Last Friday we headed into Palatka so I could get a haircut and since it was around lunch time we started talking about food and where to eat. We had just passed Corky Bell's and the sign out front said gumbo....well we turned around and headed back. We both like seafood and we hadn't tried this restaurant.

We opted to sit outside on the deck. The day was lovely and I had a bit of shade under the umbrella. Jim has been playing phone tag with brother John and the above shot is the successful phone call! John and his wife Kathy have just bought a travel trailer and will soon join the snowbird club.
As we sat and waited for out meal we saw an eagle catch his lunch and watched this boat motor away from the dock. He had dropped off a couple
We opted to sit outside on the deck. The day was lovely and I had a bit of shade under the umbrella. Jim has been playing phone tag with brother John and the above shot is the successful phone call! John and his wife Kathy have just bought a travel trailer and will soon join the snowbird club.
As we sat and waited for out meal we saw an eagle catch his lunch and watched this boat motor away from the dock. He had dropped off a couple
This part of the St John's River is called the Devil's Elbow and the restaurant in on Gator Landing. Jim ordered the fried shrimp with french fries and cheese grits. I had grilled cod loin with stewed tomatoes and okra over rice and green beans. Both meals came with the best ever hush puppies! I ate everything on my plate it was that good!
The above picture shows the spot where we enjoyed out lunch...
I really hated to leave but I still needed that haircut! So off we go to search out a new salon I was told about. We found it easy enough and I had almost all of my hair cut off. It's about as short as yours Marilyn...
Back home we relaxed and enjoyed about an hour or so and then took Boo for a walk. On the dock Jim and Billie were getting ready to head out for a slow cruise on the river and asked us along....I'm so glad we went!
Boo went along and at first he wasn't quite sure about it. Jim kept him on the leash and made sure he didn't look over the side to far. He never napped but he did lay down once or twice.
There's a national forest across the river from us and we slowly motored our way into it. All the while Jim and Billie were keeping us entertained and informed. We saw a lot of wildlife and beautiful scenery
As an ending to our trip they took us north to the Welaka Springs and we saw at least a half dozen manatees. As we motored along the shore Jim pointed out various houses and who owned them...we all commented on how we could live on this boat or that boat but none of really wanted any of the houses and all that upkeep!