
Friday, January 17, 2014

Essential Oils

For Christmas Jim gave me a box of goodies that contained essential oils and diffuser from Young Living.  All of it combined made up a kit to become a distributor.

So, I chose to become one.  I've always liked and used essential oils and I'm learning that some can be used for better health.

I've been using my oils daily on my body (health, we'll see where this takes me!) and in the air.  I must say our home smells nice with peppermint wafting through the air right now!

I will share with you from time to time ways to use these oils.  If you're interested in learning more or purchasing, just let me know!

Basil Essential Oil

for ear infection

Put a drop of oil on your finger and rub it inside of the ear. 

Rub it all around the outside of the ear also. 

You can put a few drops on cotton ball and place the cotton ball just inside the opening of the ear. (But never apply/drop oil directly inside the ear!) 

 Do this every few hours, and for a few days after, to make sure the infection is completely gone.

Note: This is safe for children...just be sure to use with a carrier oil like jojoba, olive oil etc

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