
Thursday, March 20, 2025

Spring is Here!

Well, according to the calendar Spring is here.  We had a small front move through the area this morning which dropped the temperature a wee bit.  Had some gentle rain but once it passed through the sun came out and it was quite pleasant the rest of the day.

We didn't venture out.  Jim slept in and I was up at my normal time before the sun came out.  I was able to work on some cards while he slept.

Did all sorts of exciting stuff before he got out of bed...Like laundry, run the know noisy things...but it didn't wake him up.  That man knows how to sleep!

I also stripped the bed and changed over to our light colored, floral quilt.  Now the bedroom is more summery.

We both had a nap and I'm sure Jim will stay up late because his nap was a long one!  

We had a bizarre thing happen earlier this evening.  A person walked into our  apartment!  This poor child was mentally challenged but very friendly!  She had her puppy with her.  I went outside to see if there was anyone looking for her but after about ten minutes Jim called 911 and they said they'd come around.  

They were able to find where she lived, so all is well.  They stopped by to tell us and the father came by and thanked us.  I'm glad we were able to help but I think I'll lock our door from now on!

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

I love grocery shopping!

I love reading labels and discovering new items to eat.  I especially like when my favorites are on sale.  Today was fun shopping at Whole Foods with Sonsearae.  She gets it....look for sale items, see if there's something new etc.  Trying to find compliant foods for the various diets we all consume.  I try to find food items that are healthier for Jim and I.  He pretty much doesn't care what he eats but I prefer he eats whole foods and I try to entice him.  I'm not saying I eat as healthy as I should but I'm always striving to do better
The weather today was perfect!  This time of years has us with warm days and cool nights.  I understand another front is going to bring us colder weather, according to Jim.  The older he gets the less tolerant he is of the cold

These cards are made with Echo Parks, House of Pooh

Are you a lucky person?  Do you enter giveaways?  I do and lately I've been wining!  Like the Package of House of Pooh I made the cards with.  Yesterday I got a huge box of Goodies from another giveaway. And an envelope of ephemera from just joining a stash busting group.   

All is right in our world