Last Friday Jim had an appointment in St Augustine with a dermatologist to have more pre-cancerous lesions zapped (frozen) on his head. This project had been started when we were in Mission and I think this may be the last of it. He also had some 'age barnacles' may recall some flat brown moles on his head....the Doctor called them that! For an 'old salt' that's the perfect thing to call them!! Jim is healing nicely and for the most part this time around was easier on him. Since we were already there we decided to head to the harbor to see El Galeon try to get a picture. That ship is huge! We ended up crossing the Bridge of Lions and taking the above picture from an empty lot across the way. It would have been nice to tour it but the crowds were thick and parking our beastie can be a hassle and I wasn't up to walking long distances in the heat to see it. After that we drove south and stopped in Flagler Beach for a late lunch at the Golden Lion. Pretty neat place to eat,we sat topside in an open air patio setting overlooking the highway and beach. Great place to people watch and enjoy lunch. Sure were a lot of pale folks getting sunburned! Did you have a great Memorial Weekend? Here at the Tiki Bar they did a booming business! Live entertainment, the grill was hot and the tables were full of celebrants. Jim worked Sunday and Monday but we celebrated our 39 years together Monday evening with a traditional spaghetti dinner. Thirty nine years ago I invited him over to dinner and we've been together ever since! Tuesday Jim got up on the roof and pressured washed it. Being under an oak tree has disadvantages too. It was also black tank day so he was busy.
It's Sunday again! Jim is working in the office today. This weekend is the first time I've seen the campground full, not sure about all the cabins, but the place is hoppin' with all the people wandering around on foot, in golf carts and on bikes. Jim didn't work Monday - Friday, it was nice having him home! We had some rain so Jim got on the roof last Tuesday to tidy it up and decided the back slide topper had to be removed. We've been nursing it along and knew it would have to go. Now we just need to figure out how to replace it while we sit here! And don't you know it rained that afternoon!!???!!
Wednesday we had some shopping to do. Since it was lunchtime we stopped at Corky Belle's and enjoyed some really good seafood. Drove through some light rain showers in getting there. Jim needed some wood to build a shooting table (?) so we stopped at Lowe's to get that and some potting soil and birdseed. Of course I found a couple potted items to take home...Cucumbers and basil. Our next stop was Walmart where we picked up some groceries. We also used our card to get fuel, I think it was $3.82 for diesel. We also got fuel the other day at Sunoco using the fuel perks from Winn-Dixie and only paid $3.49
Thursday we had the pizza/potluck at the pool bar. I'm thinking pretty soon it will be to hot for me. I showered before we left and again when we came home.
Memorial Day, originally called Decoration Day, is a day of remembrance for those who have died in our nation's service. There are many stories as to its actual beginnings, with over two dozen cities and towns laying claim to being the birthplace of Memorial Day. There is also evidence that organized women's groups in the South were decorating graves before the end of the Civil War: a hymn published in 1867, "Kneel Where Our Loves are Sleeping" by Nella L. Sweet carried the dedication "To The Ladies of the South who are Decorating the Graves of the Confederate Dead" (Source: Duke University's Historic American Sheet Music, 1850-1920). While Waterloo N.Y. was officially declared the birthplace of Memorial Day by President Lyndon Johnson in May 1966, it's difficult to prove conclusively the origins of the day. It is more likely that it had many separate beginnings; each of those towns and every planned or spontaneous gathering of people to honor the war dead in the 1860's tapped into the general human need to honor our dead, each contributed honorably to the growing movement that culminated in Gen Logan giving his official proclamation in 1868. It is not important who was the very first, what is important is that Memorial Day was established. Memorial Day is not about division. It is about reconciliation; it is about coming together to honor those who gave their all. It's not about BBQ's or shopping, Please take time to Honor those who have died for our Freedoms. to read more
Jim is working today so I'm holding down the fort. We had a thunderstorm roll though last night, just after we went to bed...needless to say Boo didn't like the thunder and lightning and we had a wee bit of trouble sleeping. But, I do like the sound of rain on the roof.
This morning we have sunshine and the grass glistens with last nights rainfall. Very pretty! Yesterday we decided to head out to buy some potting soil and bread. Jim had dusted off the truck and did some chores outside after breakfast and when he came in he said "I'm Ready!" "lets go" So we both changed clothes and since it was almost lunchtime decided to stop in Hastings for lunch at a new place for us. Unfortunately, the restaurant we wanted to check out wasn't open! So, Jim just kept driving east towards St. should see the corn fields! I'd say about three feet high and I'm sure last nights rain helped.
Though it wasn't a new stop for us we decided to have lunch at Panera Bread. Then we popped into Bed, Bath and Beyond for a soda canister. And then..........
We hit the St. Augustine Outlet Malls! First time since we've been in this area. I'm afraid we went a little bit crazy and spent to much money, but it sure was fun. I've been looking for a pair of sandals and after several stores I found a pair at Easy Spirit. Discovered the Corningware Corelle store and picked up some matching microwave bowls and serving, storage bowls that match my new Bamboo dishes. And don't you know, they gave me a coupon for future purchases! LOL
Jim popped into Crocs and picked up two pair. He just loves these shoes and says they're each his own.
For reasons I can't explain this Outlet Mall is on two sides of I-95 and across the highway Jim spotted the Gander Mountain store. It's not part of the Outlet Mall but he needed some gun cleaning items and while he was looking in that department I checked out the clothes and managed to find two purses, a pair of shorts and a Hat That Fits!
After all that buying we decided to save shopping at other stores for another time....After all, we'll be here for awhile....we need to pay off the bills!
Apparently we need to stay out of big cities for here in Welaka, which is remote, made us go crazy!!!
Last week Jim had a bout of vertigo which is pretty much gone now but it sure makes for interesting days. When he wasn't working he was sleeping. Not very exciting for either one of us.
Boo is still battling....I don't know what......but if we keep him dosed up he scratches and licks less. I've found some scabs but no more fleas. I'm sure he gets tired of me looking all over his body for new hot spots and fleas. He avoids me when I come near him :-(
Where does the time go? We're both still talking about Anne and Scotty and they left on the 5th....seems like yesterday! We've not done much, just enjoyed the weather and each others company. Daily I attend to all the potted plants and I've picked two tomatoes and a couple radishes. Jim spends time outdoors just watching the birds and squirrels It's nice that he's gotten to a point in his retirement to take the time off. In the past he had to be doing something all the time! Now days go by without him even looking at the truck let alone cleaning it. We both spend time daily on our computers and keeping in touch with friends via emails or blogs. Some friends are visiting places we've been and it makes me want to revisit certain areas, I do like to travel. Carol Reeves called the other day and we may see them later this year as they travel to south Florida for the winter months. She and Fred are selling their 5th wheel and will be staying in a condo. I say 'may' because who knows if we'll still be here in Welaka? .....time will tell. We had a front come through and the nights saw temperatures in the upper 40's and low 50's....I'm sure that's the last of cool weather. After all this is Florida and as the year goes by the temperature should rise for the summer. But who knows? There's still snow in a lot of places!!! Boo is having a rough time with fleas, which means we're losing often can you give a monthly dose of flea medicine? It's seems his wears off around three weeks or so. Once he's bitten they die, but the bites cause him to scratch and lick (I think he's allergic to the bite). Personally I think Florida needs more freezing weather to kill of these pesky bugs! There is a drowsy state, between sleeping and waking, when you dream more in five minutes with your eyes half open, and yourself half conscious of everything that is passing around you, than you would in five nights with your eyes fast closed and your senses wrapt in perfect unconsciousness. ~Charles Dickens