I had a 1515 appointment for an eye exam so we thought we'd have lunch and get some shopping done. We drove up highway 13 a lovely drive along the St John's River. It has stretches of oaks towering over the road with modest homes along with some palatial homes as you get closer to Jacksonville.
First stop was lunch and Jim spotted a Japanese restaurant, Wakame where we had a very nice meal. Jim chose mixed hibachi with fried rice and I enjoyed a cucumber roll and an avocado roll. We both had miso soup and I had green tea while Jim drank water. No leftovers!
Then we headed to NAS JAX to go to the commissary I was hoping a couple items we needed would be there because it would be cheaper. Picked up some items and quickly left, the place was packed!
Because they didn't have what I wanted we had to backtrack and make two stops to pick up dry dog food for Boo at Petco and coconut creamer at Whole Foods. We also had a couple lattes at Whole tasty!
Then we headed to the middle of town for my appointment. I had a very thorough exam and found out my cloudiness can be cleared up with a simple zap or two with a laser. So now I'm waiting for the VA to approve. I was also told that Medicare would cover it.
One more stop before heading home was to get fuel. We had passed a station that advertised it for $3.74 so we filled the tank!
The drive home was fun...NOT! We found ourselves in rush hour traffic on I-95 and did not like that at all. Once we got off on highway 207 it was less stressful but glare of the setting sun was uncomfortable for me. My eyes had been dilated and to much sun was painful.
Soon we were home and Boo was very happy to see us. Fed him, put our purchases away, changed clothes, put some soup on for our dinner and then I finally relaxed. After a shower I think we both felt better and once the dishes were done I was through for the day
I've not tried this salad but it sure looks good! If you try it let me know how you like it
Rainbow Salad
Saturday we got lovely anniversary card from our friend Anne. She is a very thoughtful person and we thank her for thinking of us
We decided to have our cookout Saturday and as the day wore on it started clouding up and around 1600 we heard some thunder....So Jim said let's get cooking! I got the potato baking and we thought we'd eat around 1700....don't you know it rained? Jim did have to cook his steak while getting sprinkled on. But we enjoyed our twice baked potato and he enjoyed his steak. Matter of fact that potato filled me right up and I didn't even snack that night.
Sunday Jim worked and so did I. It was linen day and I washed sheets and remade the bed. While he's working I usually watch an episode or two of the Tudors
For dinner Jim finished off the fried foods from our anniversary dinner and we had sugar snap peas and yellow rice
Monday Jim worked and again I did laundry, clothes this time. I also played some games and watched the Tudors. Made a pot of soup too....Minestrone without the pasta. There wasn't room in the pot! Not sure what we had for dinner. I guess I need to write these things down!
Boo is scratching again. It's been about two weeks since his dose of flea medicine. When he does this it just confuses me no end. I don't know what to do to help him. Of course he wakes us at night because he sleeps with us so none of us get much rest. And on the weekends he hears noises from the band and has to growl and bark to let us know. And lately, right after we go to bed he hears something and starts barking! Sometimes it's not fun having a pet!
Tuesday was along day. We left around 1000 for the 1 1/2 hour drive to Jacksonville. I had a 1515 appointment for an eye exam so we thought we'd have lunch and get some shopping done. We drove up highway 13 a lovely drive along the St John's River. It has stretches of oaks towering over the road with modest homes along with some palatial homes as you get closer to Jacksonville.
First stop was lunch and Jim spotted a Japanese restaurant, Wakame where we had a very nice meal. Jim chose mixed hibachi with fried rice and I enjoyed a cucumber roll and an avocado roll. We both had miso soup and I had green tea while Jim drank water. No leftovers!
Then we headed to NAS JAX to go to the commissary I was hoping a couple items we needed would be there because it would be cheaper. Picked up some items and quickly left, the place was packed!
Because they didn't have what I wanted we had to backtrack and make two stops to pick up dry dog food for Boo at Petco and coconut creamer at Whole Foods. We also had a couple lattes at Whole tasty!
Then we headed to the middle of town for my appointment. I had a very thorough exam and found out my cloudiness can be cleared up with a simple zap or two with a laser. So now I'm waiting for the VA to approve. I was also told that Medicare would cover it.
One more stop before heading home was to get fuel. We had passed a station that advertised it for $3.74 so we filled the tank!
The drive home was fun...NOT! We found ourselves in rush hour traffic on I-95 and did not like that at all. Once we got off on highway 207 it was less stressful but glare of the setting sun was uncomfortable for me. My eyes had been dilated and to much sun was painful.
Soon we were home and Boo was very happy to see us. Fed him, put our purchases away, changed clothes, put some soup on for our dinner and then I finally relaxed. After a shower I think we both felt better and once the dishes were done I was through for the day
I've not tried this salad but it sure looks good! If you try it let me know how you like it
Rainbow Salad
Update your everyday salad by topping it with fruit, nuts, and veggies for power packed combination!
Serves 2 as a main dish or 4 as a side dish
1 head red leaf lettuce, shredded
1 large orange, peeled, pitted, and diced
1 cup seedless grapes
1 cup fresh blueberries
2 stalks celery, diced
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground white or black pepper
1 large orange, peeled, pitted, and diced
1 cup seedless grapes
1 cup fresh blueberries
2 stalks celery, diced
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground white or black pepper
Combine all the ingredients in a large salad bowl and toss.
Per Serving: 249 calories; 3 g fat; 10% calories from fat; 10 g protein; 60 g carbohydrates; 39 g sugar; 17 g fiber; 29 mg sodium
Source: Power Foods for the Brain by Neal Barnard, M.D.; Recipe by Jason Wyrick.
Friday, August 2, 2013
Daily Grind
We don't really have a daily grind...we can pick and choose what to do on a daily basis. Of course there are daily chores that need to be done to make life livable. But everyone has chores!
I needed to go into Palatka and stop by the VA to pick up a form for travel expenses. My eye appointment is the 6th and I have half a dozen papers to fill out! So, since we had to go to the 'big city' we planned on several stops.
After waiting 10 minutes or so at the VA we headed to my least favorite store, Walmart. Jim needed car cleaning supplies and we picked up a few groceries (after all they are cheaper there).
Then we crossed the parking lot and had lunch at Chili's. We had some money on a card and it was burning a hole in my wallet! LOL We had a great lunch! Jim had chicken quesadilla and I had shrimp tacos. He enjoyed a margarita while I tried the Watermelon cooler (pretty tasty).
One more stop before heading home was Publix. It's the only local store where I can get Earth Balance spread, our 'butter'. We also tapped the ATM for some cash.
Once home I think Jim napped (he usually does this daily). Since it rained I made some bean soup for dinner served with the yummy bread we just bought.
Jim bought the shocks for the truck a couple weeks ago and today was the day to have them installed. He had a 'date' for 0930 and was only gone a short time. And it only cost $40 for 1 1/2 hours labor to install them! You gotta love small towns! He was home in time for lunch which for him was leftover seafood from Corky Bells
We planned to cook out for dinner but a thunderstorm with pouring rain cancelled that! It seems to happen a we had soup again for dinner. For me it was tasty but I'm sure Jim was looking forward to his steak.
Because of the storm we had trouble with Netflix. Direct TV was fine and we watched a bit of the nightly news and Jeopardy...can't remember the last time we did that. And I also can't remember if this was Wednesday or Thursday night! The memory is the first thing to go.....
Today is our 39th anniversary....most didn't think we'd stay together! But here we are, an old married couple just enjoying our lives.
Jim is working today and I should be....still have my morning chores to do and I need to get dressed. So if you'll excuse me I'll stop typing and get busy....or would that be, busier?
I needed to go into Palatka and stop by the VA to pick up a form for travel expenses. My eye appointment is the 6th and I have half a dozen papers to fill out! So, since we had to go to the 'big city' we planned on several stops.
After waiting 10 minutes or so at the VA we headed to my least favorite store, Walmart. Jim needed car cleaning supplies and we picked up a few groceries (after all they are cheaper there).
Then we crossed the parking lot and had lunch at Chili's. We had some money on a card and it was burning a hole in my wallet! LOL We had a great lunch! Jim had chicken quesadilla and I had shrimp tacos. He enjoyed a margarita while I tried the Watermelon cooler (pretty tasty).
One more stop before heading home was Publix. It's the only local store where I can get Earth Balance spread, our 'butter'. We also tapped the ATM for some cash.
Once home I think Jim napped (he usually does this daily). Since it rained I made some bean soup for dinner served with the yummy bread we just bought.
Jim bought the shocks for the truck a couple weeks ago and today was the day to have them installed. He had a 'date' for 0930 and was only gone a short time. And it only cost $40 for 1 1/2 hours labor to install them! You gotta love small towns! He was home in time for lunch which for him was leftover seafood from Corky Bells
We planned to cook out for dinner but a thunderstorm with pouring rain cancelled that! It seems to happen a we had soup again for dinner. For me it was tasty but I'm sure Jim was looking forward to his steak.
Because of the storm we had trouble with Netflix. Direct TV was fine and we watched a bit of the nightly news and Jeopardy...can't remember the last time we did that. And I also can't remember if this was Wednesday or Thursday night! The memory is the first thing to go.....
Today is our 39th anniversary....most didn't think we'd stay together! But here we are, an old married couple just enjoying our lives.
Jim is working today and I should be....still have my morning chores to do and I need to get dressed. So if you'll excuse me I'll stop typing and get busy....or would that be, busier?
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